The Curse

I Still Love You [Chaennie★Jensoo]



It's show time!


"Let give a big applause for Jennie Kim!"


I tried my best to smile although it was very hard because i was so nervous. I waved to the audiences in the studio and also the cameras. I hoped my smile didn't look awkward. I felt my heart pumping so hard and fast. Oh, I kinda like this sensation. I love hearing or feeling my beating heart. It's a proof that I'm still alive.


"How are you feeling, Jennie?" The host started to ask me question.


"Great!" I answered very shortly. One word. Don't blame me. Blame it to my nervousness.


"Three days ago, you released your new song." 


"Yes. Its title is BEGINNER. I hope you all like it" I bowed a little. Trying to be polite.

Yeah, good job, Jennie.. Come on, you can do it.

"Can you tell us what the song is about?"

You want me to tell you a novel about me?

"Sure. This song is about someone who suffering a lot that pain has become her trauma. Thinking that she don't want to feel the pain again. Thinking that she doesn't want to live anymore. But then she was awaken and realized that she just need go back to the beginning. Leave everything behind that makes you sad and restart your live. Remember the day that you were born. That everyone is beginner." 

"Wow. That’s so deep."

I felt like riding emotional rollercoaster when writing this song

"Yeah. I hope that this song can motivate other people. I want my music become an inspiration or help other people."

"You wrote the song?"

I nodded shyly.

“This must be have special meaning for you..”

I took a deep breath before answered.

"Yes. I wrote the song about six months ago. When I decided that I want to comeback. I dedicated this song to myself 2 years ago. I'm so grateful that she didn't give up and keep surviving. She had through many happy and sad moments. All days that has passed by has created what myself today. So, what I'm doing right now is gratitude to my own self."

"Very interesting. Thank you for coming here in this studio, Jennie Kim. I hope to see you again in other opportunity. So now let us watch the music video for BEGINNER.."

Ah, finally it's over. I felt so relieved. I greeted the staff one by one, shook their hands and said thank you. It was a way to build good relationship in this cruel industry. Then I walked to the parking lot with Sunny, my manager.

"You did great job!" She exclaimed

"I was doing nothing, just answered some questions." I said casually..

"But for me you are fantastic. You are always fantastic.."

"Thankyou.." I replied with smile plastered on my face.

"This is your only schedule for today. You can go home and take a rest. You have to do rehearsal tomorrow for your first live performance."


"Oh.. One thing, Jennie.."

"What?" I looked at her.

Sunny looked hesitant before answered.
"Your ex group will also attend the show. You want me to arrange for you to not meet them?"

I thought for a moment..

"Just forget it. You can enjoy your free time now. You already work hard enough." I patted her arm softly.

"I'm just worried that it will affect your performance."

I gave my manager reassure smile..

"I can't avoid them forever. I don't want to runaway no more.."

She smiled back at me.

"Fine. I got it."

We separated way and I finally reached my home and headed straightly to my beloved bed room. I threw my body onto my bed and hugged my pillow. Suddenly I heard a beep sound from my phone. I took my phone and check my message. My smile grew so big when I saw 'Chicken Head' name was displayed on the phone screen. I opened the message.

'Oi JenJen DeukiDeuki, I saw you on TV. Your skin was shining so brightly, what skin care that you use? Tell me. How can you be so prettyy *sobbing* It's not fair~. I need justice!'

I let out a small laughter. This satan woman was really something. I typed the reply quickly..




Darkness has covered the sky in Seoul City, but two young girl still seen in a dance practice room inside YG building. One girl still practicing her dance moving, while the other one sit in a corner with her back lean on the wall.

"Jisoo Unnie, please stop. It's already dark. You don’t want to go home? Don't be too hard to yourself. You're so tired already. I don't want you to get sick. Everyone else has gone already. You're not afraid it's just the two of us here?" Jennie turned her head to left and right.

Jisoo, the 17 years old trainee, stop dancing. She walked toward Jennie and sit cross-legged in front of her. She still panting hard.

"Aigooo, Jennie. You're such a scared baby.." Jisoo mocked Jennie.

"I want to go home.." Jennie said with pout on her lips


Jennie look at Jisoo with disbelieve.

"Why? I should be the one who ask you why you don't want to go home yet? It's late already."

Jisoo stay silent. Jennie knew Jisoo very well. Judging from Jisoo’s face, Jennie knew there was something wrong.

"Any problem?" Jennie asked carefully.

"Monthly evaluation.." Jisoo said weakly.

Jennie finally understood. Monthly evaluation was like a horror movie that every trainee scared of. If you passed the evaluation, you could smiled because you still have hope in reaching your dream to become a K-Pop idol. But, if you didn't pass the evaluation there were two possibility. One, they still give you another chance. Or two, you must say goodbye to you dream.

"The said there was nothing special with my performance. That I'm just ordinary girl and I'm not work hard enough. They said if I'm not serious it's better if I quit the trainee. And they also said my strength is just my beautiful face. If I'm not the strong candidate to be the Visual, then I must be kicked out already."

Jisoo and Jennie were inseparable best friend since they met as YG trainee. Jennie joint the trainee first and Jisoo joint 2 years later. They are each other's support system. But, Jennie was luckier in monthly evaluation. She was a multi-talented girl. Her special ability was rapping but she also very good in dancing, singing, and writing lyric. She often got praises from coaches. While Jisoo sometimes must facing struggles. She needed to improve her dancing skill. Actually she was a very good vocalist but need a lot more practice.

"I think I don't deserve to be here. All of you are much better than me." sadness could be heard clearly from Jisoo’s voice.

"Ssttt.. don't say that." Jennie shook her head

"That's the truth.."

Jennie thought what she should say to console her best friend.

"Let me ask you. What is your dream?" Jennies asked Jisoo.

Jisoo closed her eyes and thought for moment. When she finally got the answered, she opened her eyes.

"Performing on a big stage. Standing, singing, dancing all around the world." Jisoo said with 100% certainty. 

"Me too. This is what I want to do the most. I even refused my parents' wish for me to continue my study in United State. I went back from New Zealand to South Korea and doing this."

Jennie paused for a moment. 

"Listen. We're here not because we deserve it or not. But because of our dreams. I've became trainee longer than you. I don't always get good result. Sometimes they tell me that my performance is horrible. But, so what? This is the process. If they tell you you're not good enough, then you just have to work harder. Unnie, we will get through this together. We'll keep support each other, right? I support you. You support me. Until the end. No matter what happen."

Jisoo wiped her tears and nodded. Jennie reached out her little finger. Jisoo looked at her with the expression ‘what the heck is this?’

Jennie rolled her eyes..

"Pinky promise. Come on, Unnie"

"You think I'm a kid??"

"What should we do~?? We are really still kids" Jennie said with her baby voice.

"What if I give you middle finger?"

"Jisoo Unnie, just give me your hand!" Jennie started to pissed off.

With her other hand, Jennie grabbed Jisoo's hand and intertwined her little fingers. They made their pinky promise.

"So, this is our promise. It's a deal.." Jennie said in serious tone.

Jisoo felt warmth filled her heart. After the sadness that she felt, she found a happiness that day. A simple moment that could erase her sadness.

"Jennie, let me tell you one thing. This is my curse for you."

"What? Curse?" Jennie looked confused.

"With this promise, I curse you to be my friend forever. Let's protect each other. No one will leave each other. No matter what. It doesn't matter if we keep being here, or one of us is kicked out, or both us leave this trainee, we will still be together. This curse is lasting forever. No spell that can break this curse. Do you understand?"

Jennie didn't reply. But her gummy smile was already showed her answer.

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Chapter 7: what's next authornim?
please make this chaennie end game authornim...
SaySaySouffleee #3
Chapter 7: Hi umm, if you have time, could you possibly update because I I’ve basically read almost every chaennie ff I’ve found and this the next one I wanna finish. Amazing plot btw!
reysh1810 #4
Chapter 1: Author gonna update ?
Michae47 #5
Chapter 7: came here for channie, so please be channie end gamee wuhuhj
Chapter 4: It was really sweet as Jennie sent those notes to Chaeng.
Chapter 3: this is very sad
babyblackpink #8
Chapter 7: I hope Lisa and Chae will understand jennie and I'm still thinking about the chaennie memories, i am excited for the next chapter. Thank you for the double update :)
babyblackpink #9
Chapter 6: aw jensoo's friendship.
Chapter 5: I read this because of chaennie tag.