
High School With Famous Idols

"Hello? Wooyoung?" I said through the phone

"Uh..yeah. Hey there _____!" He greeted

"You want to meet up later today?"

"Sure! We haven't seen each other in a while" He agreed

"Want to go to Lotte World? Since you're going to Japan soon, why not have some fun?"


"Tonight at 5pm? Near the...food court?"


"Alright, I'll be waiting for you there at one of the tables. Byebye~" I said then hung up

"How'd it go?" Kikwang asked sittiing on top of the slide

"He agreed! And get down you could get hurt!" I pointed at him

"Alright, alright" He jumped down, then slid down

"All you have to do is get IU to come a little earlier than Wooyoung" I said

"Alright" Kikwang took out his phone

He dialed a few numbers then held it to his ear, "Hey IU! You busy today? No? You want to meet at Lotte World? Alright! Let's meet up at 4:55pm near the food court! See you there! Bye!"

I laughed, "You sounded so happy!"

"Well, at least she agreed to come" Kikwang put his phone away

"You wanna go get disguises?" I asked

"Like wigs and all?"


Kikwang looked at me weirdly, "Do we really need them..."

"Nope, let's just get like sunglasses and hats. Come on!" I grabbed his hand


4:50 Lotte World

"Oh! There's IU!" Kikwang whispered

I peeked over and saw IU looking around, "She's here 5 minutes early"

"And I guess Wooyoung is 10 minutes early" Kikwang pointed

I looked at where he pointed and saw Wooyoung also looking around, IU and Wooyoung seemed to have seen each other because they walked towards each other smiling.

"And there's our hired man!" I pointed at someone walking towards them

Kikwang and I asked one of the workers to give both of them a note that said that we couldn't make it because we suddenly had important things to do. The worker handed them the note then walked away, Wooyoung seemed to be reading the note aloud. Then they both looked up at each other with puzzled looks, Wooyoung then said something to IU and she nodded.

"Hey! They're going somewhere" Kikwang whispered

"Let's follow them" I whispered back


We followed Wooyoung and IU until they stopped at one of the rides, IU pointed at it and said something. Wooyoung nodded and they both got into the line.

"I can't hear them at all" I said

"You wanna go on too?" Kikwang asked

"Sure, why not?" I agreed and we also got into the line keeping our distance

We got onto the ride just a few seats away from Wooyoung and IU, they seemed to be chatting happily and enjoying each other's company.


After 30 Minutes

I sighed, resting my cheek on my palm "You know this is pretty boring"

"Agreed, I don't think we're going to have to follow them around anymore. They're perfectly fine together" Kikwang said

"You wanna just walk around or go on some rides?" I asked


We walked around for a while, going on any rides that we thought were interesting. Kikwang played at one of the game booths winning me a huge plush penguin. I beamed as Kikwang handed it to me.

"It's so cute!" I hugged it

Kikwang affectionately smiled at me, "What do you want to name it?"

"I'll name it Kiki! Kiki the penguin" I laughed

Kikwang laughed along, "It's getting late would you like to go home?"

"Okay" I nodded

We walked out of the park into the parking lot, when I suddenly began laughing again. Kikwang looked at me puzzled.

"You know, we'd totally fail as spies. I mean what kind of spy would get bored? Spies are suppose to stay on task" I explained

"Oh" Kikwang chuckled

"Wow, we . Oh well at least Wooyoung and IU had some time together"

"Maybe they'll become a couple soon!" Kikwang exclaimed

"Hopefully, I think they'd be cute together"

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Sorry! My internet's down for a few days, I can't update. But I'll update as soon as it's back on! Sorry!


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Chapter 55: This was such a cute story! And haha 'pabo kwang'!! :')
I read all your stories today~ Hehe. I like this the best~
Chapter 55: Its finally Finished wst a great story so sad its over
TiffanyWiz #4
Chapter 55: OuO Finally! hehe it completed!! U did a great job,Author!!!Thanks you so much for this amazing cute fanfic (x Hope to see more fanfics from u soon,author :D
Yes beast is awesome lolol
Oh wow LOL so funny *spying *
TiffanyWiz #7
Update update *chanting* XD I want to know what Kikwang said to IU
bigcabitop #8
Hi!! :) just read the while story!!! :)) please update soon!! :)))