
High School With Famous Idols

Science Class

Only a few more hours until I'm single again! And Kikwang would of completed the dare, but then again, everyone thinks that we're really dating. I shook my head, and walked towards my seat sat down, CL wasn't here yet. I sighed and rested my head on my hand.

"Sorry class, there will be no science class today because of uh...." The teacher walked around the room grabbing her bags and stuff with her "I have something to do today, actually all the teachers are busy so all first classes are cancelled"

Everyone cheered and high-fived each other then ran out of the room, and right at that moment all the other classes got dismissed, so the halls were all loud and noisy. I took my time walking out of the class, once I got out I looked around in the halls, but didn't see any of the 2NE1 girls. I sighed and was about to walk away until someone called me.

"_____!" I heard two voices shout my name

"Hmm?" I turned around and saw both Kikwang and L.Joe

"_____! Let's go somewhere!" L.Joe said happily

"Jagiya, come on let's go to BEAST's room!" Kikwang said

"I can't go with both of you" I said looking at them

"Then pick one of us" Kikwang said

"Emm..." I put one arm around my waist and my other hand in front of my mouth thinking

"Noonaaa~" I heard my brother, the one and only Yang Yoseob call me

I was about to turn around but then I felt Yoseob put an arm around me, I looked at him, he put both of his hands in front of his face

"Don't kill me" He whimpered

"Why are you here?" I asked him

He openned his mouth to say something but then the school speakers went off and the principal's voice came on.

"Ahem, all students please report to the auditorium we have special performances. Thank you"

"See that's what I was gonna tell you! We're gonna perform on stage!" Yoseob said happily after the announcement ended

"We? What do you mean 'We'?" I asked

"Yeah we. You know all the famous celebrities are gonna perform! That includes you, me, Kikwang and L.Joe hyung!"

"But we didn't have any rehearsals or anything" I said crossing my arms

"Doesn't matter, let's go Noona" Yoseob pulled me away

Both Kikwang and L.Joe were standing there staring at us blankly until they saw that I was getting pulled away by Yoseob.

"Yoseob, you should of told us earlier so we could of practiced!" Kikwang shouted

Yoseob shrugged, "I just found out the beginning of class"

"Ughh, I'll see you guys later" L.Joe waved then ran off in the opposite direction that we were going

"So who else is performing?" I asked as I linked arms with both guys

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Sorry! My internet's down for a few days, I can't update. But I'll update as soon as it's back on! Sorry!


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Chapter 55: This was such a cute story! And haha 'pabo kwang'!! :')
I read all your stories today~ Hehe. I like this the best~
Chapter 55: Its finally Finished wst a great story so sad its over
TiffanyWiz #4
Chapter 55: OuO Finally! hehe it completed!! U did a great job,Author!!!Thanks you so much for this amazing cute fanfic (x Hope to see more fanfics from u soon,author :D
Yes beast is awesome lolol
Oh wow LOL so funny *spying *
TiffanyWiz #7
Update update *chanting* XD I want to know what Kikwang said to IU
bigcabitop #8
Hi!! :) just read the while story!!! :)) please update soon!! :)))