Cooking skills

Beyond the end of all worlds

My teeth were chattering as I rang the doorbell to Taemin's house. I didn't have to wait for long until the door opened, and I gratefully slipped inside, pulling the door closed behind me. Taemin stood and looked at me with a huge smile covering his face as he watched me take of my coat.

"I'm so happy you're here, hyung!"

I smiled back at him and gave him a hug.

"Of course, what would you ever do without me?" I teased and ruffled his hair. "That Minho guy would probably die from food poisoning if I didn't help you out, so how could I not?"

He rolled his eyes and walked towards the kitchen with me trailing after him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever hyung. I'm not that bad at cooking."

The state of the kitchen said otherwise, though. There was things everywhere. Half empty milk cartons, magazines, pots, pans, egg shells, sprinkles, opened chocolate bars, pens, unwashed plates and vanilla powder was all over the counter top, making it look as if it had snowed on the site of a bomb detonation.

Taemin seemed to be oblivious of how the kitchen looked though, so I decided upon not telling him exact what I thought about his cooking skills.

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patchiee #1
cute chapters ^^
I love you :3