Him and I

Sabrina winced as the plane came to a full stop, she remained seated and let her secretary handle everything else.

There were a million things running in her mind as of the moment.

She hasn’t been in Seoul for years now, her brother didn’t even text her back when she messaged him that she’s flying home and her parents were on a cruise. The two will be back in three more months.

“Ma’am, the car is already waiting.”

She opened her eyes, she nodded back at William and grabbed her purse. Sabrina stood up and made her way towards the end of plane, the cabin door was opened and she headed down the steps.

“What time is it?” She looked around her, it was dark and chilly.

“Almost seven in the evening, vice president. I already arranged dinner plans.”

“Dinner plans? What are you talking about?” She muttered as she got inside the waiting Mercedes Benz sedan.

“I tried calling the residence, it seems that the young master is out. I asked the kitchen to prepare dinner according to your taste. Your difficult taste.” William said, trying to cheer her up.

“Oppa went out?” But, she didn’t fail to notice one thing.

“Yes, the butler said that he had a prior appointment.”

Sabrina sighed and nodded back, the car started to move away from the private aircraft.

“Are things..between you and the young master not getting any better?”

“I’m trying, I think I really ed up this time.” She exhaled and fixed the sleeves of her sweater.


“It’s fine. It’s not like I can change things anyway.”



“For Christmas?” Mark spoke, he walked towards the windows and bit his lip.

“I was hoping we could all spend Christmas together this year.” His mother replied over the phone, the young male nodded.

“I’m okay with that, ma. Where do you have in mind?”

He glanced when he saw Jinyoung walk in the office, he raised his brows at the male.

“This can wait.” Jinyoung mouthed back before sitting down.

“I don’t know, maybe Taiwan? Or there? I feel bad, you’re all alone in Seoul.”

“Anywhere is okay, ma. Don’t worry about me.” Mark assured her, Jinyoung smiled.

Mark ended the call and faced his friend.

“What brings you here?”

“I just wanted to check on you.” He grinned at him, Mark paused.

“Check on me? Why?”

“Don’t play dumb. Who did we bump into the airport again?”

Mark’s forehead creased and then he shrugged, shaking it off. Or, acting as if he could shake it off.

“You never told us that you and her brother are still okay.” Jinyoung said carefully, Mark nodded back.

“Hyung’s always been…chill.

Jinyoung leaned back on his seat and eyed his friend.

“It’s been three years, Mark. And you still won’t fly back to LA.”

“I spent most of my life there, I’m not missing the place anytime soon.” Mark explained as he opened his laptop, JInyoung exhaled, letting it go.

“Fine. Be a closed book.”

“I don’t see the need to fly home, drop it.”



“I just finished dinner, sorry for not picking up your calls.” Sabrina spoke as she walked in her room.

“Oh, did your oppa make you’re your favorites?”

“Oppa’s not home, eomma. He has a meeting or something.”

“What? He didn’t pick up at the airport?” Her mother screeched, the girl winced.

Sabrina chewed on her lower lip, not knowing what to say.

“Eomma, it’s fine, he’s busy.”

“Still, he should have at least had dinner with you.”

“Let it go, eomma. I wanted to eat in peace anyway, oppa would just attack me with questions.”

“Right, what made you come home in a rush? Is something wrong?”

Sabrina lifted herself on the windowsill and leaned back, she looked at the nice view of the city before her.

“Nothing really, I suddenly had this thought of..taking a break, a short vacation or something.” She fibbed, she checked the time again. It was already two in the morning and her brother had not come home yet.

“I guess your fiancé finally got to your head, you haven’t been in Seoul for years.”

The girl paused, she grabbed her laptop to check her emails.

“Why didn’t Shownu come by for dinner? Is he~”

“Well, I this decision to fly home was made in such a rush that I forgot to~”

“You forgot to tell him?” Now, her mother sounded disappointed, she grimaced.

“Sooeyon-ah, that isn’t how a marriage should work. You should call him.”

Sabrina puffed her cheeks and let her mother continue with her nagging while she checked her emails.

“I’ll call him later, eomma. Don’t worry. Hurry home.” She murmured, she could almost see the lady smile.

Sabrina put her phone down and padded towards her bookshelf, she reached for the upper shelf, searching for her copy of Wuthering Heights.

But she lost balance and a medium sized box came tumbling down, Sabrina groaned as it landed on her toes.

Oh, god.” She muttered as she knelt to down to pick it up, but she halted when she saw the contents of the box that were now spilled on the floor.

Her fingers hovered over the Harry Winston charm bracelet, and she sighed. Her eyes went to the photos beside it and she picked up one.

It was a photo taken during their junior year in Stanford, he was smiling for the camera while Sabrina was browsing through a book. She noticed the matching timepieces on their wrists, she let out a shaky breath before putting it down.

“Not today, Sabrina.”

Sabrina closed her eyes briefly before tossing everything in the box and leaving her room.



“Ya, it’s your sister and she hasn’t been home in a while.”

Changmin rolled his eyes and flinched as the girl slapped his arm.

“I know you’re still a little angry with her, but still, you~”

“A bit? She’s lost me when she said yes to him.” Changmin pointed out, sounding very similar to a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.

“Your sister’s not a child. She knows what she’s doing.”

He shrugged, the girl sighed and laced her fingers with his.

“Don’t..prolong this, I know you miss her.”

“I do, I just…really hoped she thought this through.”

“You’re taking it all out on her, and yet you never even spoke to Shownu. That’s unfair, Shim Changmin-ssi.” She pointed out as they walked in the restaurant together.

“If a man proposes, who really has control over the whole thing? Him, too? Is he also the one going to accept the ring?”

“This is where I get lost, do you not approve of him? Or, you don’t want your sister to be married yet?”

Changmin pulled the chair for her, but she stopped, wanting to get an honest reply.

“What is it? I know this has been troubling you for quite a while now.” She faced him, she reached out to cup his cheek.

“It’s…It doesn’t feel right, she shouldn’t have to…settle for less. Or rush things.”

“For less? Shownu’s family owns~”

“I am aware of that, trust me, I do. But, my sister,” Changmin’s forehead creased.

“Were you angry that…she rained on your parade?”

Changmin balked at her, offended. She started to grin.

“I mean, that day you were going to introduce us to each other, but then she shoved the ring on your face so…”

“I am not that petty.” Changmin pointed, she arched one brow at him.

“I am not petty.” He murmured, she laughed and patted his hand.

“I don’t think she realizes how this can backfire on her, and that worries me.” Changmin said softly.

“Backfire? Shownu loves her, I mean, I can see it from the way he talks about her.”

“But does she?” Changmin replied, the girl blinked at him. Changmin smiled and gestured for her to sit down.

She took her seat and the waiter approached them with menus in hand.

“What do you mean?”

“Does she love him back?”




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Hi, so I'm kind of back with the updates.
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Chapter 20: Please don’t discontinue this🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 20: Praying hard so that you will continue to write this story.
springrose #3
I hope you consider continuing this ver of him and I too 💗
Chapter 16: Life and fate doesn't play fair
Markie and Sabbie hope you'll 'come back' again
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 20: Back readinv authornim....
Love all your stories.
ranimrtd17 #7
Chapter 20: authornim! i always loved your story and keep getting back to your stories. This plot are new to me based on how you write stories. I like how you make stories with mark that intresting than others. I hope you'll update and completed this as soon as possible! Tons of readers are waiting for you <3
Dear authornim , i love your story involving marktuan . Like hey , all ur story about him is sooo good . But this one is nice though you didnt completed it yet . Like its been a year ago your updated this last chap . Pleasee can you update soon . 🥺
Hi! I hope you update this one hehe
husnaahmarizam #10
Chapter 20: Hi author.. I really hope you update this story of Mark version.. I really want to know what actually happen to them.. I really really hope you could update.. Hmmmm thank you authornim for always make good story.. TT TT