Him and I

Sabrina grimaced as she dragged herself from the bed, she looked around her, disoriented. She had slept in and jetlag was a .

She scrambled towards her phone and realized that it was already two in the afternoon, she yawned before asking for coffee to be prepared for her and then the girl headed towards the bathroom.

She came out, wide awake from her shower. She smiled as she saw the pot of coffee in her room.

“It’s good to have you back, young miss.” The family butler greeted her warmly.

“Yes, it’s been a while, ahjussi, where’s my brother? He wont pick up my calls.”

The man paused briefly, before clearing his throat.

“You can always call the younger master’s secretary, don’t worry.”

“You know that he hasn’t been talking to me, huh?”

The male was pouring her some coffee, he looked up and gave her a solemn nod.

“I noticed it.”

Sabrina sighed, she grabbed her phone and called her brother’s assistant.

“Director, good afternoon,” The male answered after a few rings.

“I know that my brother asked you to not tell me where he is.” Her tone changed, she stood up from the leather couch.

The butler smiled, amused and he quietly left the room.

“I—It’s not that, director. It’s~”

“I’m not angry, don’t worry. I just need you to tell me where he is right now.”

“He’s in meeting~”

“I am his sister. And I am fully aware that Shim Changmin doesn’t take afternoon meetings on weekends, so, are we going to try this the easier way, or,”

She stood by the windows and exhaled.

“Are you going try me again?”




“Why didn’t you tell me you were flying home?”

Sooyeon shook her head as she got inside the Audi, she put her purse aside before replying.

“It was unplanned, oppa. Something came up, and I knew I just had to be home. When will you back?”

She started the car, Shownu was in Jeju for a business conference and he was sulking because he had no idea she’d be in Seoul.

“Tomorrow evening, can I see you?”

Sabrina nodded as she sped out of the property, her eyes landed on the ring on her finger.

“Oppa, you’re always welcome to drop by. I’ll probably be home tomorrow, my parents are out of town too.” She told him, she checked the navigation on the screen and her brows rose.

“I’ll call you again later, oppa. I’m driving now.”

“Okay, be careful. I’m really happy you’re in town.”

Sabrina ended the call and dialed another number, it only took two rings before someone picked up.

“Yes, Shim~”

“I know who I’m calling, this is Shim Sooyeon.” She spoke, there was a soft gasp from the other line.

“Director, to~”

“Seong Ahyeon. Who is she?”

“A—Ah, the vice president’s gir~”

“I know that. But, who she is?” She repeated as she shifted lanes, her eyes went to the ring on her finger again, her lips pursed.

“She’s the current head director for Seong Architecture, she is also the only daughter of the company’s president, Seong Junho.”

“Ah, they were the one who renovated the Ulsan office, right?” She asked, she checked the screen again, she was already near her destination.

“Yes, she took over almost three years ago, director.”

“Got that, thanks.” Sooyeon eased in her speed and her lips quirked up.

“Oppa’s in love. How cute.”




“Ah, you have to meet that new client next week? Is it a big project?” Changmin asked, the girl shook her head.

“It’s not…Well, it is a big one. But, I don’t want to discuss it when it hasn’t been totally approved yet.”

“You don’t want to jinx it?” He asked with a playful grin as they walked into the café.

“You’re one of the best interior designers of our time, I don’t see why this wont be approved, besides, that company would be stupid~”

“Okay, calm down.”

“Ahyeon-ah,” He said as he pulled the chair for her.

“What do you feel about taking the weekend off? How about a short road trip?”

The girl sat down, she put her Chanel purse aside and waited for him to sit.

“I’m all up for it, although, I know you want to get away from the city.”

Changmin scrunched his nose at her.

“You have to talk to her, she’s probably here because of you.”

“She can always email.”

“Email? Shim Changmin, you heartless soul.” She said, her tone flat, Changmin crossed his arms.

“I don’t~”

“I agree.” Another voice chimed in, and then another chair was added to their table.

Ahyeon watched as this young lady, dressed in nicely fitting jersey dress and Converse sneakers take the seat between them.

“You heartless soul.” She repeated, Changmin exhaled and shook his head.

“Just how hard is it to talk to you? I don’t even know why I’m being ignored.” The girl crossed her legs and leaned back on the chair.


“Hi, I’m Shim Sooyeon.” She spoke, Ahyeon turned to her and smiled.

“Seong Ahyeon, nice to meet you.” She replied, the girl shook her hand.

“Do you want me to give you an advice, unnie?” She asked, Ahyeon couldn’t help but marvel at the siblings’ similarities.

“What is it?”

“Sabrina.” Changmin spoke, but he was shushed with a finger by his sister. Ahyeon almost laughed out loud.

“Leave him. You deserve someone better, my oppa’s could hearted as~”

“Welcome home, Sabbie. I missed you.” Changmin suddenly chirped, Ahyeon grinned at him.

“I like how you easily turned the tables in one swift move.” Ahyeon praised her, the latter shrugged.

“I’ll see you at home, Sooyeon?” Changmin spoke, the girl stood up.

“Join us.” Ahyeon spoke to her.

“It’s fine, I don’t want to force myself here. I just needed my brother to listen. Thanks for being nice, unnie.” Sooyeon smiled at her, then her gaze turned to her brother.

“That was really mean of you, oppa.” She stated before walking away from their table.




“If you don’t go after her, I’m going to~”

Changmin stood up from his seat and jogged after his sibling.


But, she was already at a good distance from him, she made her towards the end of the block without turning back, it was obvious that she was checking her phone. Changmin sighed and picked up his pace.

Now, he was rethinking everything. Maybe, he should have picked her up at the airport or bought her dinner last night.


A group of familiar people suddenly stepped out one of the nearby restaurants. One of them saw him and smiled.

“Hyung,” Jinyoung called, Jaebum and Mark were right behind him. Changmin stilled, his eyes widened in surprise. The three eventually went up to him, partially covering his view of Sabrina. His gaze went to Mark and he immediately looked away.


“We meet again, hyung.” Jaebum greeted him, he nodded back. Sabrina had disappeared from his sight.

“Ah, yes. I’m out with Ahyeon. What are you three up to?” Changmin said, Mark looked up and smiled at him.

“We were trying out this newly opened pasta place, but Miyeon ditched us last minute, hyung.” Jinyoung stated with a shrug.

This is crazy.

If I had delayed Sabrina for even a second, whoa.

“Anyway, I have to go first. It’s nice seeing you again, hyung.” Mark spoke up, Changmin nodded at him.

“You too. I’m glad you decided to work in Seoul, Mark.” Changmin said to the younger male, Mark paused briefly, probably a little taken aback by his words. Jaebum and Jinyougn grinned at each other.

“See you around, hyung.” Mark replied good-naturedly, his two friends followed him and they crossed the street.

Changmin puffed his cheeks, still amused by what just happened. He turned his back and started to make his way towards the café.

“Well, I hope I do see you around, Mark.” He mused to himself as he went up the steps.








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Hi, so I'm kind of back with the updates.
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Chapter 20: Please don’t discontinue this🫠🫠🫠
Chapter 20: Praying hard so that you will continue to write this story.
springrose #3
I hope you consider continuing this ver of him and I too 💗
Chapter 16: Life and fate doesn't play fair
Markie and Sabbie hope you'll 'come back' again
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 20: Back readinv authornim....
Love all your stories.
ranimrtd17 #7
Chapter 20: authornim! i always loved your story and keep getting back to your stories. This plot are new to me based on how you write stories. I like how you make stories with mark that intresting than others. I hope you'll update and completed this as soon as possible! Tons of readers are waiting for you <3
Dear authornim , i love your story involving marktuan . Like hey , all ur story about him is sooo good . But this one is nice though you didnt completed it yet . Like its been a year ago your updated this last chap . Pleasee can you update soon . 🥺
Hi! I hope you update this one hehe
husnaahmarizam #10
Chapter 20: Hi author.. I really hope you update this story of Mark version.. I really want to know what actually happen to them.. I really really hope you could update.. Hmmmm thank you authornim for always make good story.. TT TT