Mission Briefing


A bus stopped in front of NIS headquarter. This some fancy building was her first thought upon setting her foot and seeing the scenery. Although it still felt bizarre for a girl who just graduated from police university not too long ago to landed her first job here,even though she graduated with full honor and the top of her class. I hit a jackpot...i guess. Leaving those doubt behind,she nervously tidy up her tie,her suit and her neatly tied ponytail hair,all told she was dressed for the occation.

She was slated to met Captain Lee,Director of Sector 9. The newly arrived girl had a couple of minutes to spare before the appointment time,as she sat down in the waiting room,doing her best to recall her research from the night before about this organization she had the fortune to join.

Sector 9 is one of many branch within the NIS,some called it the anti mad-scientist organization. Created for the sole purpose of supervising every research conducted by every scientist there is in this country. If some of them gone rogue and pose a threat to the government and the nation,well,Sector 9 will swoop down and ‘rehabilitate’ them. So she was told and knew.

Captain Lee’s secretary beckoned her name,guided her to the office. to the girl’s surprise,Captain Lee was not some banged up grizzled middle age man she envisioned like those in some gritty espionage movie. She guessed her age couldn’t be that far from herself,with flowing black hair that ended in her shoulder. Her eagle-eyed gaze seems to be inspecting a file report in her hand.

“You’re Kim Jungeun,correct?” Captain Lee asked thus subverting her gaze to the unsuspecting well dressed girl who just entered her office.

“Yes ma’am,reporting for duty” Jungeun answered with a proper salute

“Ease up will you,it’s not the police academy anymore. sit”

Jungeun did as she told and sat in front of her,half nervous and half excited like any new recruits. Her eyes fixed to the nameplate in the table that read Cpt. Lee Saerom

“your files is quite impressive. Top of your class in Investigation. We’ll see about that...” Captain Lee mumbles but loud enough to reach Jungeun’s ear,while reaching down her desk’s cabinet to obtain another file report and handed them to Jungeun.

“your first task,Operative Kim is to seek the whereabout of this particular robotics scientist named Jo Haseul. She had fall out of Sector 9’s radar for quite some time. Every detail of our target is in your hand” Captain Lee explained whilst Jungeun sift through the report and read it meticulously.

...member of Mensa..admitted to Hanyang University’s Department of Robotics at a young age. Nothing strange about her,just run of the mill misunderstood genius maybe? Why is she kept under watch and wanted by Sector 9? For stealing her own property? Odd. A pupil of Professor Jeong...

the girl was not the issue here. hers and her mentor’s A.I. blueprint that Sector 9 concerned of. If it ended up in wrong hands,storm are bound to happen. We believed she still had them but none was quite sure what she’s going to do with it.  Predecessor of mine was recently forced to resigned and soon apprehended for receiving bribes from Haseul’s benefactor,Jeon Heejin. In exchange for deliberately stalling Sector 9’s investigation on Haseul’s research.”

“the Jeon Heejin...the girl who inherited and run Jeon-Tech?”

“correct. So far,Jeon-Tech had publicly deny any involvement about those bribery issue and will possibly escaped from it scots free.

These fiasco was started when,under General Yang’s directive,the Ministry of Defence,without the consent of NIS and the Sector 9, forcibly seized all of the research conducted by these two scientists,including one fully functioning organic-cyborg named Kahei. Reason being for the good and safety of our nation” Captain Lee thus scoffed

“paranoia is more like it. and General Yang is not a paragon of virtue either,guy got shady dealings behind the scene. Half of NIS leading directors are rumored to be General Yang’s men, and backed by the Son Industry.”

“And it’s up to us to find out the truth about it.”

“eager are you? that’s what i like about newly graduated operatives. Unlike some tired old schmuck the previous director had. Geared up,You might want to start at the abandoned industrial district at the outskirts of Seoul. If i was some runaway robotic scientist secretly bankrolled by Jeon-Tech to continue my research,that’s where i will built my lab.”

“Got it,capt.” Jungeun said satisfyingly. “Is it a one woman operation,or..”

“Glad you asked..else i would’ve forgot. One of my operatives are already working onto Jeon-Tech, and i sent the other to keep an eye on the youngest daughter and heir apparent to the Son Industry conglomerate...i’ll gave you her contact later. it’s her first day of school today...expect to hear from her around lunchtime.” Captain Lee concluded as she gave Jungeun a phone.

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Chapter 7: inch resting,,, i wonder if yerim is,,,,, hehe
Chapter 6: please be a good guy,,,, please be a good guy
Chapter 5: s-son industry?!?
Chapter 4: oh no :(( poor hyunjin
Chapter 3: dont think i didnt catch the chapter title hehe,,, im really liking this!!
Chapter 2: woahhhh shes gonna have emotions???
Chapter 1: omg i love cyborg/robot vivi!! im excited
I'll be really enjoying this one for sure, looking forward from you!