Hidden Break Up

Love Is Ouch


[Park Sandara]


A petite, small girl in tall inch heels comes running toward her friend and world-renowned fashion designer, Jeremy Scott. She smiles brightly and they exchange hugs. “It’s been a while. I’m glad I landed this spot in your show.” She says, laughing.

“Yes, it has, my dear.” Jeremy nods. “The last time I saw you was before I left for Europe and America three years ago! You haven’t aged a day, Dara. And besides,” He playfully nudges her with his elbow. “I might have mentioned your name a few… hundred times.”

She laughs bubbly, her adrenaline pumping. She hasn’t seen Jeremy in years. With her working on her super model status and him designing all around the world, they barely see each other. Unconsciously, she hugs her best friend once more, missing him. They have a lot to catch up on.

As if reading her mind, he asks, “So, how’s the secret lover?” He whispers in her ears, winking.

Dara playfully punches him. “He’s doing well. We just haven’t been able to see each other lately. We’ve both been busy with modeling.”

Jeremy dramatically sighs. “It must be hard for you two lovebirds.” He murmurs.

“Excuse me, Mr. Scott. What does this model wear?” An assistant comes up, asking.

Jeremy sighs, frustrated. “I’m trying to talk to my friend here! Doesn’t anybody know what they’re doing?” He turns back to Dara, apologetic. “I’m sorry, dear. But I must go. I’m glad you’re already wearing your outfit. You’ll be the opening and ending, okay? The show starts in thirty minutes.”

Before Dara could say anything, he leaves, suddenly rushing. Dara chuckles to herself. That’s the Jeremy she knew and loved. He gets serious when there are only a few minutes left on the clock. She looks down on her outfit. She loves Jeremy’s new clothing line. It fits the style she’s been into lately. She looks behind the curtains, hearing the audience talking in clusters. She turns back around, her heart racing. Of course she’s nervous. It’s natural for every model.

But it’s her best friend’s runway show. She hasn’t modeled for him since the days where they were both starting off in the fashion world. She wants this to be perfect. If only Minho was here…

Just then, her eyes catch a familiar-looking, handsome face talking to Jeremy from afar. She squints then her eyes widen. She starts power walking in her heels, careful to not die in them. Her heart pounds against her chest as she realizes it’s him.

“Lee Minho!” She squeals, hugging him from behind.

“Dara.” He whispers to her, pulling her arms away. “People are watching.”

“Oh, right.” She mumbles, walking over to stand next to Jeremy. “I’m sorry. I’ve missed you. What are you doing here?” She smiles brightly, radiating beauty.

The tall, handsome man laughs at Dara’s happiness, feeling a little guilty in his heart. “Your friend asked me to be his model, and I could never deny your best friend, especially if he’s Jeremy Scott.”

“You’re too cute.” She coos, slyly pinching his cheek. 

“I like this guy.” Jeremy says, shaking Minho’s hand. “Take care of Dara, okay?”

Minho could only grunt in response, flashing an uneasy smile. His eyes meet Dara’s. “Can we talk?” He asks her.

“I have to go anyway.” Jeremy sighs sadly, quickly running off after winking at Dara. Dara giggles, happier than usual. She hasn’t seen Minho in a while. It’s so hard for them to meet. Not only is Minho also a model, but he’s also from a rival company. Their companies absolutely loathe each other and they wouldn’t be hesitant to fire both of them if they ever found out about Dara and Minho. So, they kept quiet. Minho takes her hand and starts leading her into her dressing room and closes the door behind him, making them have some privacy from attentive eyes.

Dating behind the papparazzi’s eyes, they went on strong for three months. Dara is especially head over heels for him, but she suddenly feels cold as she sees the distant look in Minho’s eyes. Abruptly feeling despair rise within her, she holds his face in her hands, intently looking into his eyes.

“Minho…” She whispers. “Is something wrong?”

He lets out a long sigh, avoiding her big brown eyes. He hesitantly holds her hands and slides them off his face gently. He looks up beneath his bangs. “Dara… I don’t know how to say this.”

A quiet sob escapes Dara’s throat before she could even realize it herself. She removes her hands from his grip and covers . She looks at him with teary eyes, shaking her head slowly. Minho’s eyes turn sad and he takes a step closer towards her.

“Dara, I’m so sorry. But I don’t think I want to be with you anymore. I really liked you before, but… I’m just so tired of hiding our relationship and being so paranoid all the time when we’re together. I think we should end this.”

Dara closes her eyes, not wanting to see the man in front of her. She shakes her head. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He’s not saying this right now. He can’t be saying this right now. Minho scratches his arms anxiously; hating that he chose this time to tell her. He slowly holds one of Dara’s hands, squeezing gently.

“If it helps, I still want to keep in touch…” He mumbles.

Dara shakes her head once more, finding composure. She opens her eyes and takes her hand away. “That doesn’t help. Please leave, Minho.” She mutters lowly, brokenly. She looks away and stares at her reflection in the vanity table. She doesn’t want to see his face or else she just might get on her knees and beg him to take his words back. She hears the quiet shuffle of his feet walk away and the door opens with a click.

“Minho?” She mumbles out.

“Yes, Dara?”

“Close the door on your way out.”

In a few seconds, the door clicks shut and Dara falls to her knees, already wiping her eyes. 


A/N: So, I don't know if you noticed, but I at updating on time -_- This story was supposed to be finished by Valentine's Day, but... Let's just say that February was a very challenging month for my almost-non existent "love" life, LOL. Anyway, I hope you guys aren't angry at me for updating this so late. 

Although this might be a little late, how was everyone's Valentine's Day? (:

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Chapter 5: I sincerely like the story. But I just can't help but to root for a couple or two.
Chapter 4: This! I thought Jae would be pair up with Dara. But ended up with Bom. They were actually a nice pair. Though my heart still root for Jaedy
Chapter 1: Aww. Poor Minji. :(
Omg, amazing final chapter. I loved it!
Talk about pro-feminist :D I love stories like these, really wished there were more fics with strong female characters like these ones :)
rexan2890 #5
oW i thought this is a Jaedara, Teaminzy love team :)
I know I left a comment earlier.... -__-
All of these stories are so sad :( Though I think I still feel the worse for Minzy because the way he said it was just so..harsh.
Anyways, I like that Minho attempting to tell her gently, but why break up with he rright before a show? *sigh* And although I feel bad for CL, like so bad for her...Key was so cute with his whole fashion thing, I just couldn't keep that off my mins, lol xD

I spent my Valentine's day getting chocoalte wasted because I don't currently have a "significant other". Oh well :) Thanks for asking, how as yours?
hitherthithergirl #7
I LOVE IT!! Plus my two most favorite bands are SHINee and 2NE1! ILOVEYOU for making this fanfic! <3 Update soon kay? Hwaiting!!
I'm so glad I subscribed to you so now I can keep up with your fic :D This sounds awesome. I swear to come back and read it all, I'm kind of time pressed right now, but I promise! (coming from the person that just realize you have more new fics and she must now catch up) I will read them all, it might take me a while but I will! :D :D