Questioning Reality


What happens when you sincerely believe that you were born into the wrong body?

If, ever since you were little, you challenged the standards society set for you?

When you feel normal, only when you're everything but?

Would you be brave enough, stupid enough, crazy enough... to simply... change?

I am.


... But is this the reality that I wanted?



Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I know for a fact their words hurt more.
I try to ignore them, for the most part. I'm happy now, aren't I? It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. They don't love me.
I love me. And thats all that matters... right?
A push from behind kicked a hole through my optomistic thinking. I went tumbling to the ground, Their snide laughter the bane of my careful self-composure; I stayed grounded, soft tears leaking from my eyes.



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TheAlmightyStarlight #1
I love this.
A lot. ^;^
Key's outfit is soooo~ fabulous!
I love how his vest matches his nails.
Genius~ ^;^
And his sister is so sweet. <3 <3
He's just so fabulous! I loveee it!
I can't wait for Jjong!! ^;^ Ke ke ke ke

<3/ Umma
TheAlmightyStarlight #2
I read Minho's update and just about cried.
Now I'm reading yours, and almost crying again.
And it was just the FOREWORD. >.<
My Key opppaaaa~~
Umma is sad today.
And I love the whole "Is this the reality you wanted?" Hello-Baby-Reference-thing. Heh. Jjong.
Except you used it in a sad way.
<3/ Umma