Chapter 2

Dare to Love

Chapter 2..Lalalala good news readers! I already update Dare to Love and Something ‘bout love in ASIANFANFICS J

they are the family of politician. Her grandfather Calvin is a governor. Her daddy Wu Chun gets the incline of his father, Gui Gui’s grandfather. But when her daddy was a politician, that’s the time she experience how her life was an abnormal. Her father was an honest officiates, but it spends more than time in Municipal than in their house. More time is intended for 
its constituents than their mother. There were chances that her father was not with them in special occasion just like birthdays and etch. It was tough being a politician’s daughter.
**End of Recap**

There were chances that her father was not with them in special occasion just like birthdays and etch. It was tough being a politician’s daughter. But it was tougher being a politician’s wife. She can see her mother being a martyr and her mommy is Genie. Her mother had been supportive of her father’s career. If there’s a crisis, It always give a hand. Her mother was silently crying every night if her father didn’t go home because of his work.

Her father was shot by a gun in the municipal, two years ago.Had just begun its second term as mayor Beijing, she was not yet finished mourning her father when her mother followed her father. Her mother didn’t able to move on in losing her daddy.

She was left fatherless and motherless. Since that time, she promised her self that she will be not part again in politic. She wants a normal life. And it means she will marry a normal boy, and not who was a politician or have an ambition in life to enter the life of a politician. And that would be the time that her hard time will be cut.”It was that really easy for you to throw away all the hard works of your grandfather and your daddy? And you even want to beg in the street than saving all our properties.” Tito Mike said

“I know how to work, Tito,” she countered, unconcerned of their worries.”I don’t want to beg, you know. I have too much pride to do that.”
“You’d rather lose everything than do something to retain our assets?”
“ It’s been a long time that our assets lost from us! I can walk with my head high if I’m a beggar than married a user!”
“Then, I can’t do it. Have you even thought about the golden treasure that your grandfather left? And he even said that we have to continue their politic life!”

“You can always run, Tito. You will surely win.” Their influence in Tainan is still strong. She would like to support her Tito than support an opportunist like Aaron Yan.
Her Tito frowns.”From the start, I plan to escape the shadow of your daddy and your grandfather. I don’t want to be a politician like them. Politic is a very dirty business. And if I like to follow their consequences, I can’t even do it because we don’t have money.”

“There are things we simply have to let go.” Gui Gui said.

“I’m not going to admit defeat. Aaron could provide us everything. If you married him, we even can get all our assets. With our help, he could be a great politician.” Tito Mike said
“I don’t want to be a puppet.”
“And I don’t want to be a beggar.”

“My choice is still the same. I want to marry a man of my own choice, someone whom I will marry because of love and not because I want to help him in his political ambition.”
“And what we will do about Aaron? We don’t have money to repay—“
“You can’t force me!”She said “I would like to feed myself in a crocodile than to marry an opportunist like Aaron. At least, if I feed myself in a crocodile, it would be an easy death. I don’t have to suffer long.”

Many people said she’s a hard headed person even she’s still young. If she already has her decision, nobody could change it. Especially if she know that she is right.
“Please consider it, Gui” her Tita Hebe said with a soft voice.

She suddenly feel that her heart soft. Tita Hebe had been kind to her, treating her like her own daughter. Especially when her daughter is in States, that is Rainie.
“ I can’t promise you anything, Tita”

But her heavy feelings are still there. She doesn’t know who to blame this trouble. If her tito and tita or her grandfather. In the end, only one person she blame the most that is: Aaron Yan.

Gui Gui is seating of one of the bench of the wide garden of the governor’s mansion while quite listening to a classical music that played inside the mansion. That was what she wanted---solitude with a glass of chilled wine.

She doesn’t care about those high level people inside the mansion. She doesn’t want to go there if she was not forced by her childhood friend Wang Zi. But in that time he was busy to talk with some member in the city council. Wang Zi is the vice mayor in their city. She hated political parties. Than invited Wang Zi to go home in being a kill-joy, she chooses to stay at the garden. It was quite their and the air is cold.

“May I join you?” She was shock to hear a voice behind her.
“Mr. Yan? What are you doing here?”
Aaron Yan was holding a glass of wine. She avoided the look of his beautiful eyes. They were deep-set on a dark, handsome face with straight nose, and y mouth. She must agree with women’s opinion that he is gorgeous. Aaron Yan was very confident and he acted most of the time like he was better than the other people. She hated people who were intimidating like him.

“I saw you going in the garden all alone. Your date shouldn’t let you go here all alone by yourself.”
“I want to be alone, thank you”
“But it’s dangerous. Its better if you have me with you.” He said smiling inside him

“I feel much safer if I am all alone.” She said glaring at him. :)
“I don’t want that something bad will happen to you.” he said
 She look at him with a puzzled look “Oh yeah, I guess there will be bad happening in me if you are around. So if you don’t mind, I want my solitude back.”
“I’m just protecting my future wife.”
She burst out of laughing.”Sorry, but maybe your protecting a wrong person. We don’t have a future together.”

“I suppose, they already told you about—“
“Oh yes! About the loveless, politically inclined marriage-business proposal you offered. I am not interested. I don’t have planned to be a repayment for debts in a ambitious political aspirant like you,” She said sweetly and smiled. Instead her feeling is opposite. She wanted to pinch those cute cheeks.

“I thought my proposal is very noble. But you don’t want it,” he said in casual.”What do you want to add in the agreement? We can have a compromise.”
“I am not in a position to give terms because I am not going to sell myself. I won’t marry you no matter how noble your proposal is. I still think its garbage;” she said “Got it?”

He stared at her with cold eyes. She stops breathing. She felt that her cheeks are turning hot. That was the effect of the stare that Aaron gave her. It sent her a bit over the edge.
“Still living in a fairytale world, huh?”
“Yes. I am in a world where big bad wolves like you are not allowed,”

She must admit she found him physically desirable. It must be a natural physical reaction to someone who was physically gorgeous like him. But it’s just that. She hated him.

She stops when he sat beside her and leans closer to her face.”Back to the world of reality, princess. How will you pay for your families debts?

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milky_appler #1
im still figuring this out >< i think it'll be good! update ^ㅠ^
wintxry #2
hope you update soon, and thank you for clearing up the fact that tito means uncle
tinygui #3
a little confused
what does tito mean