Chapter 1 :)

Dare to Love
“No, Tito Mike! I will not marry Aaron!” strongly opposed by Gui Gui. In the library they are in ancestral house of Wu in Tainan.
“But we have no other choice; our family was already drowning of debts. There’s no heritage left to us but grandfathers debt,” explanation of her Tito Mike
She felt guilt about not helping her Tito to pay their debt by marrying her, but they have also understood me because I don’t want to marry a guy like him. It’s been more than 1 month that her grandfather died. Then they found out just how much the financial crisis facing the family
Gui Gui considered Tito Mike and Tita Hebe as her family during her Mommy and Daddy consecutive died, its been two years in the past, and her tito and tita was only her relative left to her. She’s ready to help in any problems but she can’t accept the solution that they want to her to marry Aaron.”There are a lot people out there that will let grandfather borrow money, but why just Aaron Yan?”Frowning question of Gui Gui
She can’t avoid blaming her late grandfather. First, she doesn’t like Aaron Yan. When she just first saw Aaron her impression of him are not good at all. “Since Aaron is not giving an interest. It was a big consideration his giving in our family. It should be few months ago that our property will be taken away from us because we didn’t get a million that your daddy use in election. “Tito Mike said. The mixed desperation and sadness of Tito Mike cannot hide away from him. Because it even can’t do anything to pay their debts. It even invest their own new business
They firmly own a big vineyard before at States. But since their parent died they go back in the Taiwan to help their grandfather to manage their hacienda but not all was good because of many pest and dried season in that time. In addition to previously debt increased more lodging expenses until they are buried
“The price is too high. I didn’t realize he would ask for my neck,” Gui Gui said
“He asked for your hand,” they corrected.”Come to think of it Gui. All he need is a wife for convenience.”
“He needs a woman who will authenticate his existence in the political world. But I refused to be used!” Gui Gui exclaimed. If she will get married, She want the guy that she loved and not opportunist like Aaron.
The union will be beneficial for both of you. You will be well-provided for as his wife. You won’t even have to consummate your marriage. All he needs is a wife. And you’re perfect for that role,” they calmly explained.
“And if I refused?”
“We will be sleeping on the street if they get all what we had now.” from being calm hysteria is marred by its voice.
“Like I would care!” she said between gritted teeth. She doesn’t care about their money and their states in political world. It looked ideal to others. She was usually the envy of people. But when those chances come, no one will be jealous on her. The wealthy family just brought her a head ache.
“Have you ever cared about us?” Tito Mike angrily questioned her, high voice. All the people around them were scared because of that tone, but she’s not. She had that stubborn Wu blood flowing trough her veins.
“Mike,” Tita Hebe calmly restrain her husband. She holds his husband shoulder. Tita Hebe turned around to Gui Gui with a smile and Tito Mike kept silent.”Gui,what do you want of Aaron? He is a very good businessman. His only twenty-six but he has already made it big in the business world all by himself. He’s intelligent, gorgeous, cute, handsome and rich. Most women are after him. You are lucky because he chose you.”
“Lucky?” she repeated. “How could I be lucky if I would be married to a guy with no emotions? He even doesn’t know how to smile except if it has connection with business and politic is the topic.”
Tita Hebe smiled “So you’re keenly observing Aaron. That’s good. Maybe you’re interesting in him,” she teasingly said
“Interested?” she repeated. “He’s ambitious, cold, unemotional, showy, and a bloodsucker. All he cares about is money. I wonder if he has a heart.” And she probably yawns if he kissed her-if he knew how to kiss at all.
“I don’t really care if he doesn’t have heart! We have a debt in him that we need to pay. And I don’t want to beg in the streets. I don’t want to be ashamed in the many people.” Tito Mike said.
“I don’t want to be a politician’s wife, Tito,” she said in a sad voice.
They are the family of politician. Her grandfather Calvin is a governor. Her daddy Wu Chun gets the incline of his father, Gui Gui’s grandfather. But when her daddy was a politician, that’s the time she experience how her life was an abnormal. Her father was a honest officiate, but it spend more than time in Municipal than in their house. More time is intended for
its constituents than their mother. There were chances that her father was not with them in special occasion just like birthdays and etch. It was tough being a politician’s.
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milky_appler #1
im still figuring this out >< i think it'll be good! update ^ㅠ^
wintxry #2
hope you update soon, and thank you for clearing up the fact that tito means uncle
tinygui #3
a little confused
what does tito mean