Chapter 10

Dare to Love



“Uncle, I respect you. But please don’t talk like that to my friends” she said. “Do you like him?” Uncle Mike ask

“If I even like him I would not marry him to let him pay our debts. And your missing the point Uncle I’m not going to sell myself on ‘ANYBODY’ specially to Aaron Yan,” she said

End of RECAP:


“And if I like Wang Zi I will marry him, It’s not because I will let him pay our debts” Gui continued

“She means it,” Auntie Hebe “And when she says ‘NO’ you can’t force her to say otherwise.”

“And you would agree to stay at the street?”

“We have no choice. We have to ask Rainie to come back. I think she’s the one who will help us.” Auntie Hebe said

“No! I would like her to stay at the Africa than to let her come back here.” Gui Gui said

“It has been years. Jiro Wang is already dead. It’s about time for her to come back here. We don’t have anything to be afraid of.”

Did you just hear Rainie’s name? Well, Rainie is Gui Gui’s cousin, she’s older than Gui Gui of 5 years. She’s a voluntary doctor of fourth world countries like: Africa and Latin America. Now she’s at Kenya to help those victims of AIDS.

12 years ago when a incident happen. Luigi (fictional) the only one sibling of Rainie died. But she feels in love to the sibling of the killer. It’s Jiro who got all the revenge from the friend of Luigi. But she blames her self of the death of Jiro. Jiro died with anger in his heart, he was angry with her cousin.

“You’re right, Hebe” Uncle Mike said while he nodded. “At last, the life of Rainie would be great. Aaron is a great guy, and she would forget the Jiro dude.”

“Wait, you will let Rainie jie come back here to marry Aaron?” Gui Gui asked “That is the only way, dear,” Auntie Hebe said “I want my daughter to have a new direction in her life.” It’s still Auntie Hebe

“And it’s her time to play her role as our daughter,” Uncle Mike added “You’re younger than Rainie, so we have to talk to her first and not you.”

She was more scared. The situation is going to be worse because of her objections. Her cousin will be in danger (HAHA! What’s this?)

“Uncle, I take back what I said a while ago.” Gui said
“What?” Uncle Mike confusedly asked
“Let me be the one to marry Aaron.” She said

She can handle Aaron better. Rainie was still fragile. It looks like she doesn’t have any reason to live any more. Her life is already miserable and it’s going to be hell with Aaron. She need a guy who will love her not a guy who will just use her.

“Too late, Gui Gui. You are way too late,” Uncle Mike sadly said
“You gave me a good idea. I have no intentions to take it back. Thanks for refusing a while ago. I really appreciate it.”

“Uncle, you can’t allow this to happen to your own daughter!” Gui Gui opposed
“This is for the best,” Auntie Hebe said. And it looks like she didn’t care if something will to her daughter

Any time her chest is going to explode because of anger, she leaves the place and go to her bed room


Its 5:00 in the noon when Gui Gui felt sleepy already. She is did not sleep in two days because she was from Tainan. She follows up all details of the Livelihood program for the ladies of Tainan. She already have to go back to Taipei to find a job. She had a diploma in Social Work and a degree in Politician Science from Taiwan’s biggest university. With a little patience, she could land a job.

She was curious when she saw lots of luggage in the living room “Michelle jie, what is this for?” Gui Gui ask the maid while pointing to the luggage. “You don’t know, Miss? Miss Rainie already arrive yesterday night.” The maid replied

“Huh? Where is she?” Gui asked
“She’s in her room, Miss. Do you want to have a snack first, Miss?” the maid said

“Okay! Just deliver it to the room of Rainie jie. Thank you!” she shouted while going upstairs
She knock on the door many times.

Rainie rubbed her eyes while she opened the door half asleep.”What is it?” she asked not looking to the person

“Rainie jie!” Gui Gui shouted excitedly and happily and hugged Rainie
Rainie is now fully awake.”Gui! You’re already a beautiful lady now!”

“Jie, I’m already 22! Looks like I didn’t send you pictures of mine!” gui Gui pouted
When Rainie last saw her personal is Gui Gui is just 15 years old. She and her Auntie, and her Uncle visit Rainie on states when she was still studying on medicine. Even tough they’ll not always see each other but they always have a communication like they e-mail each other

“Of course, the picture and personal is different. So, do you have a boyfriend? How was your suitor that you always talk to me? What’s his name again?” She thinks for a while and said “Ah! Wang Zi!”

“He’s just a friend of mine. I still don’t have planned to get a boyfriend. How about you? Why did you sudden go back here?” Gui Gui asked

“Dad wants me to go home. I’m getting married.” Rainie’s smile slowly faded. “Oh, no! Don’t tell me you’ll marry that pathetic jerk?

Rainie just sadly nodded “Dad already talked to me and I already agreed.” Gui Gui hold the hand of Rainie worriedly “Why did you agreed? Do you have a death wish? Marrying him is worse than suicide.”

Rainie force a smile. “I already have a death wish for twelve years now.” She said
“You still love Jiro, right?” Gui Gui asked. “My love for him will never disappear.” Rainie replied

“Then, don’t marry Aaron if you’re not up to it,” Gui Gui said. “Go back to Africa. That’s what you want, right?”Gui Gui continued. “Our family needs me. I’ve given my parents a enough heartaches. They haven’t still move on for the death of grandpa, your parents, and with my Brother.” Rainie said

“We can think of another idea,” Gui Gui opposed. “I care for you Rainie jie. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself.” It’s still Gui Gui

Rainie just laugh. “You know what I want? I want to die. I don’t have a reason to live anymore when Jiro died. So, its better to use me.” Rainie said

Gui Gui hug her and said: “I’m sorry. If I can do something for you.” She will not allow her cousin suffer with Aaron.


That’s all bow! Okay! I’m back and sorry for not updating and I will continue updating tomorrow because I’m having my jetlag here…okay? So thank you

Please comment for my sake…hehehehehe

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milky_appler #1
im still figuring this out >< i think it'll be good! update ^ㅠ^
wintxry #2
hope you update soon, and thank you for clearing up the fact that tito means uncle
tinygui #3
a little confused
what does tito mean