chapter one


"그녀는 다리를 펼치고 왜 그녀가 최고라고 불리는지를 보여줍니다. " Mino sang along to the lyrics of an old rap song. He bobbed his head up and down as he listened on. It was the weekend and like on most weekends he'd often take long walks while blasting loud music in his ears. He wasn't fazed by the dirty looks people gave him as he walked by, spitting vulgar lyrics into the air. "나는 밤새 그녀를 엿먹 였고, 그녀는 그것을 좋아했다."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He suddenly stopped when he saw one his teachers Mr. Park and his daughter Chaeyoung. She hadn't acknowledged Mino, she only stared down at her iPhone with uninterested as her father went on. "I can see why you're falling behind in my class Minho, that music is horrendous!" He spat.

"Sorry." Mino turned his music off and stuff his earbuds into his pocket.

Mr. Park sighed, "Are you enjoying your weekend?" He asked.

"I was." Mino muttered, making the man frown.

"Make sure you study hard for your Exams, you're so close to graduating, I wouldn't want to see you of all people fail." Mr. Park and his daughter walked away at that. Mino watched them go. He couldn't take his eyes off of Chaeyoung, she was so beautiful. Unfortunately she had a boyfriend. She was into college guys and was already hooking up with them. It was the first time he'd actually seen her date someone more than 2 weeks without dumping them.

Mino continued walking until he reached a cafe, he a took a seat at the counter when someone approached him.

"What can I get you today?" He looked at the waitress only to realize that she was Jisoo.

She immediately recognized him as well and blushed. "It's you." She said softly.

"How long have you been working here?" Mino asked, He had never seen her around there before.

"Today's my first day, I really didn't expect to see you here Mino sshi."

"I don't come here often." Mino muttered.

"You should the atmosphere is nice." Jisoo smiled, "What will you be having today?"

"Just a cup of coffee." Mino watched her take his order before she walked away. She was cute to simply put it. Her hair was in a high ponytail showing off her childlike features and she wore a white pleated dress with matching white flats. Not to mention she smelled nice.

"Hey buddy!" Mino tore his eyes off of her when someone wrapped their arm around his shoulder. He looked up to see Seunghoon as well as Jinwoo who sat down beside him.

"Hey." Mino replied

"Where's Seungyoon is he still in bed?" Hoony asked.

"Yeah. He was out partying all night and didn't come home until this morning." Mino replied before another waitress named Lisa sat a steaming hot cup of coffee on the counter in front of him. "There you go sir." She smiled at him before walking away. Mino began to drink his coffee slowly while looking down at his phone. He had a few unread messages from his mom but other than that there was nothing much to expect.

"Who's that girl by the way?" Hoony asked when Jisoo returned to take someone else's order.

"What makes you think I know her?" Mino asked.

"Oh come on I've seen you talking her. She's cute isn't she?" Hoony teased.

"Doesn't matter she's not my type." Mino retorted before standing up to leave. He put his earbuds back in his ear before walking to the entrance but not without sparing Jisoo one last look. Surprisingly there was something about her that he liked. He smirked before leaving the cafe. He returned to his apartment to find Seungyoon taking a shower.

"I'm home."

"Back already?" Seungyoon appeared wearing nothing but a towel that dangled from his hips.

Mino looked away, "I ran into Jinwoo and Hoony at the cafe."

"Hoony? At a cafe? It had to be Jinwoo's doing." Seungyoon laughed, "I swear those two are like husband and wife sometimes."

Mino didn't say a word as he headed into their shared room. He sat down on to his bed and took out his sketchpad before drawing. First he drew a head, then eyes, then nose, then lips, and finally long black hair that draped over shoulders. Mino didn't know what had overcome him, but he couldn't stop himself from finishing this beautiful masterpiece.

He suddenly dropped his pen and looked at what he drawn. It was her. Jisoo.

For some reason he couldn't get her out of his head. He scoffed, "What's wrong with me?" He tore the drawing out of his book and balled it up before tossing it away. "Stupid." He muttered before laying back against his pillow and closing his eyes.

He wasn't looking for a relationship, and there was no way he could end with a girl like Jisoo.

There was nothing wrong with her, she was perfect in fact, but Mino on the other hand wasn't. He was full of imperfections, and why would a girl like her date him if she knew that? It just wasn't going to happen.

Seungyoon walked into the room and got dressed, "I'll see you later buddy. I'm going to hang out with a new friend of mine." He said before taking his leave.

Mino lay there in silence once the door closed. He didn't have any plans for the rest of the day so he decided to stay in bed and rest. Hopefully something interesting would happen tomorrow.


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