Act V: The Understudy (ENG)

In this Universe We Are Unstoppable Beings
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A/N: this is ACT  V: The Understudy ENG ver! :D I tried my best to translate as accurate as possible. I apologize if it comes off as boring or forced.


Thanks again to Twitter user: @hi_ddeulgii for the prompt!







The three students are huddled in the corner of their room. Faces ridden with worry.


“Are you sure she’s not coming?”


“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s measles.”


“Goddamnit.” Joy curses out in frustration. She does not know where she’ll vent her anger. Maybe she’ll blame the health department for it. Yeah, that seems rational. (No, it’s not.)


Joy feels like all hope is lost when her classmates told her the unfortunate news. In a week, they’ll be presenting their play, which they’ve all worked so hard for. Unfortunately, her supposed co-star contracted measles a little too untimely.


She combs her fingers through her hair to calm herself down. “So, now what do we do?” She worries out loud. This is their final project, and if something goes wrong, it’s gonna make a huge dent to their final grade.


Yeri, the director and Seulgi, the one in-charge of costumes and props share a knowing look before Seulgi put an arm around her taller friend. “Not to worry.” She comforts her. “Will we ever leave you behind? We already got someone else to play the part!”


And before Joy could ask,


“Wendy agreed she’ll do it!” Director Yeri happily shares the great news. “I already gave her the script. She’s on her way here.” She laughs menacingly.


Joy frees herself from Seulgi’s arm. “Are you kidding?” She asks. “Don’t you think she’s too short for me?”


Joy wanted to sock her own face for what she said. Why was that the first thing that came out of ? Wendy is cute. She’s smart. She’s really a sweetheart. She’s also—-


“Joy, stop it!” Director Yeri impatiently says while ruffling her own hair in frustration. “She’s a really good actress, alright?!  And even if you refuse, I’m not gonna listen to you so save your energy. No time for being picky.”  She looks at the set before turning back her attention to the two students. “Alright, I have to go and prepare for the play.” She says with finality before leaving the two.


“You’re the one who said it, we need a good grade.” Seulgi adds. Wendy was originally her partner for making the costume, props and set design. But because of the unforeseen circumstances, her bestfriend became one of the main actors.


The tall girl is far from being selective. Truth be told, they didn’t even have to force her to agree.


Still, she looks at Seulgi with a bright idea.


Joy begins to snake her arms around Seulgi, using her suggestive voice to “persuade” her. “...Seulgi.”


“Seulgi, why can’t you be my partner instead?” She pouts as she teasingly caresses Seulgi’s hair. “Please, do this for me, just this once. If you really love me, you’ll do it. I’ll also give you a kiss if you do.”


It was Seulgi’s turn to cringe. “Joy, stop being gross! You’re not even my type.” She says defensively. “I thought you’re an actress? Shouldn’t you know the saying ‘the show must go on’ by now?”


Huh, since when did Seulgi learn to be so poetic? She asked herself. It wasn’t a long time ago when she used to doze off during our Biology lessons.


“You don’t have to act all wise on me, I’m gonna do it anyway.”  


And it’s not like she has a choice. She only wishes, however, that Wendy wouldn’t feel too awkward around her. They’re not exactly close.




The savior of their play enters the room a few moments later. “WENDY!” Seulgi welcomes the newcomer with enthusiasm. Joy wonders briefly why she sounds so excited. They saw each other yesterday.


Seulgi keeps on talking while Wendy settles with her stuff. Even if it’s still mid-morning, her clothes are already stained with poster paint and used tape.


Joy, on the other hand, is busy with her script. She refuses to meet her immediately. Besides, any millimeter closer and Wendy might hear her heart basically pounding against her chest. It’s embarrassing.


She doesn’t know why she feels this jittery over someone

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Chapter 12: wenjoy are the cutest
lebfangow #2
Chapter 12: this is beautiful 🥺 you made my day 🫶
Chapter 12: is it too early to say i love you 😭 thank u for the wenjoy.
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Chapter 5: Oh shi it's too much :'(
Chapter 11: If this chapter isn't the cutest thing ever?!? I don't know what is!!
Chapter 8: Reread this collection after the update because I forgot this collection exist. I have no regret.
Chapter 8: Reread this collection after the update because I forgot this collection exist. I have no regret.
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i need a continuation... :3
Chapter 11: Cute :3