Where Kyuhyun experiences HaeHee for the first time


MS High School is the top location in the city for teenage suicides.


No one really knows why. Many suspect that the pressure of going to such a competitive school drives students to do that- but that theory was never proven. This issue arose ever so often. Often enough so that a rumor of a ghost remained at popular topic at the school. The ghost lurked around the Junior Hall area. The students named her HaeHee. Why people said she hung about Junior Hall and why the ghost was a female was a mystery to Kyuhyun. HaeHee was also rumored to slam doors, disturb the hall and on some occasions, enter a student’s body, causing them to go insane and commit suicide. Kyuhyun descended the stairs and entered the main hall where the nicer restrooms and cafeteria were located.

“Hey, Kyuhyun!” Kyuhyun turned and saw Lee Donghae hurrying to his side.

“Where were you?” Kyuhyun nodded upward.
“Music room. Concert’s in a week, remember?” His friend gave him a slow look.

“You walked here by yourself?” Kyuhyun nodded, and then shrugged. “What’s wrong with that?”

Donghae stopped him.

“Are you crazy? You know it’s been almost four years since the last suicide? What if HaeHee catches you and –BAM!” Donghae clapped his hands loudly. “You’re a goner!” Kyuhyun shoved Donghae away from him and scoffed.

“That’s a bunch of lies we tell the freshman to scare them. Don’t tell me, you’re afraid too?” He sneered and Donghae shook his head.

“You never know Kyu.” He muttered slowly. Kyuhyun chose to ignore him and turned, seeing his boyfriend, Lee Sungmin.

“Hi Kyu!” Sungmin beamed. Kyuhyun waved.

“Sungmin, this guy doesn’t believe HaeHee is real.” Donghae blabbed. Sungmin smiled at his boyfriend.

“That’s Kyuhyun for you.” Kyuhyun took out a sandwich.

“Why should I believe in something false?” Kyuhyun encountered. Donghae snorted and turned away to greet his best friend, Kim Jonghyun. Lunch went by in a quick affair and when the student began making their way to their classes, Kyuhyun shied away from Sungmin’s outstretched arms. He saw Sungmin’s arms drop and a sad expression filled his face. But as quick as the expression came, it left and Sungmin was again his usual bubbly self. No one at school knew he was gay and he’d like to keep it that way. Kyuhyun hurried up the stairs, shouting goodbyes to his friends when he realized his hands were too empty. His binder! He left it in the cafeteria! Kyuhyun let out an exasperated sigh; if he hurried he could make it to physiology in time. So Kyuhyun sprinted downstairs and looked for his binder. He saw it on the counter; placed there by the janitor as they cleaned up the dining area. He grabbed his belonging and hurried out. By then the halls were empty. His footsteps echoed through the halls as he scaled the stairs. He took a break to catch his breath. Kyuhyun checked the clock on the wall. There were two minutes left until… his eyes drifted to the wall where the words: JUNIOR HALL was painted. This was where HaeHee was rumored to be. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time to think about this so called ghost. So Kyuhyun took in a deep breath and hurried to class, not noticing the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall, irregular from him. As if someone was running alongside with him.

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ohthissucks #1
whoaaaaaaaa...this is interesting! update pls!! :)