In Which Heechul Experiences HaeHee for the First Time and Converses with Lee Taemin


“Move it freshman!” Heechul snapped, pushing through the throngs of students/

“I’m a junior.” A girl snapped.

“My bad, your highness.” Heechul muttered, looking for the girl, but she disappeared. Stupid girl, I’ll have a rumor started on her soon… Heechul thought and scowled. He scaled the last steps on the staircase, hoping he wouldn’t be alone, but to his disappointment, he was the only person standing in Junior Hall. All the doors in the hallway were closed except for the one at the other side of the hall. Heechul up his courage and walked quickly to his classroom. Halfway there he heard footsteps and he felt his heart lift. He wasn’t alone anymore. The sound of the water fountain running hit his ears and Heechul grimaced. Who would drink the disgusting school water? The boy turned to see who was thirsty enough to drink the water. But his eyes fell on… no one. The water fountain was running on its own accord. The school is old… the school is old… Heechul shut his eyes and finished the rest of his journey to his class. When he reached his destination he yanked the door open and Heechul burst into his classroom, panting hard.

“What’s wrong Heechul? You look like HaeHee caught you…” Kyuhyun smirked at him, causing the classroom to hush. The teacher glanced up surprised at the change on the volume but continued working, since the final bell had not rung yet. His friend, the school bully and class clown, Park Hyungseok nudged him violently.

“Don’t Kyuhyun.” His face was grave when suddenly a grin appeared on his face.

“Or she’ll come after you next!” He and Kyuhyun laughed loudly. A small boy named Lee Taemin frowned.

“Don’t make fun of her!” Hyungseok and Kyuhyun glanced at him, amused.

“What you believe in her or something?” Taemin’s bottom lip wobbled.

“What if she’s just a sad soul stuck here?” The class was quiet and as if on cue, began laughing loudly. Hyungseok lead the class in teasing him until the teacher stood up sharply.

“Park Hyungseok! That is enough!” Hyungseok shut up immediately. He may be one of the rudest kids in campus but when a teacher got involved he sobered up quickly. Everyone knew his parents paid a lot of money to send him to MS. Heechul gave Taemin a sympathetic look and went to his seat. Poor kid, Heechul thought as he watched Taemin take his books out. His face was red.


“Taemin!” Heechul shouted. The other boy stopped, surprised.

“Oh, hi Heechul.” He said. Heechul began walking with him.

“Are you alright? With Hyungseok on your case-“

“I’m fine.” Taemin stopped at his locker. Another thing why Taemin was greatly pitied by Heechul: his locked was in Junior Hall.

“Tae?” Heechul looked at him, using a nickname he overheard Choi Minho, Taemin’s best friend call him. Taemin’s head snapped up.


“About HaeHee… did you mean what you said?” Heechul asked tentatively.

“About HaeHee being real?” Taemin questioned, making sure he heard Heechul right. Heechul nodded. Taemin took out his math textbook.

“Look, I don’t need another person thinking I’m just a crazy little-“

“I don’t think you’re crazy Taemin! I’m just curious about your views on HaeHee!” Heechul mended his words, hoping that he sounded persuasive enough. Taemin slammed his locker shut and passing students jumped from the loud noise, afraid that HaeHee was on their tail.

“You should go.” Heechul stopped and nodded.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Taemin nodded.

Heechul turned to walk away.


Wow, Taemin's brave isn't he? To stand up against Park Hyungseok? If he was a student at my school, I would admire him.

Anyway did you guys ever see Park Hyungseok? He's considered an ulzzang and he's so pretty! ^0^

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ohthissucks #1
whoaaaaaaaa...this is interesting! update pls!! :)