3 Twins 3

Twins °Eighteen years later°

Jiyong knocked on the door of the two brothers, he had just finished his painting course and since he was close, why not visit them as usual ?.

It was Top who opened the door, leaving him surprised, usually it was always Seungri who opened as the youngest of the house, and he was ready to throw himself in his arms, But this time. the older one had come to open.

He entered the house, barely shaking his head to say to Seunghyun, looking for Seungri with his eyes. For all he knew, he couldn't be anywhere else.

- On the couch - Top said, pointing to the furniture that from the entrance seemed empty. Jiyong approached the couch only to discover Seungri's body lying down. The older one just smiled, his Riri was truly the sweetest thing in the world.

- He's sleeping again - Ji said simply, leaning on the couch to the younger's blond hair.

- Lately he doesn't do anything else. It's been weeks since he sleeps anywhere and it's not that he doesn't sleep at night, he sleeps -

- We have to worry? - Ji asked looking at his boy

- Nah ... probably his body is recovering all the sleep hours he lost when he was studying for the exams. You know how much he demands from himself. -

- You're right - Ji knew he was the kind of person used to bandaging his head before breaking it, so for this time he would leave his concern aside and listen to Seunghyun.

- Want to stay with us for dinner? - Asked Top going to the kitchen to see if he had to go buy something.

- Yes. I was planning to stay to sleep. Today my parents aren't at home, so -

- No problem with me, stay what you want. I have to go shopping -

A few minutes later Top went shopping for something to eat, he was always the one who made them, and Seungri cooked.

The parents of the brothers died on the eighteenth birthday of the oldest and since that day the two had lived alone with the inheritance of their grandparents and parents.

Jiyong's father, a friend of his parents, was taking care of the family company, at least until the graduation of Top.

From the day of the car incident, Jiyong's parents had insisted that the brothers come to live with them, but Top and Seungri, had refused, wanted to stay in the house where they had grown up with their parents. And the oldest was already in age to be able to take care of them both. Despite this, the Know family often came to visit them, to see that everything was going well.

And in that way Ji and Seungri had gotten to know each other, fall in love and become boyfriends, and since that had been 3 years.




- Hyunie! - Yongbae entered the room screaming, he had been told that his boy was in the infirmary. He had been so worried that the first thing he thought of doing was running to see if he was okay.

- Bae, what are you doing here? - He asked with a pout, he knew his boyfriend very well, he was worse than his mother and seriously he can so heavy at times.

- How can you ask me what I'm doing here? I came for you - He said, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to get out of his class and run to the infirmary, risking punishment from the teacher.

- I'm fine Bae - He said with a sigh

- No, you are not or you wouldn't be here - A third person said from the door.

- Hyungie, you too? - Now Seunghyun was exasperated, first Yongbae and now Daesung.

- I telling you I'm fine guys! I only had a little dizziness, nothing more. I didn't eat anything today because I was late and went to a dance lesson, it's normal, don't do drama - The youngest complained, if there was something he hated, it was seeing the people worried about him.

- Yes guys, don't worry - This time the nurse spoke, amused by the boys

- It was just a dizziness, nothing serious. But I advise you to take him to eat something. - The woman continued always smiling maternally.

- Right now we're going. Thanks nurse! - the elder thanked, while Daesung helped Seunghyun put on his sneakers and get off the stretcher.

- Bae you have to go to classes. If the teacher arrives and doesn't see you, he will kill you -

- I don't care..-

- Hyung, go now! I'll take him to eat, okay? - Daesung interposed.

- All right... Make him eat! - Bae's maternal instinct intervened again.

- Don't worry, I'll take care - smiled angelical Daesung.

Yongbae approached the boy, and planted a kiss on his right cheek. He had such a worried look that Seunghyun couldn't do anything but sigh for the umpteenth time. He couldn't stand his boyfriend in the mama duck mode.

- Bae, I'm fine, I'm fine. Stop worrying and go to class. Now I'm going to eat with hyung and I'll be even better. Yes? -

- Yes ... See you later - and finally the boy left, a little less worried.

- You can only blame yourself for that - Dae laughed, when he saw the exasperation in the maknae's face.


When even at dinner time, Seungri still didn't wake up, Jiyong decided to leave the television and the phone to go to wake up the boy.

He almost felt sorry for him, it seemed that he was sleeping so well and he seemed so tired.

- Riri, dinner is ready, it's time to get up -

Although Jiyong had spoken out loud, and had shaken his shoulder, Seungri seemed immune to everything.

- Riri, wake up. Or you don't  get to eat anything.- Still nothing, the boy showed no signs of wanting to wake up, or wanting to move from the couch.

- Seungri ... I won't say it again, get up. - And at that point, Ji really started to worry, Seungri was not a hard to wake up or heavy sleeper, and he was not so tired that he couldn't get up.

He started to shake him almost violently, he wanted him to open his eyes quickly and stop him from worrying. Just as he was about to call Top, in panic, Seungri blinked.

- Riri ..? -

- Hyung ... let me sleep a little more, I'm sleepy. - Jiyong sighed in relief, Seungri had almost caused him a heart attack.

- Get up now, You slept all day,I  don't understand what you're tired of - He said, this time almost irritated, by the excessive concern that the boy had caused him, but Seungri didn't move a millimeter, he felt so tired, all he wanted to do was go back to sleep.

- Please, I'm very tired, please, let me sleep. - And he seemed so sincere and so seriously tired that Jiyong started worrying again.

- Soon you'll go back to sleep, I promise, but first you have to eat something, don't think I don't know you haven't touched food yet. - Ji reproached him with love, the last thing he wanted to see was a sick Seungri.

- I don't want to eat. - He tried to argue, but it was a war lost from the beginning if against Ji.

- You have no choice. Get up - And with great effort and a little anger, Seungri sat up.

Jiyong kissed the boy's lips tenderly, he still had his eyes closed even though he was sitting. At that precise moment, Top arrived to tell them that the table was ready.

- Come on, none of that in front of me - The boy said, the younger was still his little brother.

- Let's go to the table - Ji said with a smile to Seungri.

- Yes, give me a second, let me put on my slippers - Ji nodded and went into the kitchen with Top.

When two minutes later, the boys didn't see him arrive, they returned to the sofa, to see what  took him so long, only to see him sleep again, with one shoe on his foot and the other in his hand.

- I can't believe it - Top said and then laughed.

- Me neither. I have never seen him sleep so much - Although he considered himself an exaggerated person, he couldn't help  being worried.

Top sensing his mood, squeezed his shoulder to reassure him and smiled sweetly.

- Be calm, if I see that it continues like this, I will take him to do a checkup in the hospital. For now let him sleep, and if he wake up later, force him to eat, okay? -

- That's for sure -He laughed following Seunghyun to the kitchen to eat, while Seungri continued to sleep in absolute tranquility.


- My friend answered me, he told me he was going to come and he asked me if it was okay if his boyfriend come too, I said no, I hope it doesn't bother you -

- Of course not - Seunghyun replied to his boyfriend while eating a banana.

The two were in the eldest's kitchen, Yongbae lived alone since he was eighteen, so many times the youngest stayed with him, sometimes even just to have a quiet place to study. His parents adored Bae and they had no problem leaving him alone, if it was with him.

- What do you know about your friend's boyfriend? - Seunghyun asked with interest, for the moment it was better to talk about that, instead of Bae bothering him with food and not eating enough.

- Not much. I talked to Ji for a while, but the only thing he told me is that his name is Seungri, that they are together for three years and that he is a model student. Those who only have only super qualifications, he told me that he is a very determined boy, and that school is the last of his problems, he only focuses on the future. -

- I think that kind of person that will be successful in the future - Smiled the Younger

- That's what I told him and he just laughed and answered me with something like that I was right, and that his boy would have a bright future. I never thought I'd see him talk like that of anyone. That boy who thought only of having fun, now is all in love and focused on the future - Youngbae spoke with a nostalgic air.

- But I can't blame him either, I'm also a boy in love - Said the elder, looking at Seunghyun directly in the eyes making him blush.

- You really must love him so much if you talk about him so well - he answered avoiding answering the boyfriend's comment about him.

- Yes, I think so, and I'm happy, because Ji has always had trouble finding people to trust, and if he loves this boy, it's because he's worth it -

- Now I can't wait to meet them. -

- Yes - Sonriò Bae approaching him.

- Well, now let's think about us - He said with a seductive tone hugging the boy sweetly, and then kissing him passionately.





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aleyriri #1
Chapter 3: Omg can’t wait when they finally meet *_*
Lovelygirl18 #2
Chapter 3: Cant wait to see them to meet each other
echemonster #3
Chapter 1: Woow this looks really interesting! I can’t wait for the next chapter!