— Class 3

Love Like Us
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Hae Ra poked Eun Mi’s arm and asked in which her voice came out all whispery. “Hey, Eun Mi. Do you like Moon Bin?”

“Huh?! I’m not!” Eun Mi startled. “Wait, I know what you’re thinking but that’s absolutely not right! I’m only worried about this thing because I don’t want to be widow at such young age.”

“Are you sure?” Hae Ra jerked an eyebrow, still feeling dissatisfied with the answer given.

“A hundred percent very sure! Hae Ra-a, you know it better than no one else that I marry him not out of love.” Eun Mi huffed a sigh and continued to unpack her stuffs. “Besides, he’s my sister’s fiancé. How could I like him?”

“That’s before. But now, he is your husband, isn’t it?”

Eun Mi whirled her head and squinted her eyes at Hae Ra. “What’s exactly you want me to say, huh? I’m saying I’m not!” She then pinched Hae Ra’s cheeks and pulled them with frustration.

Hae Ra quickly pried off her friend’s hands away from her face and rubbed her cheeks while whining about how hurt they were. Hae Ra stared upon Eun Mi with a pouty lips but it was shortly replaced with a huge bubbly grin. “I believe that one day you will fall hard for him. A hundred percent very sure!”

“Tch! What makes you so confident?”

“It’s because I’ll pray every day, over and over again, for it to become reality.”

Eun Mi shook her head in defeated as she was so give up to reply anything more. She zipped and dragged her luggage to the corner of the room as she finally finished arranging her things into her locker. She trudged over her bed and picked up her phone, checking for any new message.

“Eun Mi-a~”

“What now?”

Hae Ra let out a chuckle when Eun Mi glowered at her with a laser-look. “Let’s go to café. It’s tea time.”




Ji Yeon sat down next to Eun Woo and stared upon him without saying a word.

“What?” Eun Woo frowned and munched his sandwich.

Myung Jun passed a plate to Ji Yeon and settled himself down too with a warm tea. He cleared his throat and stared at Eun Woo. “Are you really sure that you like that new kid?”

“It’s only a joke. Can’t we just stop talking about this?” Eun Woo brushed it off awkwardly as he wished that his friend would stop asking him.

“But you said before that you don’t believe in love at the first sight.” Ji Yeon claimed.

“I-” Eun Woo was so pumped up to tell his best friends about this feelings which he never felt before. Yes, he once held that there was no such a thing like love at the first sight. He thought it was so ridiculous to get a love-struck for a stranger whom he know nothing about. Even now he still had the same thought. But he couldn’t deny that the ridicule was not impossible to happen. He learned it when his heart thumped fast and loud as if it would jumped out of his mouth upon the girl who he merely met just now. However, Eun Woo assumed that it was better to stop the conversation at that time since he knew that no one would accept it easily, even for Ji Yeon. “I told you that I was only joking. Now, can I have a peaceful time?”

San Ha who kept silence since just now chirped in at last. “I somehow hope that the new girl will enter our class.”

Eun Woo said nothing but agreed to the idea silently in his head. He didn’t know why and yet he felt all giddy and excited by only imagining the new girl being his classmate. He cleared his throat, downed the drink in his cup and stared blankly across the café to calm down his head and heart. Unfortunately, he got choked on it once his eyes caught a familiar figure at the entrance.

Whilst Myung Jun and San Ha laughed at Eun Woo, Ji Yeon sighed and swiftly handed him tissues. She tapped lightly on Eun Woo’s back and unconsciously threw a glimpse at the direction that he was looking. It’s the new kid. Her brows furrowed at the thought without realising it. She couldn’t help but to wonder quietly whether Eun Woo did really like Eun Mi or not.

At the same time, Eun Mi and Hae Ra entered the café and strolled over to the table which was at the most end and near window. They took seats and enjoyed their tea time with a leisure view of a blue and gold sunset. Eun Mi sipped her tea and turned to Hae Ra. “Hae Ra-a, can I ask something? Why the boys are keep coming down from the upstairs? Isn’t this a female hostel?”

“It’s not.” Hae Ra smiled. “Okay, let me tell you this. For the ground floor, as you can see it’s a cafeteria. There’s a library, study rooms and living room on first floor. The living room is filled with television and arcades, that’s why the floor is crammed with students on weekend. Female hostel is on second floor while male hostel is on third floor. If there’s a meeting, we will use the discussion room on fourth floor. Lastly, we also have a rooftop garden where you can get a whole view of the school compound. You should hang out there sometimes, it’s really beautiful and tranquil.”

Eun Mi bobbed her head lightly as she tried to remember everything which Hae Ra told just now. “But, is it okay for guys and girls to live together in the same building?"

“It's okay because y

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Chaeun #1
Chapter 8: Awww i wish there’s update on this story. It feel nice tho to get moonbin as lead here ❤️❤️ Thank youu
2037 streak #2
Chapter 8: Yay! An update!!! Anyway, this chapter was cute. Liked the subtle flirting between the married couple. They were cute and it was funny how their friend Yeo Rum mistook him to be Eunwoo. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2037 streak #3
Chapter 7: Wow! What a scenario. But wait, was only Moon Bin hurt from he and Eunwoo clashing into each other? Also why was Jiyeon allowed to follow them to the infirmary too? Hehehe sorry about the unnecessary questions. Anyway, Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for an update ^^

PS is their PE teacher, Mr. Sparta Kook?
2037 streak #4
Chapter 6: Finally caught up. Yay! Now can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for a new update ^^
It's cute how Eunmi is kinda getting jealous over Angel getting close to Moon Bin. Hehe...

PS don't take it in a wrong. Just thought would let you know. Sanha would call the older girls as "Noona" and not "Eonni" (since he's a boy)
2037 streak #5
Chapter 5: Another chapter caught up. So Angel is the girl who saw Eunmi and Moonbin when they were talking in the study room? And she made Yerin to do something to Eunmi in the chemistry lab?
Sorry for asking too many questions. Anyway, enjoyed the chapter and will be back later to read more ^^
2037 streak #6
Chapter 4: Nice chapter... Moonbin is there too. Yay! Lol XD
Btw Eun Woo and Jiyeon are siblings? I'm kinda confused now.

PS is Eunwoo your bias?
2037 streak #7
Chapter 3: Eunmi and Haera are kinda best friend goals. Call me being biased but where is Moonbin? :P
Anyway, will be back later to

PS the teacher here named Jong Suk, was It the actor (Jo Jung Suk)?
2037 streak #8
Chapter 2: Another nice chapter. And It does look like she likes Moonbin as of now. Wonder how things are going to develop later. Will be back to read the rest ^^
2037 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hi there ^^ I decided to give this story a try too and I think I made the right decision. The first chapter was interesting enough and so, I'll be back later to read more.
Chanbaek641 #10
This is so good!!!