
♪ ♥ Be MINE!!! ♥ ♪


chunji  byunghun  jonghyun  key  taemin  minho  sungjong  myungsoo  GD   TOP



its been 5 days since byunghun was sent to d hospital. dr lee advised him to stay although he did protested but either like it or not, chunji n jiyoung makes byunghun  to obeyed for d doctor demand

n for d long days has been tough for both chunjoe to pretend like nothing happen in front of others...they smile, laugh, plays n behind all of it, they r actually hiding their sadness, sore n pains

byunghun tried his very best to stay strong n healthy...for d sake of others n mostly, he don't wanna see his chunji n all his friends to be worried, also he never like it to watch jiyoung, his beloved brother to be sad n crying all days n night cause of him

"when will u tell them hunnie??"

"tell what?"

"u know what i mean....about ur condition" chunji put his hand on byunghun left leg while byunghun sigh in frustrated "i'm not ready"

"sooner or later they'll figure it out too...u need to tell them at least" he byunghun pale white skin "not just jiyoung but key, minho n sungjong did asked me about it too. they wonder what's goin on when they asked u to get up n walked to d bathroom. they really wanna know d truth"

"sor-ry for make u in trouble chun-ji"

"no, don't have to apologise baby. ur never making me in trouble n u know it"

"bb-ut, i know it was hard to deal with them"

"it's ok baby i can handle them..but, i need ur cooperation, either  ur telling them d truth by urself or u just let me or dr lee to tell them. they should know bout it baby. mostly jiyoung hyung"

"i-i know..just giv me some little times then i'll tell them ok" 

chunji smile "alrite" he kissed byunghun milkish cheeks as d other male flinched a bit "what's up baby?"


"yeah darling"

"i had a favor, will u help?"

"anything for u my luv" byunghun smile "can u help me up n take me to bathroom, i'm smelly n stinky"

"sure" chunji pick his boyfriend up like bridal style as he continued to speak in his bright smile "n correction, u smell sweet as always" 



it was lunch time n as usual as 3 days ago, jiyoung, TOP, key, jonghyun, sungjong, myungsoo, minho, taemin n also chunji were together accompanied byunghun to have their lunch with each other

after done of eating, chunji leaned closed to byunghun n whispered to d boy ear "i guess it's time"

byunghun stares on chunji in wide, scaredness was shown clearly in his glassy eyes "i'm not ready" he mouth d words toward chunji

"i'm here with u" chunji gripped tightly into his boyfriend hand as byunghun made up his mind to finally saying d truth, he looked over his fellows n began to grabbed their attention "urmmm guys" all eyes were set on byunghun as he nervously continue his speech "i got something important to tell u"

"important??" "what is that honey"

"i hope u guys will not be mad or pissed off on me"

"why should we be mad?" "yeah baby, just keep going" "we never be mad at u hunnie n u know that too"

"actually i-err" he was sooo nervous as he felt a hand that gripped on his wrist tightening d hold "i can't errr"

"i'm with u, don't worry" he heard chunji whispers "i'm sorry for hiding this but actually i can't walk. u guys wonder why i never got myself up from laid on bed since i was concious n that because i was paralysed on my bottom"

"what??" " impossible!!" "hunnie what do u mean?" "what rubbish r u talking about hunnie??" 

"i'm sorry" byunghun lowered his head down "why r u keeping it hiding lil brother?" finally he heard jiyoung voice-out

"i-i don't like it to see everyone worried about me"

"but why not u just tell us???"

"what kind of fever that caused u for not being able to walk???" "it's impossible hunnie...impossible!!"

"well everyone...for not put any stress more on byunghun, i'll explain everything for u guys ok"

"u know since earlier hyung??" "why u told us u know nothing before?" "u n my father agree with this? for hiding d truth??"

everyone seems angry but chunji managed to calm himself down n so do myungsoo n minho who tried to calm both sungjong n key who mostly unpatient by bombing d sick male with many many unanswered questions "hey u both just calm down will u??" "u'll making sucha noisiest here"

"just quiet myungsoo!!" hearing those two yells, byunghun finally dropped his single tears but then he felt a hand wiping his tears away n that hand was belong to TOP who noticed he was currently in state of crying "cut it off please" 

"oh no! u guys make hunnie cry already" jonghyun interrupted while taemin move slowly toward byunghun direction n give d latter a warmth hug "don't cry byungie..we're not mad at u"

"crying like always...act innocent like always, don't u ever felt guilty hunnie??" "u treated us as freak u know!!!"

"shut d hell up ur mouth n let's just listen for that alrite chunji?" jiyoung eyed on chunji...he really wanna hear for d explanation but d pressure of key n sunjong putting him n also everyone in stressed

"sure...actually me n dr lee have asked by hunnie to keep it hiding from u guys. hunnie don't want u guys to be sad. he really hate it coz he love all each of u so damn much. he would be hiding it from me too but since i'm d first one who's brought him here so i was axplained by dr lee in first place before hunnie himself found out about his own condition" chunji took a deep breath n released it while continue with his next explanation "hunnie is not just having a fever, but his blood were actually spread with poisoned n it also harmed his nerve that causing him to be paralysed or in other word, he's disable to walk" 

"what??? "what do u mean?" "when d hell he was poisoned?" "who did that???" "is that mean, his legs aren't functioning anymore??"

"shhhhhhhh!!!!" "shut up u two" 

"mind to continue chunji?"

"'s not actually he was poisoned but d poison happened as side effect of his over-dose in taking aspirin. do u ever wonder how much he took aspiring each day?" sungjong cutted chunji words n answered for d question "sometime 2 but usually he will took 3 to 4 dose per day n i always warned him before but he was too stubborned to listened to my advised" sungjong throws a glare on byunghun who is currently burried his face on taemin shoulder "i sometime quietly throwing away all his aspirin that he had in his backpack"

"so that was d cause? painkillers?"


"n why hunnie need to take painkillers everyday?"

"he was abused" TOP said as he watched sympathised on d boy while jiyoung hurriedly walk toward byunghun, he then pulled his baby brother into his embrace "was appa hurt u that much baby?"

byunghun didn't gave his hyung any answered instead he's only cries on his brother shoulder 

"my father has told me he found many old n new wounds on hunnie"

"why don't u tell us hunnie?" jonghyun placed his hand on key shoulder, he looked up to him n found d dino shooking his head, signalling him to quit asking

"well guys...i think hunnie need some space out"

"yeah...we should get going"

"let's leave them alone" TOP dragged everyone out from d room while leaving only jiyoung n byunghun to stay hugging each other in state of frozen while sobbing n sniffing of byunghun was still keep echoed d room



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Sweetie99 #1
Chapter 41: OMGGGGGG
shindiyoung #2
Chapter 41: update ,,

Finally jiyong give his permission n chunji n byunghun can be together again .
Chapter 41: please update soon i want to see what is going to happen and i am sure that there will be some drama soon cuzed by chunji's mother but i am sad to know that eamin is in this too i really like him and couldn't imagined him as a bad kid
chaeyong88 #4
Chapter 40: NOOOOOOOOO..
Please update soon author-nim
shindiyoung #5
Chapter 40: update please
shindiyoung #6
Chapter 40: why ??? Why everyone want to separate them ,, why u guys just let them together ???

U guys just make hunnie sad ,,, :( :'(
Chapter 40: why is his mother doing that ? is it because of byunghuns mother ?

updste soon
Chapter 37: omg i am so happy that they met but i am angry at the same time shouldn't BYUNGHUN be angry at chuni cuz he called him a ? and why did he called him a anyway?

update soon please