Chapter fifteen.

Sea Prince.
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They were able to make it back home without being followed and Kai had to carry Sehun into the house and up the stairs to his bedroom because it would take time before his legs grew again. Also he didn't bother to pick up the clothes Sehun discarded at the beach, making a mental note to pick them up later. "So what? they were just gonna drag you back home forcefully?" Kai asked the moment he laid beside Sehun after a refreshing shower. Sehun glanced at him and nodded. "Something like that." He shrugged. "Isn't it like a crime to drag the prince against his own will?" Sehun giggled, moving his hands to place them on Kai's chest. "It was the king's order." Kai hummed. "You Dad is not going to give up till he have you back?" "I don't know. Maybe or maybe not, he might probably get tired of trying to get me back after a while, when he truly understands I am never leaving you which means I am not going back to the sea." He says now resting his head on Kai's chest. Kai smiled, using one hand to gently Sehun's back, and the other to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I am happy to hear that." He said. "So what was it that you wanted to show me exactly back in the sea.?" "The ship, the one you saw, I wanted to take you inside so we could explore it together. It's been laying down there for over 500 years. My grandma told me about it, but the merfolk were forbidden to go into it that's why lala was there to guard it." "Lala?" He wondered for a moment, he's sure Sehun had mentioned that name but he couldn't remember when. "Yes the shark." "Oh," he nodded. " but you still went even though it was forbidden." "I am a prince. Kai. The law wasn't applied to me and even if it was, I am rebellious. I enjoy breaking the rules." Kai laughed hard, eyes disappearing as he did so. "I can see that." He stopped laughing and adjusted his position, leaning properly against the headboard. "So all the creatures in the sea have a name?" "Yeah they do." "And you know each and every one of them?" "No not all of them, just the ones living close to the palace and a few from other regions." Kai hummed at that. "So your grandma was alive when that ship sank?" "Actually she was the one that sunk the ship" Kai's eyes went wide."what?" "It was a pirate ship, they've been terrorising the people, back then humans used to pray to us for protection. And my grandma heard them so that's how she ended up sinking it." "Wow" Kai breathed out. "That's cool. But how come the humans never found that ship? I am sure there are loads of treasures in it" "Yeah I guess there are treasures in there" he nodded thoughtfully." and for the reason why the humans didn't find it was because they couldn't get that far down the sea because of pressure and the human body can't take it." "But I was able to_" "That's because I gave you a breath of life, your body was able to withstand all other things a human body couldn't withstand in the ocean." "Wow I feel very special." He said and Sehun grinned. "That's right my love you're special." Kai pecked his lips."Now enough with my endless questions, let's watch a movie." He suggested but Sehun shook his head and Kai knit his brows. "You don't want to watch a movie?" "No– I mean yes of course I do" he sat up and s a hand under the pillow to retrieve something Kai wasn't sure what. " I want to give you something first" suddenly he looky nervous.  "What is it baby?" Kai pushed to a sitting position as well. Sehun slowly opened his palm, and Kai was met with the sight of what seem to be definitely Sehun's scale. His breath hitched as he suddenly realized what it meant , his heart increasing in beats. He in a deep breath, but it did nothing to tame the way his heart was pounding in his chest.
"You don't have to if you don't want to" Sehun quickly said. Kai shook his head. "That's not it, of course I want to." He didn't wait for Sehun to doubt the situation further, he picked the shiny slivery grey scale and threw it into his mouth. He chewed slowly on it, trying to relish the taste, but unfortunately it didn't have a taste, not even a bit salty like he thought it would be, nothing could compare to it. Sehun watched him intensely as he swallowed it, and he smiled so wide that had Kai smiling back. "Your eyes has changed."  "Huh?" "Your eyes are not just brown anymore, they have touches of grey in them, the same colour of my eyes." Sehun told him. Kai picked his phone up and opened the camera app to see for himself and true, his eyes were no more the usual dull brown they used to be, now there's touches of grey around the irises and Kai decided he loved it, the new color suite him and people would probably think he's just wearing contact. He smiled, dropping the phone only to pull Sehun into his arm. "Thank you." Sehun rested his head on his shoulder, letting out a content sigh. "Now we're bonded." Kai hummed, pressing a kiss to Sehun's temple. "But I don't feel any different." "Of course You won't feel anything different, you're human." "Oh I thought I will feel something magical?" Sehun bit his bottom lip on a laugh, shaking his head fondly as he pulled back to look at him. "you look magical" he said eyes looking into Kai's. "you should ask Baekhyun hyung if you want to know more about human/mer bonding, I am pretty new to it too." Kai hummed. "so now If I get injured It will itself?" "Yeah" Sehun affirmed. "Not just that, remember I told you you'll be immune to human diseases?" Kai nodded. "Every disease you might have had before is gone now and you won't ever fall sick again."  "Oh, lucky me" he grinned . "So what now?" He's not sure what he was asking for but he still didn't know if something was supposed to follow after eating Sehun's scale. Like are they supposed to consummate the – bonding ? "We watch that movie" Sehun said moving to lay back on the bed. And Kai tried to hide the slight disappointment he felt, he knew Sehun was not ready to take the next step into their relationship, even though on mers term, they're technically married now. He would wait patiently for his merman to be ready. He nodded and smiled, pecking Sehun's lips as he stretched his hand to retrieve the remote control sitting on the bedside table to turn on the TV. Unironically, a mermaid movie was what Kai chose for them and Sehun seemed to enjoy it. Something about finding the similarities between the fish girl (as Kai called her much to Sehun's chagrin) and himself, as well as the energy of the movie soothing. “He cares about the woman so much,” Sehun whispered, bringing one of Kai's hands in front of his face so that he could press kisses against each fingertip with no other intention other than him simply enjoying it. “He tells her all the time, but she doesn’t understand. And yet, she’s smitten. It’s so wonderful to be loved despite what you are, Kai. It really is.” "Yeah it is" He’s in the act of sifting his fingers through Sehun's hair, curling the silky silver locks around playfully when on screen, there was a couple having on a bed right in front of their eyes. Kai saw the exact moment Sehun's confusion over the previous groping and initial ing slowly melding into curiosity, for he stopped shifting on the bed and focused on the television intensely as the woman beneath the guy moans grow louder.  “Why does the woman make noise like that? Is she in pain? She doesn’t appear to be in pain,” Sehun mused, expression pinched with confusion. “Why is that man smothering her, Kai?” Kai pressed his lips together, then rubbed them, contemplating how best to go about this. Of all the things Sehun could be clueless it had to be this . Amidst his rising panic in having to explain, Kai find it endearing how the merman had a loose concept of humans and yet had left out that one factor. With a sigh, and after he had paused the television and sent it a glare for putting him in this position, Kai slouched onto the bed just as Sehun turned so that he could still remain on his side but facing him. “She isn't in pain, Sehun. They’re ing, I mean ...having ,” Kai explained, struggling in keeping a straight face, for Sehun looked so genuinely curious to learn. Wracking his brain, he tried finding a comparison that might make the concept easier to grasp for the mer, and ended up with, “Having for humans is kind of like mating. People touch each other and make each other feel good during it.”  “Is there a mating ceremony afterwards?” Sehun asked, gazing up at him, lips parted. “A marriage as humans call it. They marry afterwards, yes?” Kai's face deepened with a blush, and he shifted, lightly jostling Sehun as he moved. “Not always, no. Uh— has a pretty wide and debatable scope of things to look into and it’s not always gonna lead to marriage, much less does it always have to be how you see in m
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.

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834 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
22 streak #2
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
22 streak #3
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
22 streak #4
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss