Chapter 2

Is it a hair ?

Journal Entry: 2
Time: 11:43am

I haven't written in a while. Between the various promotions and being in a musical I didn't have the time. Now that things finally slowed down I have time to reflect.

A couple of weeks ago I confronted Hakyeon about his hair , but he just laughed and called me cute. He also said something really weird that I don't really understand but somehow I think I want too.

During these past two weeks, I have discovered something. This might sound odd, but I think Hakyeon has developed a Hand . I know I thought before that it was a hair but certain things happened to make me dispel that notion.

What made lead me to this assumption was that when we (Vixx) was on a music show with other groups. It was the ending and everyone was leaving. I was talking to Exo's Lay. When we saw people leaving Lay grabbed my hand and started dragging me backstage. When all of a sudden Hakyeon came over and grabbed my hand, wearing an expression on his face that even now I can't identify.

He told me that it was time to go and started pulling me along. We stopped in our dressing room. It was still empty, the other members were nowhere to be seen. When I said something about it, he just looked at me without answering.

He started to caress my hand, saying that he was sorry if he pulled on it too hard but I should know not to talk to random men without him around. Which is weird since Lay is not a random person but my friend.

Now every time we go on an interview and we are backstage with other guests he always holds my hand. Doesn't that prove that he has a hand ? But then again like I said with the hair it seems to be only with my hands...strange huh?


I looked at the clock to see that it's 1:00 in the afternoon. 'I wonder how it got so late?' I thought to myself as I go to see if anybody is still in the dorm. Hearing the television I go into the living room to find Hakyeon.

"What are you watching N?" I ask while sitting down next to him.

Smiling up at me he said. "A home shopping program, I think they're funny."

"Oh... Where are the others?" I asked.

"They all left a while ago, Ravi went to the studio, Ken went to practice for his new musical and Hyuk and Hongbin went shopping together. It's just me and you here." He replied.

Smiling I said. "That's fine with me."

As we went back to watching the show, I couldn't help but study Hakyeon's profile he looks so cute all immersed in the program. 'Wait.. cute? What am I thinking?'

"Taekwoon!" I snap out of my thoughts to him calling me. "What are you thinking so hard about?" he asks me.

"Um... wanted to ask you something?" I said. playing with my hands.

Grinning he said, "Sure ask away."

"Hakyeon, do you by chance have a hand ?" I asked while he fell off the couch laughing.

"Wow...this is you don't think I have a hair no more?" I just shook my head. "I must admit I do have a certain type of hand same goes with the hair? He said still chuckling.

"What do you mean, certain type?" I asked curiously.

It looked like he had a sad smile on his face as he answered. "That for you and only you to figure Daeguni. Let's just finish watching the show and not think about it for now."

"But..." Cutting myself off I shook my head as to clear it, I just snuggled against the couch, while pondering what Hakyeon said.


A/N: I wonder where he was taking leo

A/N: I wonder where he was taking Leo.


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Kokechan #1
Chapter 5: Thank you! It was really fun reading your story, I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for sharing!
siezzy #2
Chapter 3: This is so cute~♡
What hakyeon gonna do next?
Kokechan #3
Chapter 3: lol This is deliciously silly! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you.