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There's so much possibilities outside our own perception.

A single moment can have infinite probabilties; like love.


Look what I found in one of my folders!

This was clearly written after Bobby's performance of Rise at League of Legends Championship.



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Chapter 4: I miss chanbob so much wish you will continue this fic......
Icha0296 #2
Chapter 4: Awwwww i love junchan and chanbob so much ? and i enjoy this story so much ?
R_nine21 #3
Chapter 4: chanbob ♡.♡
yunbin n junhwan ?¿ TT.TT I want yundong n binhwan instead~~~
but its okay as long as theres chanbob n ofc junchan (missed them alr TT.TT )
Pennypurple09 #4
Chapter 4: You did it my friend! I like it, i really do!!! More infinite realities for everybody ;)
YGStorm #5
Chapter 4: Ahhh i love junchann, don't junhwan pleasee, junhyun its ok god i can't
Chapter 2: Can you do it with other members as well? Like since u have June and chan, can there be an alternative with junwhan and twin monsters?
Dontforgetthisla #7
Chapter 2: U really fullfilled my chanbob shipper heart...its really good thank youuu for writing this series
Chapter 3: Finally... I can't wait for that ChanBob moment.
paraccoon #9
Chapter 2: Ohh yes yes junchaaaan
R_nine21 #10
Chapter 2: yeeessssss