
detention au

after waiting for 20 minutes the teacher finally excused herself and got up to go to the restroom. This was their chance. Chanyeol looked over at Baekhyun and cocked his head towards the door asking Baekhyun if he wanted to join him. He didn’t even think twice about going with Chanyeol. He tried to hide his excitement, but in his head he couldn’t wait to spend more time with him. Baekhyun nodded his head and the both of them got up and left the classroom as fast as possible.


“what do you wanna do now?” Baekhyun leaned against the wall. Chanyeol didn’t plan this far, all he knew was that he wanted to get out of there. He took a moment to come up with something and suddenly he got an idea. “let’s go to a cafe!” He exclaimed loudly. “we can take the bus if that’s okay.” Chanyeol looked so excited, it made Baekhyun’s heart flutter. “sounds good, i’m hungry anyways.” Baekhyun sighed, trying to look affected by him. A smile grew on Chanyeol face after Baekhyun agreed on his plan. There it was again, that beautiful smile of his. It enchanted Baekhyun everytime it appeared. Chanyeol really looked beautiful when he was happy and before Baekhyun could stop it, a smile also appeared on his face.


The two were just smiling at each other for a minute when they suddenly heard their teacher yell at them across the hallway to get back in the classroom. This was it, they were gonna get caught and spend their entire life in detention, as if a month wasn’t long enough already. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol in panic and saw also his eyes were wide open. He hoped Chanyeol could save them from this mess so bad. Before he could react on his own, Chanyeol took his hand in his and started running. The contact gave Baekhyun tingles all over his body. He felt his cheeks heating up and already started making an excuse in his head for it. He’ll blame it on the running later on. They continued running hand in hand away towards to exit of the school. Baekhyun looked down at their hands and felt like time had stopped. Chanyeol felt so warm and made Baekhyun feel like no matter what, if Chanyeol was with him he would be safe.


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happy_byun #1
Chapter 5: They are UWU
Chapter 1: Hmmm... Baek's having some feeling...
Thank God I found this here.. Gonna start reading..