

The world was their masquerade ball, and everyone must wear a mask to conceal their true identities.


The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors, namely --whisperbabe (formerly known as abbyeepinkish13) @ No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended. Any scene resembling that to a person's life is completely coincidental. If seen anywhere else besides, please notify me at once.

THIS IS A FICTIONAL WORK, although I have included some references from the Bible. I am a Roman Catholic Christian, and no offense is intended to my God or my beliefs as a Christian through this story.

&& CREDITS TO Sensei @ ♔ --c h o c o l a t e creams ― OFFICIAL'THREAD; for making the really nice poster for this story!! ^^;;




Kwon Jiyong and Park Sandara in








a  s  q  u  e  r  a  d  e  .
by --whisperbabe @


Their futures were already set, but destiny makes its way between good and evil.








                “Don't go near that boy. God knows what he may do to you.”


                “It's that monster from our street. How dare he shows his face here.”


                “Demon! May God bless our souls.”




A lot of questions started to run in his mind—usually out of pain, because he couldn't remember when these parents started calling him names like “demon” and treat him like an outcast. Countless times had he told himself that he wasn't; that he isn't—that he was just a child born to a mother who works at night and comes home past midnight with a different man. And that wasn't just that; his mother would tell him how much of a burden he is to her and would often hit him with anything that her hands would grab on.


And what's worse is that his father would visit him and treat him like how his mother would... only more painful. He has his open wounds and scars to prove it. However, he finds it strange that his father would visit him when his mother wasn't around. It was like he was hiding from her, and whenever the young boy raises the topic of his father to his mother, she would tell him, “What the heck do I know!? Why can't you just be thankful that I gave birth to you!?”


At such a young age, his heart was overflowing with hatred towards the world, thinking that it was a cruel and terrible place, and goodness is just a mask that people wear in order to win all their desires.


As he recalled those words that these parents whispered amongst each other, he bit his lower lip to the point wherein he could taste his own blood. With a bent head, he tried to suppress the sadness he was feeling inside, but he ends up closing his eyes tightly and weep. Sobs escaped from his mouth while he grips onto the edge of the wooden bench that he was sitting on.


“Why? I'm not a demon! I'm not weird! I'm just an ordinary child!!”


He screamed out of anger as the sun continues to set, and the skies bear an orange tint that would fade into black through the night.


Upon finishing his words, he became more and more furious to the point that he couldn't sense what was happening to his surroundings  that time—strong winds circled him, and the sky was covered with gray clouds that echoed thunder and emitted lightning; the ground beneath him started to open as well.


All of these were out of anger, until...


“That's odd. You have yellow hair.”


The young boy opened his eyes when he heard a voice that sounded like a child whose age wasn't that far from his. Quickly, he turned his head to look back and he sees a little girl with long and straight brunette hair that reached half of her white dress. He noticed that she had an ice cream cone in her hand, which might explain the white cream all over her face.


Seeing the scared look on his face, the little girl flashed a smile at him with the thought of cheering him up. However, she wasn't expecting him to turn around and hide his face behind the wooden bench.


She became more and more curious of the boy, so the little girl trotted her way to the bench, sitting down beside him. While her ice cream, she observed the little boy beside her, whose head was bent, as if trying to avoid her gaze.


Without warning, he felt her hand run through his hair, and upon realizing it, he cringed, still bearing the frightened look on his face before leaning forward once again with his head bent.


“Omo! It's really yellow!” the young girl exclaimed with enthusiasm while her eyes blinked constantly. “But you don't look like those tall people. You're Korean, right?”


She grasped onto his arm as a form of friendship, but he responded by pulling it away from her.


“Don't touch me!!!” he cried, turning his back at her. “I want to be alone!!!”


The young girl, although it didn't look like it, knew that he was troubled deep inside. Ever since she had started attending kindergarten, she has always noticed the unfair treatment towards him. In group activities, not a single group would accept him. During recess, no one would come sit beside him and talk to him. He would barely smile, and he would usually bend his head in order to hide his emotions.


Their classmates would call him a monster, a demon because he possesses something different. One time, an elementary student wronged him. While watching, she noticed that the ground had opened right in front of him and it swallowed the elementary student who caused him harm. Out of fear, the other children ran away and continue to avoid him. Because they were scared that he may harm them, they only called him names behind his back. It was weird, of course, since no other child could do such a thing, but she knew that he was sad because of the way he's being treated.


Hoping that she could comfort him somehow, the young girl began to speak.


“You know, I always hated the feeling of being alone.” she said, which caught the attention of the boy beside her. “I know that people have different points of view but one thing that I'm sure of is that they don't want to be alone.” after saying so, she finished the ice cream before throwing the cone on the ground. Upon wiping the cream off her hands using her dress, the young girl pulled the young boy closer to her, laying her head near his chest.


The timid young boy was taken aback at first; his eyes widened as he remained frozen in front of her. After a few seconds, she releases her grip on him and laid her hand on her chest.


“We have the same heartbeat.” she claimed before pulling his head near her chest. The young boy blushed as he listened to the young girl's heart beating. Afterward, she moved his head away from her and held his hands, spreading them across his later on. “We have the same hands.”


The once bitter boy felt his heart beating rapidly even though he couldn't understand what was going on exactly. Without warning, the young girl moved her face near his, and his face was already flushing.


“We have the same eyes, even the color of it! So why would you believe in what they say? Why would you believe that you're different from me and from everyone else?” the brunette asked, amusement evident through her voice as she moved her face away from the blonde's. She smirked, “Your name's Jiyong, right?”


“Eh?” the little boy turned his head at her.


“Kwon Jiyong-i, right?”


He nodded his head, a bit uncertain to why she knew his name.


The brunette pointed at herself using her thumb. “I'm Sandara! PARK SAN-DA-RA! But you can call me Sandi.”


Upon hearing her name, Jiyong laughed, which surprised Sandi since it was the first time she saw him laugh.


“Eh, you're laughing!” Sandi exclaimed, happy to know that she made him happy. “Wait, but why are you laughing?”


It took Jiyong a few seconds to stop himself from laughing before he was able to reply. “Your name...” he said, trying to suppress his laughter. “Whenever I hear it, I would think of 'ssantokki' (rabbit).”


Slightly offended with his words, Sandi spoke. “Well, you wouldn't know what the other students called you if I didn't tell you. They call you Kwon JI-RAL ().”


“But what does 'jiral' mean?” Jiyong asked out of curiosity.


“I don't know, but they call you that.” Sandi replied, shrugging her shoulders.


Silence surrounded the two for a moment before they returned to laughing without anything humorous to laugh about. They don't understand it, but the mere presence of each other is enough to make them happy. For Jiyong, Sandi was his very first friend. For Sandi, Jiyong was the very first person whom she helped in finding a friend.


“Sandara! Where are you? It's dinnertime and you haven't gone home yet!”


Hearing a voice familiar to her, Sandara gasped. “Omo, it's my mom.” she turned to Jiyong afterward. “I have to go home now. It's getting late. But I had fun talking to you.”


Jiyong timidly nodded his head in reply.


“Let's talk again tomorrow, okay?” Sandara said before jumping off the bench, running to her mother. On her way, she paused for a moment and turned around to face Jiyong. “Jiyong-i!”


Jiyong, who was about to get off the benches, directed his gaze at the young brunette who was standing a few meters away from him.


She continued to shout, knowing that he was listening. “When you're alone, come to me, okay? I'll be this warm home that you can go to, so that you'll never be alone.”


He curved his lip. “Ne!”


Upon hearing his answer, Sandi waved her hand at Jiyong as her final goodbye that day with a grin on her face. “Annyeong!” she cried out before running to her mother, who was still searching for her.


When her figure disappeared through the night, Jiyong started to walk back to his house on his own. Deep inside, he was grateful that a person like Sandi would come to him and befriend him like that. It made him happy, and even though Sandi knew about the things he had done, it didn't stop her from being friends with him.


It finally became clear to him. His strong desire to become an ordinary human being has drifted away from his mind and he has come to accept the fact that he is what everyone says he is. Although Sandi told him that he wasn't different from everyone else, he knew that deep inside, he was...









...a demon.






A/N: Hey guys! I'm back with another story! :)) I'm sorry if I haven't updated my other stories yet (I really am. It's just that my self control is so low that... yeah... I make a new story. :( ) Anyway, I hope you like this one! There are lots of twists here in this story. This may be my favorite DaraGon story to write. Comment and subscribe, guys! :)) As for the Big Bang and 2NE1 members, they'll make an appearance here soon.


[10/21/13] Chapter 9 of Masquerade.


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bubblybubblepuff #1
Chapter 9: Omg was that Jiyong? Or Seunghyun? Omg >_<
Hmp Youngbae was such a sweetheart here, love his character ♡
Thank you for the update!! ^^
purple_bee #2
Chapter 9: What willl happen next? Aigoooo! why so naive! Aish! Never axcept drinks.from.strangers.specially if you don't know what it is!
icegirl #3
Chapter 9: omg ji and dara meets! maybe they go home together since youngbeas not there? hehe :D
icegirl #4
Chapter 8: omg i just found this , and i really like how the fic is goin , finally ji and dara will meet :D
justshipit #5
Chapter 8: LOOOOOL seungri you dumb dumb hahahahaa.. I cannot wait til the dara and gd meet again!
Kathleiya #6
This fic is so good. Reminds of Fallen.

U really write well authornim that while reading the first 4 chapters ( i think) of this fic im thinking of harry potter and the philo stone's 1st chapter.

Till ur next update^^ fighting
bubblybubblepuff #7
Chapter 8: Miss this fic!! Thank you so much for updating this! ♡ ♡
Chapter 8: Saw the update and i was immediately interested as it was angel and demons! Kyaaa~ i hope you'll Update soon(':
echochannel #9
Chapter 7: Oh, this story is still alive! I'm so happy. :D I thought that maybe you lost interest in it or gave up because you didn't have much time to write but I'm happy to see that you're still hanging on. :)
It doesn't surprise me thought that this is still one of my favorite Daragon fanfictions. The quality is incredibly high and the possibilities in the plot and created world are wonderful. I hope I'll see an update soon but, of course, I understand that your life and studies come first. Just don't give up.
Chapter 7: waaaaa. i super like this !! angels and demons !! waaaaaaa. wanna know next !! I hope sandi will not forget nyong-i, update soon author-nim !! Fighting !