[Main] Not Like This (Part 2)

Will you be mine? (A LESol AU)

[General POV]

The 4 of them made their way into the park in pairs. With Hyelin and Jeonghwa walking in front and Solji and Hyojin at the back. Each of their pets is on leases in front of each of them. They walked their pets to an empty corner of the park that was shaded and settled down on a large mat Jeonghwa had brought along. After settling down, trouble began brewing.

[Switch POV]

As she watched the 5 dogs play with each other in curiosity, she was still trying to process the whole situation. Earlier when they had met up and she saw the LE and her friend walking up to her and Jeonghwa, she was surprised. And when she saw LE shaking her head in irritation, her mind clicked and she realizes that it was the same situation she was in. She was alone on the mat with 5 pups in her care as the 2 lasses dragged LE to grab drinks and snacks from the convenience store nearby. This wasn't exactly the outing she had in mind when she was planning it, Jeonghwa alone was a big enough surprise let alone LE's friend. They had barely settled down when the two girls suddenly suggested to get some drinks and snacks and insisting that LE should follow. She still remembered how there was a pair of puppy eyes begging for her to request for LE to stay with her but another double pair of children eyes were also sparkling in a plea to take LE away. She pretended to look away to focus on the dogs as she watched LE get dragged off by two excited spirits from the corners of her eyes. She made a mental note to apologize to LE later.

[Switch POV]

She couldn't believe her luck. First Hyelin had appeared like the wild card that she was, then Jeonghwa from the boutique had appeared with Solji when they met up at the park and now she was dragged into the convenience store by the 2 noisy ones. This was not how she had expected her day to go, especially her betrayal by Solji who pretended to look away as she got taken by the two others to the convenience store for snacks and drinks. As she idly stared at the alcohol section contemplating if the situation calls for alcohol, she could hear Hyelin and Jeonghwa a few aisles away chatting happily about what to get.

Something was off, the two seems to have hit it off quite fast. For a pair of strangers, she has noticed that the two were close and seems to be in cahoot. As she picked up a pack of 4 beer cans and placed it into the basket, she wondered if Solji noticed the same thing. As soon as she turned around, the two who dragged her here were in front of her with a ton of snacks and drinks in their baskets. She shakes her head as the two excitedly whisked her off to the cashier.

Once outside the store, the two stood on each side of her and started asking questions which made her pick up her pace as she strutted towards Solji in hopes of getting away. But instead, she was met with 2 energetic spirits who seem to enjoy torturing her and by the time she reached Solji and the dogs, she was exhausted. She collapses on the mat and placing her head on Solji's lap in exhausting, muttering angrily how much she hated exercising. As she was groaning in exhaustion, she felt Solji comforting her with gentle pats on her head which made her relaxed and slowly stop her ranting. As soon as she caught her breath, she finally got up.

[Switch POV]

As LE suddenly collapsed on her lap and started complaining about the 2 other members, she smiled and guessed that it must have been tough. She started patting LE's head and apologizing for the betrayal earlier as she watched the dogs surrounding Jeonghwa who was holding a bag of dog treats while Hyelin was unpacking everything. Though they had only been introduced briefly, the fact the Hyelin and Jeonghwa got along immediately made her concerned. She knew it was weird the two got along instantly but she was unsure on how to breach the subject. However, as soon as the two were done unpacking and settled down beside her and LE, she brought up the topic. As soon as she did, she saw the two look at each other in worry. Their faces screamed "Not like this" the same way hers and LE's did when they noticed each other's extra company at the park entrance. She glanced at LE who was looking back at her with a smirk at the situation. She thinks to herself "oh how have the tables turned" as she helped herself to a can of cold beer with LE and the other two having a cold sweat.

=End of Chapter 5 (Part 2)=

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Chapter 8: Hauhauhauhahahahahahshs i cant belive you did something like this xD very enlightening interiew xD jaushshsssssgshhshshdjdnjdksnejcslbdchsosncj
Chapter 5: Wooo~ you managed to finish it, Ted! Congrats~
Solji was so happy, i feel bad that her jerk ex managed to find her and retaliate i.i I'm glad LE was there to help. And this care for clothing coming from LE is very cute hehehe
Thanks for the update o/
Chapter 4: Updates yaaaay!
Solji should have keft that note closer to LE xD and LE should clean more! Hauhauah at least the misunderstanding is clear now hahaha
Hyelin is such a good friend.
Wow a week off? They are going to see each other a lot xp
Thanks for the update o/
Jura07 #4
my poor lil lesol marshmallow heart oh my gosh. i’ve been desperate for lesol and you’re a blessing. this is so cute and good so far thank you for my life
jji_xx #5
Chapter 4: wohoooo a date!
jji_xx #6
Chapter 1: i really really love it can't wait for next!! :3
Karinavidz #7
Chapter 1: Love it!
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaash this was a blast! I loved it! Drinking parties are really something else! And poor Solji, what a jerk of a boyfriend she had y.y at least she found a nice friend, or I hope LE is nice hshahahhw I really loved all this setting and I can't wait to get more into it o/