1st Chapter...

Pregnancy, [Remake]

Why is it that I have been chosen to be the victim of this restriction? I'm chained by the laws of this world, not free to enjoy life without sickness. These ills cleave to my body in sort of hellish loyalty even though so many medicines to try to drive them out.

Actually, I was interpret the meaning of my own existence. Why was it only now that I found myself seeking answers to these questions? In facts I was still assailed by doubts and fears.

"Kyunghee~" my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the throaty voice of my husband,

"Nae?" I responded quickly and rushed towards him,


So many different question were nagging my mind. I was beginning to feel nervous and frightened. I just received an email from his twins, Jo Kwangmin. It contains a picture of Youngmin an another woman who is not me, in pairs, yet holding hands together?

The bedroom door budge slowly, revealing tired Youngmin. Without any hesitation, my hands quickly pressed the delete button and forced myself to act normally.

I get off from the bed and approached him. Just like my everyday routine, I would give him a peck on his cheek. Secretly, I smell the scent of his shirt while loosing his tie off.

Nearly all those answers contradicted my expectations. I can smell a girl scent on his shirt, yet a 'hickey' on his neck.

"Youngie.. W-what this?" I asked him while touching his neck. His hand went towards my hands and grasp it tightly, "Ah... its tingle that I kept on scratching it,"

My eyebrows furrowed. All my question were answered calmly and almost casually by him. I'm so sure that, he's a faithful husband. Then, I guess my expactations is true afterall.

Just one thing, I really wanted to know. What is Kwangmin purposes sending me that picture?


Authors note:
Guess what? Its different from the first pregnancy right? Yeah.. The storyline is gonna be diffr, but the characters n their personalities 'will' be almost the same, i guess?

About the good or nice or watever comment it is, if u guys r chosen to hv a oneshot req, i'll inbox u k? ;D No bashing or rude comment, cause, im so sure tht I'll be crying when i read it. Please dont break my guiltless heart. ;'D

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Chapter 5: damnnn intense
Chapter 5: do you feel guilty now, huh?! :3
I'm cute.
Chapter 5: please update soon okay.....ur story is really interesting....:)
Chapter 5: It's ok authornim! Take your time and an up vote thing is like well... If you have a lot of votes it's most likely that your stor will get into the featured section
Chapter 5: Update soon
please update soon author-nim i really like this story>,<
Chapter 4: Finally! this is the fanfic I was looking for the past 4 months >o< now I have found it, can you please update soon? :3
KayyhM #8
I'm sorry, for not updating properly. my life was extremely busy. :(( but I'll try to update frequently.