Chapter 5

Jessica the Housemother

In the end she failed by less than 30 seconds. As she reached the door of Chain Reaction House she heard the sickening sound of the latch being drawn. In her tearing rush she hadn’t been able to stop so after crashing headlong into the door it was Mrs Jessica who had opened it.

“Dr Park, how nice of you to grace us with your presence,” Mrs Jessica had said icily.

“Mrs Jessica, you know how these facility meetings…”

Mrs Jessica pulled a face of exaggerated nonchalance and shook her head.

“You keep telling me such things,” she said dismissively, “but I really don’t care. I think under the circumstances we will have our little talk after tomorrow’s evening meal. Good night Dr Park, sleep tight.”

______ sighed, she really needed to get some better accommodations, she thought bitterly.



The next evening.

______ stood outside Mrs Jessica’s door unable to knock with a whole riot of butterflies assailing the inside of her tummy. It had been the third time she had tried to see Mrs Jessica but each previous occasion there had been other girls or someone else passing by and ______ just knew that if she was seen going in then everyone would know why she was there. Now finally the corridor was empty and ______ could not bring herself to knock.

She checked her watch, just two minutes and she would be late. A sound at the stairwell near the other end of the corridor made up her mind and as if by their volition her knuckles rapped the door.

No reply. _______ looked around quickly, certain now that someone would come. She knocked again. She began to dance in the silence that followed, which as impelling as any music. Please Mrs Jessica, she thought, this is so unfair.

She was about to knock again when the door opened.

“Dr Park, come in,” Mrs Jessica said absently without really looking at her.

Mrs Jessica walked over to her desk, her reading specs perched severely on her nose. Thankful that the door was safely closed, _______ hovered in the middle of the room.

“Well?” Mrs Jessica asked, looking back at her.

“You… you wanted to see me,” _______ answered, a little puzzled.

“Yes, yes I know, but what are you waiting for?”

“Excuse me?”

“Skirt and folded neatly on that chair and then  go and stand and face that wall until I am ready for you.”

“But…” _______ wanted to cry. It had never been this way before and she guessed it was the normal procedure with the other girls. I suppose I am well and truly being put in my place, she thought bitterly. She thought about passive resistance, but Mrs Jessica had taught her better on previous occasions.

Mrs Jessica glanced back from her place at her desk and peered at _______ over her spectacles. _______ needed no other warning and hastily began to fumble with the zip of her skirt. Less than 90 seconds later she was below the waist except for her socks and standing to face the wall.

_______ felt so foolish half- with a chill about her thighs and bottom while Mrs Jessica ignored her. Then she realised that she had glimpsed other girls standing here from the door. What if someone comes? _______ was under no illusion that Mrs Jessica would make the least concession for her position. Maybe they won’t recognise me, she hoped desperately. Then she remembered the spanking and how much it would hurt and she had sharp intake of breath as if a prelude to a good cry.

“I realise that this is difficult for you Dr Park,  ______ I mean as I wish to address in that manner from now on since you act childishly , but I really do think it is for your own good. And I think you know that too or else you would have made greater strides to find alternative accommodation,” Mrs Jessica said almost kindly. “I won’t be long.”

The last statement turned out to be a lie, or at least so it seemed from where _______ was standing. But finally and all too soon _________ heard Mrs Jessica stand up behind her. The upright chair was moved into the centre of the room and something hard scraped against the wood of the desktop.

“Alright come here,” Mrs Jessica said at last.

_______ turned nervously and saw Mrs Jessica sitting in the Shaker-style chair with the hairbrush on her lap.

“Quickly now girl, before I have my rounds.”

_______ walked briskly towards the housemother until her thighs were touching the rough material of her skirt. For an instant she felt a feeling like a bed of roses, but then she was pulled unceremoniously over Mrs Jessica’s lap and reality set in.

“This is ridiculous,” _______ whispered sullenly.

“I’m glad you realise that,” Mrs Jessica said almost kindly.

The crack of the brush was sharp and _______ jerked forward at its impact. But there was no time to consider it, for before she could even cry out, the tangy spot on her bottom gained a sister which was harsher than the first. In very sort order _______ was hugging at Mrs Jessica calves with one hand and a chair leg with the other. Her breathing was already fast and ragged, as if she had been running.

“That’s it, just accept it and it will soon be over,” Mrs Jessica soothed.

The spanking that followed was standard fare for the housemother and if truth were told not as harsh for _______ as her previous adventures in ‘lap land.’ However, it hurt just the same and after five minutes or so _______’s coarse breathing gave way to sobs and tears began to flow.

The worst part was the submission. Mrs Jessica had in just a handful of spankings reduced her to a little girl who comes meekly for her punishment. That thought was the last barrier and _______ began to sob hard.

“That’s a good girl,” Mrs Jessica said quietly as she brought the spanking to an end. “Let’s have you back in the corner for a bit and then you can go.”

“Yes Mrs Jessica,” _______ said doing her best to recover herself.

Corner time afterwards was almost welcome, therapeutic even. Knowing that she’s in the same room alone with Mrs Jessica. 

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polaris_crux #1
Chapter 16: Would've liked it better if the ending included her confession to Jessica. It was good, though there were parts where some names weren't converted.
Chapter 16: Nmms
Chapter 16: i dont know why im reading this but here i am
Chapter 12: Ya quiero que los papeles se inviertan y el personaje pueda golpear las nalgas de Jess 7u7
Chapter 6: Esto es raro
Ohoho si
Chapter 3: cant imagine a faculty getting spanked on the x))
Chapter 2: Nice first chapter~
prinzginger #9
Looking forward to ittt! I’ve always loved ur storiess
Im looking forward for this story.....