Chapter 8

Jessica the Housemother

The 25-year-old Korean literature lecturer was lost in her thoughts following her run in with Mrs Jessica and she had a lot to think about. Her rapidly spinning head was still reeling with the agreement she had made. She was still blushing for God’s sake, and at both ends, she thought ruefully.

One more run-in and she would either face public humiliation or very private and very regular intimate submission. She wanted to rail against the world and scream at its injustice, but she didn’t feel any sense of injustice. Was that what bothered her most? Oh for sure she could take the college to a tribunal or even sue its off at a state or even federal level, but that seemed churlish of her somehow. She had come to Green Light town for the adventure and she had found it.

Besides, she thought, she somehow doubted that she was the first outsider to run afoul of the town’s quaint little punitive customs. It was a cert that it could take care of itself and maybe at greater expense to her interests.

No, she had three choices as she saw it and that was why she had taken an evening walk around town to clear her head.

Firstly, she could try and stay out of trouble. But in her heart she knew that she would fail. That was a strategy she had employed for weeks now and something, probably her little self-saboteurs, was thwarting that approach.

Secondly she could accept the situation, along with a weekly maintenance spanking and whatever other indignities Mrs Jessica had in mind for her. Or thirdly, she could move out.

_______ sighed. The last was obvious, but then she thought of the rows of bare-bottomed college girls and the proximity to all that spanking adventure. She couldn’t tell herself that it wasn’t what she signed on for, it was. Even an experience or two at the hands of some hunk was not out of court. But such regular childish humiliations so close to home…? Her hands stole to her ‘home’ and rubbed it tenderly. If only… she sighed, and then looked up.

She was in a well-to-do area of town and ______ had taken in the quaint wooded street on a whim. Now she found herself outside a house set back from the others. It was a large home with a yard big enough to hold a ball game. It was certainly the largest in the street, not that its neighbours were exactly small. But there was something about this house that made her stop.




_________ didn’t know what drew her to this particular house. It was crazy, she could even get arrested, she thought as she made her way around the side of the building. As soon as she reached the shadow in the first hint of twilight she knew that what she was doing was insane.

The house had a kind of porch running almost all the way around. At the side she could see a high-ish window to what she presumed was a basement that was just below the floor of the surround porch. It was too high for a girl of five feet nothing to see into, even standing on a box so she moved on. As she went further back to the yard the ground rose up so that the rear decking was almost level with the ground.

The only place where the porch was not continuous was at a set of cellar doors at the far corner, beyond which were steps that led to the other end of the deck and then, she guessed up to an upper balcony arrangement.

The whole set-up reminded her of some kind of plantation house, although admittedly on a smaller scale. It was an image that put her in mind of ‘whupping’ for some reason and she knew she should go.

‘I was just looking for a friend before realising I had the wrong house,’ she rehearsed in her head.

Then she heard it: the unmistakable sound of someone being scolded by a firm baritone voice. The occasional interjection from a rather shrill scoldee confirmed that the person in trouble was female.

What is it with this town? She wondered. But she felt the same thrilling pang she had felt when she had first encountered the secret of Green Light town . So instead of leaving, she nervously ascended the back steps to the porch and crept up to a window for a peek.

What met her gaze were not one, but two hapless women. Both were facing the wall with their at their ankles and both had eminently spankable behinds. One, she decided was college age and from the way she stood upright with her hands on her head, no newbie at corner time. The other, if she wasn’t mistaken was older, perhaps much older; _______ blushed in recognition of the woman’s plight.

Then she saw the man watching TV and gulped. As far as she could tell in profile, he was a traditional squared-jaw hunk, with square sports-jock shoulders and a touch of masterful grey at his temples. Now this was going to be too good to miss, she decided, throwing all caution to the wind.

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polaris_crux #1
Chapter 16: Would've liked it better if the ending included her confession to Jessica. It was good, though there were parts where some names weren't converted.
Chapter 16: Nmms
Chapter 16: i dont know why im reading this but here i am
Chapter 12: Ya quiero que los papeles se inviertan y el personaje pueda golpear las nalgas de Jess 7u7
Chapter 6: Esto es raro
Ohoho si
Chapter 3: cant imagine a faculty getting spanked on the x))
Chapter 2: Nice first chapter~
prinzginger #9
Looking forward to ittt! I’ve always loved ur storiess
Im looking forward for this story.....