Chapter 2

Jessica the Housemother

The house was dark and quiet when she arrived home at little before 11 and she was surprised to find that the front door was locked. The bell push made no sound so _______ wondered what to do. Then a rather flustered girl in her nightclothes opened the door.

“Are you nuts?” The girl looked decidedly on edge.

“I don’t think so? I am just trying to get into my room.”

“Dorm closes at 10,” the girl hissed tugging at ______. “Quick, get in.”

“Okay, okay,” ______ laughed at the girl.

No sooner had she stepped inside the door than the girl took off.

“Strange girl,” _______ murmured and closed the door, relocking it.

It had been a long couple of days, what with the travel and the settling in, so ______ heaved a sigh and then yawned as she rubbed the back of her neck. She suddenly wished that she had one of the downstairs rooms.

She got as far as the end of the corridor where she had seen the crying girl the night before when she was confronted by a rather severe middle-aged woman.

“Have you any idea what time it is young lady?”

“Eh… yes it’s, let me see,” ______ pulled back her sleeve to look at her watch, “almost 11.”

“Impudence will get you nowhere my girl,” the woman spat.

_______ frowned and wondered if she might be drunk. One of them must be.

“Were you aware that the doors of this house are locked at 10?” The woman continued.

“That’s what the strange girl downstairs said,” _______ pointed over her shoulder. “How am I supposed to get in?”

“You are supposed to have already come home by then, don’t you read the rules?”

“Ah rules, ‘for the obeisance of fools and the guidance of wise men,’” She quoted. “Gosh, I am a little drunk. No I didn’t actually, I only arrived yesterday.”

“This is intolerable. Do you know who I am?”

“No. I’m Park _____, by the way. Do you live here too?”

“I am Mrs Jessica, the housemother.”

“An english name huh and a what? You have to be ing kidding?”

“I can hardly believe my ears. Come with me this instant.”

“Your ears look fine to me,” _______ giggled. “Sorry, I really have had too much to drink.”

“Come with me,” the woman growled, seizing _______ by the ear.

“Hey. What are you doing?” _______ said with a shout as she was dragged down the corridor.

“You young brats are all the same, a few days away from home and you think you own the world. Well not in this house. In this house freshmen know their place.”

“Freshman. Not again, listen lady…”

“Don’t you ‘listen me’, you listen.”

_______ was still blustering as she was led into a large in-house apartment at the end of the hall. There she was shoved forward and told to wait there.

“Look, I don’t know…” But Mrs Jessica wasn’t listening as she had already gone into one of the other rooms.

She quickly emerged holding a hairbrush in one hand and an old Shaker style chair in the other. It was all getting far too surreal for _______, who yawned and started for the door.

“Can we sort this misunderstanding out tomorrow? I’m bushed.”

But Mrs Jessica promptly sat down and pulled _______ over her lap.

“We are going to sort out the misunderstanding now,” the housemother growled.

_______ giggled as she flopped across the woman’s lap, not quite following what was about to happen.

“This is silly let me explain,” _______ said as she tried to get up.

“You’re not going anywhere girl. I once had the captain of the ladies rowing team in this house, she was a big girl but no match for me.”

The hairbrush stung _______’s bottom then and she yelped.

“What the ?”

“Listen my girl any more of that and you won’t sit down until you graduate.”

Then Mrs Jessica let rip with a sharp volley to the seat of ______’s pencil skirt.

“This is… owww… please…” _______ gasped.

“Don’t tell me miss prissy has never been spanked?”

“No… certainly not… well yes but…”

The housemother brought her arm down hard and finished it with a flick for an extra hard spank.

“Which is it? Yes. No. You are certainly going to get a very sound spanking now.”

“You can’t do this I’m… yeow! Ooh.” _______ was having trouble getting the words out now.

“I certainly can young lady, it is clearly stipulated in my job contract. We have been spanking uppity brats in this house since 1899.”

“But I’m… nah…ttt a freshman… yikes! Please god… nooo!”

“I know you are a freshman. Not that it makes a difference. I have had a senior or two over my knee before now.”

“But I am not… kk that hurt, please…”

“I see,” Mrs Jessica  sighed.

_______ was dumped on the floor where she began to cry. The strange woman got up and went into the other room again. When she came back she was holding a bar of soap. Not that _______ was taking any notice, she was still lying on the floor dazed and confused clutching at her bottom.

Then the woman grabbed _______ by the hair and shoved the bar of soap in .

“Wahh, puh, puh…” _______ spluttered. While she did so, Mrs Jessica grabbed the zip of her skirt in back and drew it down. Before she knew it, she was hauled to her feet with her skirt going south and dragged back across Mrs Jessica’s knee.

“Now young lady I don’t want to hear another word come out of your mouth that ain’t either ‘yes ma’am’ or ‘no ma’am, do you hear?”

“Listen please… yaaah!” Mrs Jessica spanked down hard and then with a flourish whipped _______’s  down to her ankles. “My god!”

Mrs Jessica sighed again and began another stiff spanking volley until _______ could not draw a breath and had opted for clawing at the chair legs and kicking her feet.

“Do you understand?” Mrs Jessica growled.

“Yes ma’am,” _______ yelped emphatically. “But please listen.”

“No, no, no, no young lady. You listen.”

Then Mrs Jessica set to spanking her charge with a vigour that could have rattled the china in hell. The flat of the hairbrush cracked across _______’s round red bottom so that sound bounced back of the walls in time for the next impact. _______ would have been fascinated by the physics of it, but she had other things on her mind at that moment.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes ma’am,” _______ sobbed.

“Do I have to spank you into next Tuesday to get you to mind me?”

“No ma’am.”

“That’s quite a bottom you have there, both before and after its spanking,” Mrs Jessica observed as she eyed the epic red globes. “Believe me and I have seen a few.”

“Yes ma’am,” _______ continued to sob, not daring to venture one more word.

“Good girl. Now stand up and go and put that cute button nose of yours in the corner,” Mrs Jessica said kindly.

“But Mrs Jessica… yeow!” _______’s explanation was cut short by another round of spanks.

“Honey you got to mind me. Now what did I say? Get your cute little hiney to that corner.”

“Yes ma’am.”

_______ had never felt so stupid in her entire life. She wished she could stop crying long enough to explain properly, but she could see that the housemother was in no mood to listen. But there was nothing for it, so she limped forward to obey the batty old woman.

Once in the corner, _______ let go with heart felt sobbing while Mrs Jessica looked on still holding the hairbrush. She must have stood there for five or 10 minutes with a hot hard throbbing bottom before she could recover herself. Then she took a deep breath and turned to confront her tormentor.

“Mrs Jessica you are going to feel so silly about this… but I am not a freshman. I am…” _______ tried her confident best to assert herself, as she took up a lecturer’s stance complete with hand emphasis.

“Oh dear me,” Mrs Jessica said wearily. “For the last time young lady, I don’t care.”

The housemother stood up and strode towards her recalcitrant tenant and hauled her back across her lap.

“Mrs Jessica please listen,” _______ wailed in her panic.

“You know I used to get a girl like you maybe once every couple of years. Lately it seems that every semester I get a smart mouth who tries to tell me that they are too old to be spanked and that it ‘just isn’t done in this day and age.’” Mrs Jessica pinched the bridge of nose before she set to giving _______ another spanking.

Mrs Jessica had several grades of spanking she could give through long years of practice. There was the common or garden sound spanking that usually worked. There was the ‘you won’t sit down for a week’ exemplary spanking for the hard cases. And there was what she was about to give this girl. Her ‘you won’t ever cross me as long as you live and if you can sit down by Easter you will be lucky’ spanking.

As the spanking got underway, ______ thought she had sat on hot coals and began to screech. There was no way she could think let alone explain and even if she could have, she needed all her breath for howling the place down.

The spanking lasted for maybe 15 minutes and by the time Mrs Jessica was done, Donna was a sobbing wreck and her bottom was a deep muddy red with white chafe marks across its surface.

“Now are you going to stand in the corner for me until I tell you to come out?”

“Yes ma’am.” ______ sobbed.

“Good girl. At last.”

_______ was made to stand in the corner until the early hours of the morning, although it took her almost that long to stop crying and she had definitely given up trying to explain. This was a huge inconvenience for Mrs Jessica, but some girls just had to learn and by mid semester all her girls would be as quiet as mice except for the odd lapse, so it was worth it to take the extra trouble at the start of the school year.

“Alright, you can go to your room. And _______ is it? Don’t let me have you back in here for a while or your bottom will have quite a time of it.” Mrs Jessica said at last.

“Yes ma’am,” _______ said sheepishly. God I will never live this down, she thought as she gathered up her clothes and left the room without dressing.

Once she got to her room, she threw herself down on the bed and began another bought of sobbing, which lasted until she fell asleep.

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polaris_crux #1
Chapter 16: Would've liked it better if the ending included her confession to Jessica. It was good, though there were parts where some names weren't converted.
Chapter 16: Nmms
Chapter 16: i dont know why im reading this but here i am
Chapter 12: Ya quiero que los papeles se inviertan y el personaje pueda golpear las nalgas de Jess 7u7
Chapter 6: Esto es raro
Ohoho si
Chapter 3: cant imagine a faculty getting spanked on the x))
Chapter 2: Nice first chapter~
prinzginger #9
Looking forward to ittt! I’ve always loved ur storiess
Im looking forward for this story.....