Act 2 “Madness”

Hospital of the Death


Act 2 “Madness”

Yoochun walked fast almost running as they finally reached the core of the building. It was so silent and no one was there. It was so strange as Yoochun could some blood splashes on the wall and broken furniture.

“What the hell is going on?” Yoochun asked again but no one answered. Changmin was busy helping Jaejoong to put some beeping machine on the hall. He got no idea when Jaejoong got the devices.

“What are they?” Yoochun asked as he helped.

“Bombs, it’ll block the way,” Jaejoong explained.

Yoochun almost shouted but he managed to calm himself. He realized if these two people were lunatic, he couldn’t ask for help because there’s no one nearby. But somehow, his gut told him this people were sane and something really bad had to be happening.

“So, we just block this passage and we’ll be safe from those zombies, right?” Changmin reassured as Jaejoong nodded.

“No!” Yoochun finally argued,” If those zombies you’re talking really true, we can’t just block the passage like this! What if there’s survivor?! And Junsu! He’s in the east wing for God’s sake!”

“Who’s Junsu?” Jaejoong asked.

“A nurse and this surgeon’s friend,” Changmin explained.

“Childhood friend to be exact! I can’t leave him!” Yoochun’s answer was final. Jaejoong was deep in thought; he knew there’s slight chance Junsu was still alive but if he’d turned into zombies, Yoochun wouldn’t be able to bear it because they needed to kill him in order to save him.

“Please! Just give me a gun or something! I’ll go save him even if I must go there alone!” Yoochun swore he was beginning to panic.

“Calm down,” Jaejoong spoke as they finished arranging the bombs.

“I got an idea, it’s crazy though and I’m so don’t want to do it,” Changmin suddenly spoke as the other men switched their attention to him,” We can blow this passage to keep the west wing save and then we march to save the survivor in the east wing. We can go back to west wing by the secret tunnel that connects Jaejoong hyung’s office and your office, Yoochun-sshi.”

Yoochun immediately agreed and so was Jaejoong. Well, the thing was, Changmin wasn’t agreeing at all but it was his idea and he lost vote. Sighing and cursing inside, he followed the two men to hide behind the coach, Jaejoong was ready to blow the hall.

“The explosion will get those zombies’ attention and they’ll gather here. It’ll be our biggest chance to search for any survivor,” Jaejoong spoke their plan,” Since there’s only corpse storage in the basement; we’ll definitely not going there. We’ll check floor one till five.”

“Why won’t we check the basement?” Yoochun asked.

“Because I can assure you that you’ll be digging your own grave,” Jaejoong explained,” Those zombies will turn the entire corpse into zombies too and this hospital is huge, imagine how many corpse there’re…”

Jaejoong gave the signal as they covered their ears. The bomb blew up as Jaejoong pressed the remote; the way was blocked. Still hiding in the mist of ashes, they got up and marched forward, following Jaejoong, as they could hear the hoarse scream. Yoochun shivered to his spine as he tried his best to not look back. But he did, he caught a glimpse of the zombies as he wanted to puke.

“Damn!” Jaejoong suddenly cursed as they realized there’re also zombies blocking their way ahead. Jaejoong shot five of them on the head but more were coming.

“Here!” Changmin shouted as he opened the janitor room with his keys and the three men got inside; locking the door from inside.

“Oh God! Junsu!!!” Yoochun was dead worried as he blamed himself to let Junsu go to get his patient’s medicine. He should be the one going but Junsu volunteered to do it instead.

“We’re trapped,” Changmin spoke,” But it’s not checkmate…”

“What do you mean?” Jaejoong asked.

“Look up,” Changmin ordered,” There’s ventilation space. We can get out from there and check the floor by the ceiling without being notice by the zombies.”

“You’re so smart!” Jaejoong cheered,” I’m so glad you’re here.”

“So, what are we waiting for, hurry up!” Yoochun was the first one to climb as he leaded the way. They crawled slowly, didn’t make any noise toward the pharmacy since there was the place Junsu should be. Yoochun got his self together; he was dead afraid but he needed to be brave to save Junsu.

After few minutes, they finally reached the pharmacy; there’re no zombies. Yoochun’s eyes searched for Junsu around but he couldn’t find him. They got off the ceiling into the payment counter and sneaked out slowly. Yoochun rolled to another side of the wall as kept his gun, which he got from Jaejoong, straight.


Yoochun heard weird noise from behind the reception counter as he slowly approached. He pointed his gun, ready to shoot any zombies he met, but there isn’t any. Only a figure of his childhood friend crying softly in terrified face, hiding behind the brown boxes.

“Shhh…” Yoochun approached Junsu as he hugged the trembling man,” It’s okay. It’s okay now, nobody going to hurt you…”

“Chunnie…” Junsu sobbed in relief as he hugged Yoochun tightly, didn’t want to let go.

“Come, let’s go,” Yoochun took Junsu to Changmin and Jaejoong’s place; just to find the two men were surrounded by some zombies. Yoochun shot one of the zombies on the head and killed another one. Junsu just watched in horror as more zombies were coming.

Jaejoong marched forward as the other followed. They rushed through the hall as the hungry zombies follow them. Kept running till they reached the lift, Changmin pressed the button as the lift opened. They got inside and the door closed before the zombies could touch them. Yoochun pulled the emergency button as the lift stopped moving; they’re safe for now.

“Chunnie…Chunnie, what are they?” Junsu, who’s still shocked, asked. Jaejoong sighed as he took this opportunity to explain the situation. Junsu and Yoochun were beyond surprise to hear it all. Yet, they didn’t know another surprise was waiting for them.


A huge bumping sound came from above the lift. They stayed silent as they got their gun ready. Junsu was also holding one now.


A horrifying scream almost made them deaf as they covered their ears. Suddenly the ceiling sunk down; reveal huge monster foot. Junsu almost scream but Yoochun covered his mouth with his palm. Meanwhile, Changmin took immediate action as he pressed level five and pushed back the emergency button. The lift went up as the monster kept jumping above them. They prayed the ceiling would hold on till they reached the highest level.

Their hope to crush the monster between the lift they’re in and the top ceiling was crushed as suddenly their lift lost its power and went down in high speed. They screamed their lungs as the crash made them felt indescribable pain and fear.

Jaejoong was the first one who opened his eyes as he realized the lift door was broken. There’re dust mist and he couldn’t see clear. Getting his sight up, he finally saw the huge monster was right in front of them; it’s three times bigger than normal zombies. Changmin, who got his consciousness after Jaejoong, shot the monster on the head but it wasn’t dead. Jaejoong used his guns to kill the head, only to get the monster went mad and stepped on his legs.

“Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!” Jaejoong screamed as he felt tremendous pain on his legs. He couldn’t move; he was frozen by the pain that was killing him.

“Damn you!!!” Yoochun and Junsu began to shoot the monster’s head as they finally woke up as the monster finally stepped back in pain.

“Hyung!!!” Changmin was the first one approached Jaejoong as he lift the man up; getting the four of them out of the broken lift, guns still busy shooting the monster.

Their nightmare didn’t stop as bunch of zombies chased them along with the monster. Yoochun was the first one to curse as his gun ran out of bullet and then Junsu. Changmin took Jaejoong’s shotgun as he shot endlessly. It didn’t last long till they ran out of bullet and worst! They’re trapped in a death end.

“Chunnie,” Junsu cried in fear,” I’m so scared…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you, no matter what,” Yoochun’s line was definitely even though he was also scared to death.

The zombies marched to them as Changmin cursed, shouting, he didn’t want to die yet! He even he hadn’t thrown his graduation hat and ity away! Okay, that’s mad.

“Look!” Junsu was the first one to realize the laundry tunnel; it’s like small tunnel for dirty hospital sheets that connected to the laundry room. They rushed to it as they helped Changmin to get Jaejoong inside and then they followed.

It’s like riding a slide when he was a child, Changmin had to admit. Except for the fact they landed in dirty sheets. Yoochun got up as he locked the laundry tunnel, preventing the zombies to follow them. They also locked the entire door in the room and hid behind the white sheets. They’re safe for now.

“Uhh…” Jaejoong gave out a soft gripe as Changmin tore the jeans; revealing the broken leg,” Yoochun hyung, can you help me?”

Yoochun realized they stopped using formal languages but he didn’t mind at all. He agreed as Changmin took out some bandages from his pocket and some medicine. He managed to get some in the pharmacy before as they searched for Junsu. Better be ready for the worst, was one of Changmin’s principle; that’s why he always took precautions.

“Damn! It hurts…” Jaejoong cursed as Junsu held his palm, hoping it would let the pain go away. Yoochun poured some water to clean the wound and then Changmin applied some medicine and wrapped the leg with the bandages. It wasn’t that bad for emergency aid but Jaejoong definitely needed to be treated and got real medicine as soon as possible.

“Thank you,” Jaejoong muttered before he closed his eyes. The time passed without they realized it and it’s almost sunsets. They decided to rest for now and waited for help. Inside their heart, they prayed that the zombies wouldn’t find them.

“Go get some sleep,” Yoochun told Junsu and Changmin,” I’ll watch.”

“Okay, wake me up in an hour and we’ll take turn,” Changmin spoke as he yawned. Damn, he was dead hungry and tired. He needed his food so badly but for the first time in his life he put the food on his second list. His first list was to get out of this hell.

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Chapter 18: Awesome story, really loved it. Zombie along with magic was a superb combination.
Chapter 18: wowwwwwwwwwwww,neva enjoyed a zombie movie or story in my lyf lyk i did reading dis one.da story is so different n unique.moreova my fav yunjae r in dis.i just luv dis.thnx for writing dis story for words to explain how much i luv dis ^^
i dnt actually feel scared frm reading horror stories frm buks,but dis one was rly scary,my heart was beating sooo fast !!
Chapter 18: I giggled reading the epilouge lol. it was too cute XD
Chapter 18: the ending was perfect X'D I totally enjoyed reading this story. It was amazing. ♡♡♡ and--- SORRY FOR THE SPAM COMMENTS >< hehe
Chapter 3: so creepy and scary X'D
chu-yunjae #6
Chapter 18: Just finished reading this story. Nice, I liked it. Glad to find some zombie type stories once in a while.
carissawhite #7
Chapter 18: Hi, sorry just comment in this chapter. I've finished read this story. It's good. Although at the beginning it's kinda confusing for why would there are zombies in a hospital. But it's getting clearer after the next chapters. It's just I can't belive actually the root problems is from their past life and now enter their present life. But the 3-4 last chap is very interesting. Nice story author-shi.
Chapter 18: I've just finished reading this story
jaejoong again kkk thank you
Chapter 18: Aww ~ THis story seems creepy at the beginning but slowly turn to a fluffy one . Aww ~ So cute ! A sequel pleaseeeee ? xD