Chapter 29

Date Me
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The next morning even before the alarm rings, the Captain’s eyes fluttered open at exactly 6 am in the morning. 


Only one thought pops out in her head. 


Its game day. 


Immediately, Seulgi could feel the adrenaline rush through her veins, which jolts her entire being awake. Feeling laser focused on her goal for the day, she is ready to spring out of bed, when her train of thought is suddenly interrupted by her unexpectedly sore arm. 


More specifically, a significant, physical weight on her shoulder.


Seulgi looks down and sees a head of soft, black hair snuggled into the crook of her neck. It is then that she realised she is not in her own room, but had spent the night at her girlfriend’s apartment instead. 


It instantly feels different than any other game day she has experienced in the past few years. 


Carefully, she tilts her head down to catch a sight of Irene’s face, who is still in her peaceful slumber. She spends the next few seconds, or minutes, just admiring every curve and edges of Irene’s beautiful, soft features, losing all concept of time in that moment. 


Seulgi holds the latter’s hand that is draped across her body and rubs it with her thumb, slowly and gently. She hopes to immortalise these peaceful moments of their morning together: One out of many to more come, if life would allow it. 


She enjoys the peaceful silence until her annoying alarm suddenly rang. While Seulgi rushed to turn it off as soon as she could, the loud noise has already stirred the latter up from her sleep. 


First, Irene meets Seulgi’s gaze with her eyes half open. Then a second later, she greets her with a lazy smile. “Morning, my Gomdori.” She whispers sweetly. 


“Morning, my princess.” Seulgi murmurs back just as softly, as if afraid to break the silence of this peaceful morning. 


“I’m happy that you look well-rested this morning.” Irene muses when she notices the captain’s bright and shiny eyes. 


“I am, and that is all thanks to you. Thank you for having me over.” Seulgi reaches out to caress the latter’s cheek, before leaning in to give her a sweet kiss at the same spot.


“You’re welcome.” Irene shrugs it off with a smile. “Its more important that you had a good sleep for your big day, Captain.” 


“Ugh don’t remind me of it.” Seulgi groans and stretches her arm out to engulf Irene in a tight hug. “I wish that time would stop right now and we can be like this forever.“  


“Don’t be silly. Today is your big day.” Irene chuckles against the latter’s chest, finding the latter’s cute tantrum simply endearing to witness.


“You won’t even entertain me for a minute.” Seulgi complains. Before Irene knew, Seulgi has wrapped her leg over her body to cuddle her even tighter. “I’m trapping you here and never letting you go.” Seulgi engulfs her in a huge hug and overwhelms Irene’s face with quick, loving pecks. 


“Come on silly bear, you gotta get up to prepare now.” Irene begins in a nagging tone, and then her voice changed into something softer, like she is slightly abashed. “Besides I made us breakfast already…” She trails off into a murmur but it is loud enough for Seulgi to catch it. 


“Already? You woke up earlier to prepare it?” Seulgi retracts from the hug to look at Irene with a face of total surprise, as she honestly has not expected anything at all.


“Yeah.” Irene reveals with a shy smile. “Its my surprise for you. I remember you said that your game day routine involves having toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast.” 


Her words touch Seulgi’s heart. “Awww thank you so much babe.” 


“You’re welcome. Now go wash up.” 


Once Seulgi is done, Irene excitedly shares the breakfast masterpiece she has been working on: three octopus sausages dancing on the perfectly scrambled eggs and toast, and little tomato bunnies scattered in the corner. 


They eat breakfast in blissful domestic bliss, while Irene looks at Seulgi enjoying her hearty meal as she enjoys her own piece of bread with jam, her usual breakfast. 


During the meal, Seulgi begins with her chatters as usual, while Irene prefers to sit back and enjoy hearing Seulgi’s animated stories, giving a few comments of her own from time to time. But as the time goes by, with each passing minute, the captain grows more and more quiet. 


At some point, Seulgi starts picking at the few crumbs of toast left on her plate, with a small furrow between her brows. 


She could feel her pre-performance nerves piling up on her shoulder like bricks, making her muscles tense up. Seulgi massages her shoulder subconsciously, which does not go unnoticed by her girlfriend. 


Seulgi looks up to meets Irene’s worried gaze across the table. “I am fine baby.” She slips out a small smile, not wanting Irene to worry. “Don’t worry.”


Irene knows her girlfriend well enough to know that she is not fine. However, instead of probing, she has learned to accept her girlfriend’s words and give her some space in that moment. “That’s good. Are you done eating?” 


“Yes. Thank you for breakfast.” Seulgi makes an effort to pull the edges of to smile as widely as possible, hoping to convey to the latter she is truly fine. 


Irene nods gently, accepting her words as it is. “You’re welcome baby, pass your plate to me please. I’ll do the washing while you can get changed.” Irene pats Seulgi’s head and nudges her to get changed while she does the cleaning up. 


After a few minutes, Seulgi walks out of the bathroom in her training wear and she walks to Irene’s chair, where her captain’s jacket is hung. 


It is only when she touches the familiar fabric in her hands that she realises how long it has been since she last worn it herself. 


Bringing the soft fabric up to her face, she notices the strong scent of lavender, which is the smell of her girlfriend’s perfume. The realisation draws a wide grin to her face. 


While putting on her jacket, she stops mid-action as some photos on Irene’s white board has caught her attention: 


The same photos of them she saw for the first time in Irene’s apartment remained: her council friends, her childhood photo, her family and their first date in the ice cream shop, which is finally not hidden behind another photo. She finds a new printed picture: the selfie they took in the car on the day they said ‘I love you’, where the date is written at the bottom with a heart shape. 


The calendar on the right also catches her attention, where Irene has marked out all of her training and performance dates meticulously. On “D-Day”, she also made a special note to wake up early to prepare breakfast for Seulgi. 


Seeing these makes her realise that all her previous doubts about Irene’s feelings for her are just silly. Irene obviously loves her back very much too, in her own ways. 


“You need the jacket back today?” Irene asks while walking towards her direction.


“I love you so much babe.” Seulgi smiles at her sweetly as she confesses, making the latter’s heart skip a beat. “Um okay…you’re welcome?” Irene looks away shyly, wondering why her girlfriend is suddenly being all sweet all of a sudden. She asks her previous question again, “So um about the jacket?”  


“Yeah sorry, I need it for the opening ceremony later.” Seulgi replies, resuming her action of putting on her jacket. “Hey looks like it’s still in good condition.” She pats it down happily, beaming in Irene’s direction. 


“Of course it does. I took good care of it.” Irene replies proudly. 


“Thank you babe. Since I’m taking this back, I think I should return this to you too.” Seulgi reaches into her bag and takes out a small pouch, where Irene’s watch is kept safely inside.


“Hey my watch!” Irene takes it over from her, happy to see it again. It is in perfect condition, an indication of how well the latter has taken care of it too. 


“You can keep your watch since I already have this.” Seulgi chirps, holding up their couple’s necklace. “Well I technically cannot wear it later but I will keep it in my pocket for good luck.” 


“Our necklace is your good luck charm?” Irene’s eyes lit up, evidently delighted at the idea.   


“No baby, you are.” Seulgi’s reply comes as soft as her delicate gaze. 


Her simple words make the latter grow visibly grow shy, beginning with the flush on her cheeks and then, her sudden inability to maintain eye contact. “H-How can you say such sweet things so easily…” She laments quietly, while looking intently at Seulgi’s neck. 


“Hyun-ah, eyes up here.” Seulgi beckons her shy girlfriend to look up. “I need a good luck kiss before I leave,” she requests. The captain leans in and her girlfriend tilts up to meet her lips, almost instinctively, to give her just a peck. 


Seulgi’s hands move up to cup her girlfriend’s face. “Babe…that’s not enough. I want more…” She whines in a cute tone to nudge for one more kiss. 


“How many more?” Irene returns the question playfully. 


“How about everything you have to offer?” Seulgi smiles, not backing down even though her heart is already racing in anticipation. 


“Come here.” Irene tugs Seulgi’s collar down to pull her into a deep, breathtaking kiss.


While they make out, her hands trails up from Seulgi’s collarbones to her neck, where she uses her thumb to draw circles across the spot where the latter likes. These soft and intentional touches, are more than enough to jolt Seulgi’s senses awake completely this early in the morning. Before things could get too hot and heavy, they part with a lingering kiss. 


“Good enough?” Irene asks with a shallow breath. She uses her thumb to wipe the messy lip balm from the edges of the Seulgi’s lips, but every touch on her sensitive skin just makes the latter’s breath hitch. 


Seulgi releases a chuckle, in slight disbelief and also, awe at how her girlfriend just knows what to do to make her a writhing mess. “Hyun-ah…you know you could never disappoint me.”


“I know.” The latter sports a triumphant smirk, while her eyes are still lingering on Seulgi’s lips. 


Seulgi presses their foreheads together, putting their lips dangerously close again. This action makes both of them draw in a sharp inhale. “You always know what to do to make me want more…”  Seulgi replies quietly.  


The top of their lips brush and Seulgi is tempted to move in for more, but she holds herself back. “…but I should really get going now.” She whispers in a low chuckle, killing the tension in the air instantly. 


“Right…” Irene steps away from Seulgi, as any second longer, she will find herself gravitating back to the girl’s lips again. So, she walks away as far as possible, going to pick up Seulgi’s gym bag from the corner of the room. 


“Thanks babe.” Seulgi takes over her bag and starts to pack her things in it. As she packs in silence, her mind trails off to the another issue she has put away temporarily, while lost in her morning domestic bliss: Jisoo. 


The immediate feelings that gush in are a mix of confusion, sadness but mainly fear: of losing her best friend of more than ten years and it will be entirely her fault, yet it is something she has no control over. 


So when Irene asks her the next question, she just replied to it without much of a thought. 


“By the way, I have some freshly washed clothes from your last sleepover. Do you wanna take them too?”


“Hmm I don’t have any space in my bag today.” Seulgi frowns. 


“Do you wanna, perhaps, um…leave them here?” Irene asks. 


“Nah that’s fine. I can hold them and put in the car.” Seulgi casually replies. 


What ensued is a few seconds of silence, where Seulgi catches on that something is amiss. Did she say something wrong? 


Seulgi halts her task and looks up to see girlfriend walking towards her with an unreadable expression, with her neatly-folded clothes in her palms. 


“Baby, did I say something wrong? Sorry, I was distracted while packing.” The worried girl tries to read Irene’s emotions but cannot figure out whether she looks disappointed or perhaps it is a hint of embarrassment? 


Seulgi notices how Irene has her eyes glued to the ground, cheeks slightly red, as she replies, “No, its not something you said. I just thought you might wanna leave some clothes here…since you know,” She looks at Seulgi finally, “You might stay over more often in the future.” 


“Really? You’d allow me to do that?” Seulgi’s face lights up when she finally realises what Irene is offering. “I take back my words. Of course I would want to!” 


She quickly takes the clothes off Irene’s hands and skips to the wardrobe to find a space for her stuff. “So with my clothes here, is this officially our home now?” She asks cheekily, as she puts her jumper and pants in the sweet spot she has found. 


“I’d consider if you’d pay me rent.” Irene banters back, as she walks Seulgi to the door. 


“Are you asking me to move in?” The latter asks right at the door entrance, which makes the latter gasp in surprise. 


Irene stutters, “What? I…I wasn’t-“ 


“Babe I’m just kidding.” Seulgi laughs. “Not so soon, I know.” She smiles softly to convey to the latter that she is just kidding. 


“It’s not that I hate the idea though.” Irene quickly clarifies, in case the latter misunderstands her words. “It’ll nice to have you around more often.” She admits shyly. 


“I know. I want to spend all my time with you too but now…” Seulgi’s phone begins buzzing non-stop.  


“You really gotta go.” Irene helps her finish her sentence. “Go on now. I’ll see you later.” She smiles. 


“See you. I love you, bye!” Seulgi gives her a chaste kiss on the lips before running down the corridor, while Irene looks onto her retreating back view with a smile.  


I could get used to this. 








The morning passed by in a blur at SM High as the entire school is simply excited for the big dance showdown happening in the afternoon. 


Fortunately, due to the great monetary support given by the families of the dance club members, the SM High principal has decided to repay the favour by sending the whole school down to cheer them on. 


For the past few years, Irene has always found a way to get out of these compulsory sports events. They were all a waste of time, a hurdle to her pursuit of academic excellence. But today, she wants nothing more than to be here to support her girlfriend. 


When they enter the venue, the majestic backdrop of hundreds of students in their uniforms packing the stadium seats and brightly coloured banners, surprises the first timer. 


It is nothing like Irene has ever seen. 


The field is buzzing with excitement, with each school is parading their school colours proudly. Large school banners carrying the school emblem stretch across the different levels of stadium seats. The students all carried similarly coloured balloon clappers each and are practicing their school cheers enthusiastically.  


Irene tries to find her seat with Jennie in the middle of the bleachers, sitting together with the rest of the student councillors. There are so many people that it congests the route up the staircase, making it difficult for them to inch forward.  


While waiting for her turn to move up the stairs patiently, Irene suddenly notices the entire section of students on her left are staring at her. She glances at them again discreetly, from the corner of her eye, and notices they are still blatantly looking. 


It makes her grow self conscious, and so her eyes naturally dart towards the right instead, where she sees other students looking at her too, much to her horror. Some of them are pointing while engaged in hush whispers, and some even have their phones out to take pictures. 


“Is it just me or are all these people looking at me? Do I have something on my face?” She nudges Jennie to ask in a low voice.  


“Nothing except a whole lot of beauty sprinkled all over.” The girl teases her friend. “Aren’t you used to people staring at you, our SM High Goddess?” 


Irene rolls her eyes at her dumb nickname in school. “But not like this. I feel like I’m a celebrity at this point.” She whispers back harshly. 


“Ah I forgot. There’s also these big red words written all over your face saying ‘Seulgi’s girlfriend’. People recognise you thanks to your famous girlfriend.” Jennie snickers. “You married that so you have to deal with it now.” 


“As if Lisa is any better.” 


“That’s a problem for the future.” Jennie dodges it smoothly and continues to narrow her eyes onto her friend. “Also, its interesting how you didn’t deny the word ‘married’ when I said it. Are you secretly engaged already?” 


“Shush.” Irene lets out a loud groan and starts to use her support banner to hide her face, but her friend pulls it down. “Don’t frown Joohyun or you’ll look bad in your pictures.” Jennie beckons Irene to smile. 


“I hate you.” 


“Yeah I don’t believe you.” Jennie shrugs and then turns her attention towards something else. She pinches a corner of Irene’s jacket with a disapproving scowl. “Why are you wearing this old, ugly jacket again today?”


“Oh this?” Irene looks down at her brown cardigan, that she used to wear almost every day prior to using Seulgi’s jacket. “Seulgi took her jacket back this morning for the ceremony later,“ She replies casually. 


“This morning?” Jennie smirks and lifts a curious brow. “So you had a sleepover.” 




“You don’t have to answer me this but I’m curious: Has anything happened yet in your sleepovers?” 


“What?” Irene feigns innocence, her eyes looking away. 


“You know what I mean, my friend.“ Jennie winks. Despite her initial statement, she is eagerly looking at Irene for a reply. 


“I mean, we make out.” Irene mutters back softly so that no one would hear her. 


“I already know that.” Jennie rolls her eyes at the PG-13 answer. ”Anything beyond that?” 


Irene’s face heats up at the thought of that matter and shakes her head shyly in response. 


“Interesting.” Jennie nods to herself, choosing not to comment too much about it this time.  


However, her silence gives the opposite effect as it induces worry in the latter’s head now. “Jennie, be honest. Are you asking me this because normally a few months in, people would have done ‘it’ already?” 


“No. I asked because I’m just teasing you. You didn’t have to answer me you know.” 


“I know but I also…don’t know if I’m doing is right.” Irene finally found the courage to voice one of her deepest fears to Jennie. “Is 3 months supposed to be too long or short in relationship terms?” 


“3 months?”


“Is that short?” Irene asks worriedly. 


“No, 3 months in high school is practically like 1 year in adult terms. You guys are like the most stable couple I know.” Jennie reassures her, finding it silly that her dear friend is worrying about her relationship duration. 


“That’s good to know.” 


“Anyway, I asked because I thought its more like 4-5 months?”


“Um…” Irene mentally chides herself when she realises she has forgotten about their fake dating timeline. Is it time to clear the air to Jennie now? 


“So I guessed correctly. You were fake dating.” Jennie smirks. 


“How do you know?” Irene blurts out in an instant while turning to face Jennie, proving to the latter that her hypothesis is indeed correct. “I mean, why do you say so?” Irene corrects herself, in her last half-hearted attempt to hide her secret. 


“The difference before and after is jarring. Not so much for Seulgi as she pretty much looked like she had a big, fat crush on you pretty much from the start.” Irene tries to suppress the smile upon hearing that. “But you, my dear friend, your initial look of disgust versus your heart-shaped eyes now, its way too obvious.” 


“Is it that obvious?” 




“Fine, you’re right.” Irene chuckles with a small sigh, deciding that nothing can escape Jennie indeed. “We were faking it until we caught real feelings so we begun dating officially and now…we are in love.” 


“In love? You said it already?” Jennie gasps, while the latter nods shyly to confirm the news. “I’m so happy for you, Joohyun-ah!” Jennie brings her in for a huge hug. 


“Thank you.” Irene chirps, and her smile widens while thinking about Seulgi. 


“You guys have really come a long way. She has really become someone special to you, hasn’t she?” 


“She is my world.” She says the last two words softly.


“She is your what?”


A sudden buzz from her phone distracts them from the conversation. Irene looks down to read the message. Once she read it, her face fell. 


“Is that who I think it is?” Jennie asks, trying to take a peek, but the latter immediately hides her phone from view. 


“I gotta go to the um, washroom right now.” Irene stands up abruptly. 


“Ladies and gentlemen…”


“But the show is starting!” Jennie complains, but does nothing to hold Irene back as she runs off. 






Irene rushes as fast as possible. Once she is able to squeeze her way against the crowd and make her make her way all the way to the other side of the stadium, near the stage entrance. 


She goes to the backdoor, which is guarded by a staff. However, Jongin is already standing outside by the door with a stern expression and his face brightens immediately once he sees Irene. 


“Hey Rene, thanks for coming on such quick notice.” He greets the girl with a quick smile, relieved by her presence but he spares no extra time with formalities. 


“Of course. Where is she?” 


“Please follow me quickly.” 


Both of them speedwalk through the busy corridor, as everyone is getting ready for the upcoming open ceremony. On the way, Jongin briefs Irene on the situation in a hush voice. “As you know, Seulgi is having a panic attack and she has locked herself up in an empty waiting room, refusing to let anyone in. We decided to call you as a last resort before having to call security and alert everyone. So far, we managed to keep this only between you, me and Jisoo.” 


Irene nods, “Has this happened before?” 


“She had panic attacks in the past but locking herself up is a first. I think its the stress of being captain getting to her.” 


“I know…” Irene sighs, as her heart clenched a little tighter as memories of her stressed girlfriend this morning flash through her mind.  


Should I have asked her about it this morning?


They make it to the last door of the corridor, where it is far away from the crowd. No one would have known about it if not for Jisoo seeing Seulgi enter the very room and then not leaving for a very long time. 


Irene sees the sight of Jisoo knocking on the door discreetly and calling for Seulgi. “Please KkangSeul. Open the door.” And when there is no response, the girl’s shoulders visibly slump but she picks herself up to try again. 


“Can I try?” She asks with a careful gaze, while meeting Jisoo’s uncertain one. Jisoo hesitates for a second but eventually nods and takes a step back. 


Irene walks to the door and takes a deep breath before a strained voice comes out of , “Seulgi, are you okay? Can you open the door please?” She knocks on the door two times and waits a few seconds but there is no response. 


“Seulgi? Its me, Joohyun, your girlfriend.” She tries again. “I am here because I’m worried. We all are here for you. Can you open the door please?”


Again, there is only silence. She puts her ear to the door and it breaks her heart to hear heavy breathing from the other side. 


“Maybe I should just-“ Jisoo tries to cut in but Jongin holds her back and shakes his head. He signals her with a look to give Irene a little more time, knowing she is the best chance they have at the moment. 


After more moments of silence, Irene heart sinks even further. As a last attempt, Irene speaks from the heart, “Babe, please just say something to let me know you’re okay. Please. That’s all I ask.” 


Her heartfelt words leaves the two vice captains touched, especially Jisoo. 


It is at this moment that Jisoo finally realises how wrong she has been about Irene’s sincerity towards Seulgi. She has also thought the model student was undeserving of Seulgi’s warm heart, but today is the first time she felt otherwise. 


“Please go…I don’t want you to see me like this.” A weak, breathless voice came from behind the door, which indicates that she is currently standing behind the wooden frame on the opposite side. 


Her response sends a glimmer of hope to the two vice captains, who immediately nudge Irene to say something to not break the momentum. 


“Seulgi, I love you, you know that right?”




The silence makes her chest tighten a little, but she remains unfazed as her feelings are not the top priority at the moment. “Babe? I’m going to be upset if you say no.” 


“Yes…I know.” 


“And this means I am going to be here for you through both the good and bad. Babe, no matter what you believe, nothing you do can push me away. So can you come out please before I knock down the door?” 


After a minute of excruciating silence, the door finally creaks open. The dance captain reveals herself through a small crack of the door, with a sad look on her face, which is as white as a sheet. 


“Oh my gosh finally! Are you okay Kkangseul?” Jongin immediately asks. 


Seulgi has her eyes glued to her upturned palms as she mutters, “I-I can’t feel my hands. What do I do?” She looks up to meet Irene’s eyes. 


Irene grabs Seulgi’s hands, which are cold and sweaty, and cups it tight within her warm, steady palms. “You will be alright.” She reassures the captain firmly, then turns to the vice captains and asks, “I’m sorry but can you just give me five minutes in the room with Seulgi?” 


“No problem. We will go speak to the organiser and our team now to stall some time. Come on, Jisoo.” The boy beckons Jisoo, who nods quickly and they both went away in an instant. 


Meanwhile, Irene pulls Seulgi into the room and to sit down on the sofa. Even before they sit down fully, Seulgi springs to hug Irene in her arms. “What do I do now, baby? I feel like I can’t do this anymore…” She sobs on Irene’s shoulder. 


Irene tightens the embrace, wanting to squeeze away all these negative feelings from her girlfriend’s body, which is shaking like a leaf.  


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79 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 19: :(
79 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 18: 🥹🫶
79 streak 0 points #3
79 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 16: 🩷💛🫶
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Chapter 15: cutie 😭😖
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Chapter 14: What a roller coaster
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Chapter 12: Why? :((
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Chapter 10: I feel bad for seulgi :(( she dont deserve this at all, she's too pure and innocent :((
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Chapter 9: Sending hugs for the both of them
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Chapter 8: Gomdori? Cutie!!