01. I wish

From Heaven With Love

Author's note: 

I am going to introduce you to Ha Neul's point of view in this chapter. Enjoy~ ^^

01. I wish

"Kris, I think we should go now."

"What? Now? It's already night on earth now. And we still got plenty of times to prepare."

"Nah, I don't feel like going early in the morning tomorrow, I will go now. If you don't want to go, it's okay. I should take my leave then."

"Wait! YiXing! I think I'll go with you, wait, I'll just bring my belongings."

"Don't take too long, the stars soon will fade and there won't be enough stars to cover our tracks, hurry."

"Give me ten minutes."


"Hurry up Kris! Twenty minutes passed and you're still getting ready? Are you a girl or what?!"

"Tsk. Black Angels must look cool at anytime, anywhere, in any appointment."

"It's not like they could see us anyway. Stop being such a and come out to your senses."

"YAH! That hurts you know..."

"Whatever, let's go."



Laying down on the ground, I crossed my arms at the back of my head, and rested my head there. Letting my long hair touch the green grass. I shivered a little when my neck felt the coldness of the post-rain water, slightly still covering the grass.

It was 9 P.M. When I should probably be in my bedroom, solving math problems. I sighed when I remembered the X(es) and Y(s) were waiting for me on my study desk. Take a deep breath, Ha Neul. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale—*coughs*. Oh Mother, it's getting cold outside. Going outside was not a good idea I guess.. But I desperately need some fresh air. I need to get out from these hectic schedules of never ending studies. I wanted to get a peaceful moment. To be alone outside on my own.

Now when I finally got it, I have to use it to the fullest. I closed my eyes, while I raised my left hand on the air. I wrote something in the empty atmosphere using my index finger. I'm here. Alone. In the garden, surrounded by plants, with insects, animals, and everything that comes packaged with the green grass. I listened to the sound of crickets on repeat, a melody of nature to my ears. Tickled by the movement of a grasshopper, I opened my eyes. And got hypnotized by the scenery upon me.

I froze. As I stared at the night sky. Swimming deep in my own thoughts. Drowned in my imaginations. No words can describe the beauty of the universe. Unconsciously, my lips formed a sincere smile.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have always dreamed about going up there. Flying carelessly among the stars. Touching them, if that's possible. And to live in a castle, in the sky. With a handsome prince, of course. I know it sounds childish, but I believe that somewhere above those clouds, there is a magical place. Where people live happily with their desired love.

Err did I just say love? Never mind. I was born unlucky regarding any love problems. I was always that 'shy girl in the corner' when I'm around my crush. I've never ever dare to approach him first or just simply make a move.

Although, if I like someone it's super obvious because I will turn out extremely shy, like a turtle when I'm around him. This is so frustrating...

I hissed and waved my hand in the air, right at the spot where I wrote 'Lonely' a few moments ago. I tried to erase that feeling inside of me. But I can't deny it, and I hate it. I hate the feeling of needing to be loved by someone. By 'him' to be specific. That guy with dozens of fans out there.

Ya, ya, ya! Ha Neul-ah, stop thinking about a person you can never have. He's too perfect for a girl like you. And there is no way he will ever be interested in you.

For a moment, I felt a little bit sad. Because I always hope that he's into me. Moreover, I often find him secretly looking at me in classes. And when I turned my head around to see him, he always look away, at another direction. At anywhere but me. I wonder...

I sighed and continued staring at the sky. Tonight, there were not as many stars as I hoped there would be. But I'm grateful because the butler gave me an extra quality time on my own.

A light flashed across the sky. Separating the dark sky with its mesmerizing light. It looked shinier among the twinkling stars. Uhh, I think I've seen this light before, somewhere... In a movie, perhaps?

Wait, what is it? Omo! It's a shooting star! Quick, quick! Make a wish Ha Neul! I shut my eyes close and started to build up my wish. "Excuse me, Agasshi...



"Agasshi!!! The food is getting cold! It would be good if you eat it soon! Or else it won't taste as good as how it should be."

Arrgh, shut up. You're distracting me! I can't put up concentration to make my wish. I guess, I'll wish for a shorter and more valuable wish. Instead of what I planned to wish for.

Okay. Here goes nothing. One, two, three.

I wish for a man to love me unconditionally. To guard me. To make me feel save around him. To cheer me up when I'm sad. And to make me happy by his side.



I opened my eyes and sat straight, "Oh calm down, Mrs.Lee! I was just wishing for something. Earlier up there—” I pointed the dark-painted sky. "—I saw a shooting star. And I guess I'll wish for something special tonight." I smiled bitterly, knowing how pathetic I looked like. I looked up and noticed that the shooting star was gone. I took a deep breath and prayed for my wish to be granted. Soon.

Mrs.Lee—the head maid of the house—offered her hand to help me stand up. I grabbed it and she pulled me up. Her tired eyes seems worried. "Agasshi, don't hide your feelings and bury it down your chest, okay? It's not good for a young girl like you." Mrs.Lee told me with a soft tone.

I nodded my head, and lied, "Okay, I won't hide it. Now, let's eat!" I turned my face and walked towards the house entrance.

I'm sorry Mrs.Lee, but it'll be humiliating if I tell you the truth.

I live in my house only with maids and butlers, drivers, and chefs. Anything but family. That's why I often feel lonely. But due to my selfishness of keeping things under control, I pushed that thought away. Far away from my soul, locked inside a time space. A place with no key and guides to conquer.

Enough about the nags.

Err, I have Akira though. Akira is my pet, ah no, he's like a brother to me. But still, sometimes I kinda miss my parents. Well, a lot to be honest.

They're in the states, building up their career as business investors. Ten years passed and they haven't return yet. Calls and e-mails are the only ways I can connect with them. I'm the last child. So I guess that explains all these thoughts. I wonder when will my whole family get together, just to sit down on a table and eat a nice dinner. I sighed as I made my way to the dining room.

Somehow I lost my appetite. Let's finish this fast and go straight to sleep. Another tiring day is already waiting for me tomorrow. Hello, X(es) and Y(s)! It's a nice thing to get to know you guys better. Please be nice, and take a good care of me in the future...

I hateLove you.



The next morning I woke up, I felt a slight pain on my back. Maybe because last night I spent too much time laying on the ground. But I didn't regret it though, I saw a shooting star. And it's very rare!

Hello, world. It's monday right? School's in then. Come on, wake up sleepyhead Ha Neul.

I yawned and threw my blanket away. I stretched my arms and opened my eyes. My eyes narrowed as the morning light strike inside my bedroom.

I sat on the bed, and found my dog laying on the couch, not far from my king bed.

I greeted him and made a gesture for my dog to come, "Akira~ come here!!" Akira ran to me and I hugged him. He sniffed my shoulder and stared at me, he barked. "Ya! Why are you looking at me like that?"

He barked twice! "Are you hungry?" I asked.

He let out his tongue and made a pleading eyes. "A dog with aegyo, sure is something," I mumbled and put him on the ground.

"Okay! I'll prepare for school and we'll eat. Arasso?" I wore my slippers and walked to the bathroom.

Akira followed me inside the bathroom. He sat nicely on the mat doing nothing except staring at me with curiosity. I sighed, "Whatever, he's a dog, he could see me anywhere, anytime, he won't act like a ert anyways.."


Done with school's preparation. I had my breakfast while Akira had his. I grabbed my school bag and ran to the car.

The driver dropped me off in front of the school gate. I said thanks and made my way into the school. I saw my friend, ahead in the corridor, so I ran to catch up on her,

"Dali-ah! Dali!!!! Wait for—"

*1#56@?!&. The floor was slippery and I didn't manage to keep my balance. As a result, I slipped. An addition for being the clumsy me, I fell flat on my face. Mercy me, cleaning service.

---------------Ba Dum Tss------------

Humiliating level: Kim Ha Neul.


"YA! Ha Neul!" I heard Dali calling me from afar. I opened my eyes and saw a boy's shoes in front of my face. It turned out that I slipped and my head hit his shoes. Errrg. I might as well perform a suicide if I find out later that this boy was 'him'.

I lifted my chin up to see who owns the shoes.

The boy seemed worried, "Eh.. Are you okay?"

Wait, what the.. Asdfghjklzxcvbm, him it's him it's him! His voice was deep and concerning. His head was down, looking at me with those eyes. Those eyes that could melt the north pole icebergs with just an intense stare.

Kill me, now.

And again, he was staring at me. I did melt for a second there.

He asked me again, "Are you hurt?" He bent down to check my head. I opened my mouth, "I'm okay. S-S-Se Hun-ah." He touched my forehead softly, and smiled.

His fingers sent me to heaven. And a few moments later everything went black. Did heaven change its color? I guess... But why does my head hurt so bad?

"Ha Neul! Wake up! Wake up! Ha Neul-ah! Wake up!"


I woke up to the pain of a terrible headache. I touched my forehead and frowned, it's been awhile since I fell flat on my face. Most of the times, it's the or the hands that will hit the ground first. But this time, it's exceptional. The pain got me confused, it was like a vertigo.

But then I remembered I saw a handsome face earlier. I opened my eyes to a beautiful scene. Prettier than unicorns flying around with rainbow as the background.

So, there he was. Oh Se Hun. Sitting on the edge of the School Health Unit's bed...

Facing a window, his back was on my direction so I couldn't see his face. Seeing him from behind was enough to make me blush though. The daylight made him looked so perfect. As if he was an angel trapped in the moment. He seemed confused... I wonder what he was thinking.

He ruffled his hair and muttered, "I should've given her a CPR.."

What? Was he referring to me? No way! This is a dream. Even too good to be a dream! I'm not even drowned, and he wanted to give me a CPR. Is he dumb?

His hair looked messy. He looked like a little boy who lost his candies. And for a moment I felt like strangling him with my hands and scream, "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO CUTE?"

I was about to squeal like a fangirl because of his words. But then something large barged inside the room. Something very very very big.

My eyes widened.

What is that? It's like an eagle but it has a head like humans. It's like a human, but it has wings.

Black wings.

The wings were so big that it scared me, my mouth was opened but I couldn't speak.

It has the physical appearance of a normal person. A man, maybe? His face is beautifully sculptured. His straight hair is very shiny. What amused me was the fact that he had grey hair. Grey, people. It's grey. Whoa.

I watched the 'thing' flew in disbelieve. My brain told me to run away as far as I can. The presence of the 'thing' felt so threatening.

But I didn't want to leave Se Hun alone here. Not now, not with that 'thing' around him. My whole body were frozen. I bit my lips and prayed for our safety.

The 'thing' landed next to Se Hun. That moment I realized, the 'thing' was carrying a scythe1  –a really intimidating one. Big and black, with a sharp metal on its edge. I was scared as hell, but I don't know why Se Hun was not as scared as me. It's as if he hadn't seen what was coming near him.

I wanted to cry for help. But my body was still frozen. The same thing happened to my throat.

The 'thing' took a glimpse of a square device, "The criteria seems perfectly match!" He smiled. Oh Lord, he's hot when he smiles.

He continued, "Oh Se Hun, a student, has many fangirls chasing around. Seventeen, soon will turn eighteen. Sadly, your time on earth is over. Now you shall leave to a better place." The 'thing' raised his scythe up, above Se Hun's head.

Wait.. I know what's going to happen next. No, don't tell me. No way. It's not going to happen. No. God, this is too scary to be a nightmare. No God. This is far beyond Texas Chainsaw Massacre nor SAW, nor The Walking Dead, nor Phobia. NOOOO.

Ha Neul, inhale, exhale, inhale,


Both of them turned their heads frantically. They looked at me, puzzled.

----------End of Chapter One----------- 

1scythe is an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass, or reaping crops. It was largely replaced by horse-drawn and then tractor machinery, but is still used in some areas of Europe and Asia. The Grim Reaper and Death are often depicted carrying or wielding a scythe.



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It I know T^T My first time creating a long story. Aaanddd I hope you like it <3

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pekeomut99 #1
can i translate your fanfic and post it into exo vietnamese fansite: exoplanetvn.com? i love your fanfic and i need your permission to post your fanfic there
update please T___T
please update :D
baek-yeols #4
Update sooooon! :D awwwh Krispy's getting jealous!
upadate soon please~ I made account only for comment this kk
update soon please ;D!
Lol xD Tao is so sensible haha xD
Kris...you jealous? XP
update soon! ;)
wae no update huhu??? anyway,i will wait patiently
Hi :D!! Im only create a account for comment your fic xddd PLEASE UPDATE T___T