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Miyeon's P.O.V

All I saw were bright white lights and the sound of sirens then everything went black.....

I woke up and looked around, my parents were sitting on the couch, my dad holding my mom in his arms as she had her face in her hands. Everything was a blur and my head was pounding.

"Mom? Dad?" I spoke softly

They both shot out the couch and ran to me, "Miyeon are you okay!?" My mom cried holding my hand. I nodded "What happened?" I asked them. They both fell quiet and then my dad ran out to inform a nurse I was awake. 

After the nurse came into check my vitals and all a group of boys came in. I only recognized one out of the group, Jungkook. They all surrounded my bed "I'm sorry but who are you guys?" I asked softly. "y-you dont remember us?" one boy asked. I shook my head, "what about me?" Jungkook asked.

"You're crazy, how would I not know you" I said and saw relief in his face. The doctor came in and spoke to my parents.

"She has a bit of memory lost, it should come back in no time though. I'm sorry" Dr.Park said. My parents thanked him and he left.

"I should introduce you to my friends" Jungkook stated and I looked at the six remaining boys. He started naming th

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