When Dreams Fall Apart

Some Ways Down The Road

Lights were swaying along with the people on the dance floor. Judging from the people's reaction, Hong Ki's new song will definitely be another hit.

Hong Ki watched in the sideline as the newest idol sensation sing and groove to his music. He's been making songs for idols for years now. It's not really what he envisioned doing when he was just starting in the music industry. In the early years, he made music for lesser known singers and sometimes he would collaborate with indie bands. But as his songs gained popularity, he found himself doing idol music more. Sometimes, he longs for the early years in his career, where he made music without stressing over making another hit.

"It's a good song." Shin Hye commented as she turned to Hong Ki, smiling.

"Well, I'm good. What can I say?" Hong Ki smiled at Shin Hye proudly. "Thank you for coming." He invited everyone at the music release event. But only Shin Hye was able to come. The others have work or plans made prior to his invitation.

Shin Hye playfully slapped Hong Ki's arm. With a smile on her face, she turned to the young celebrities dancing and singing on stage. It's good that Hong Ki's high school dream to work in the music industry came true.

"Hong Ki-yah! I'll just go outside to answer this." Shin Hye said while holding up her ringing phone. She quickly made a beeline to the exit after Hong Ki nodded to acknowledge what she just said.


“…Sou desu ka. Hai. Ja!” Shin Hye placed her phone inside her coat’s pocket after the call. It’s been a while since she heard from her friend Erika. A nostalgic smile formed on her lips as she thought of her friends in Japan. It’s been a while since she visited there. It’ll be nice to visit the country that became her home for more than five years. If Hanako-san had not pushed her to go back to Korea, she might still be living there.

“Park Shin Hye-ssi?”

Shin Hye turned around to see the woman who called her name.  

Of all the people she met in Japan that she would chance upon meeting again, why Park Ye Jin? The woman hated her.

“Park Ye Jin-ssi, how are you?” Shin Hye politely asked. 

“I’m well. And you?” Ye Jin looked at Shin Hye disapprovingly from head to toe. “It looks like you’ve gain some weight.”

“Ah yes, I did.”

Ye Jin snorted. “What’s a woman like you doing in an expensive and trendy place like this? Don’t tell me you’ve moved your profession here?”

“Shin Hye…?” Hong Ki called from behind.

“One of your customers?” Malice laced in Ye Jin’s remark.

“Ah no…” Shin Hye was trying her best to be patient. Ye Jin had always been like this to her, catty and spiteful.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Hong Ki greeted as he bowed to Ye Jin.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Ye Jin greeted in return. She smiled devilishly at Shin Hye after greeting Hong Ki. “So Shin Hye-ssi, as I was saying, are you working as a hostess here now?” She emphasized the word hostess.

Hong Ki was surprised at what he heard. He looked at Shin Hye for any reaction at what the woman just said. But she looked calm and unaffected.

“Uhmmm, no.” Shin Hye simply answered. “Oh! Where are my manners! I haven’t introduced you to each other yet. Hong Ki-yah, this is Park Ye Jin-ssi. I met her in Japan while I was working as a hostess in a bar. You remember the other Korean I worked with that I told you about? That’s her.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Park ye Jin-ssi. I’m Lee Hong Ki.” Hong Ki bowed again as he introduced himself.

Ye Jin had a confused look on her face. She looked at Shin Hye who was smiling at her. Shin Hye told her friend about her and about their work in Japan?

“Well then… “ Ye Jin put on a haughty smile. “Why don’t we catch up sometime? Bring your friend along. If you already told him about it then I’m sure he would like to hear more about the past and the men you enticed back then.”

It was obvious to Hong Ki that Ye Jin was trying to embarrass Shin Hye. He looked at Shin Hye with an uncomfortable expression on his face. Shin Hye just smiled at him as if what Ye Jin didn’t even affect her.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” A man in his mid-forties suddenly greeted them. “I’m Moon Hee Jun, Ye Jin’s husband.” Hee Jun looked like a nice man. He has a friendly aura and he looked scholarly.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Shin Hye and Hong Ki greeted in unison before introducing themselves individually.

“I’m glad to meet a friend of my wife. How did you two met?”

Shin Hye knew that Hee Jun was just making small talks to be polite.

“Dear, I’m sure these two are busy. Let’s go now.” From looking haughty, Ye Jin now looked nervous.

“Oh I’m sure your husband would like to hear about how we met. Why don’t we start catching up now? I’m sure your husband would love to hear about our time in Japan.” Shin Hye emphasized her last few words. She smiled at Ye Jin a little bit too sweet.

“May-maybe some… some other time.” Ye Jin quickly grabbed her husband’s arm and pulled him hurriedly away from Shin Hye.

“Sometimes I forget that you can be very scary if you want to.” Hong Ki remarked as his eyes followed Ye Jin and Hee Jun walking away..

Shin Hye sighed. “For some reason, she hates me.”

“It’s because you stole her customers away from her.” Hong Ki joked.

Shin Hye lightly punched Hong Ki’s arm. “Yah! I didn’t do that." She sighed before continuing, "I’m sorry you have to witness that. It must have been awkward for you.”

“Not really." Hong Ki smiled at her understandingly. "I’m glad you told me about the things you did in Japan. It makes things less unsettling when you hear it from other people.”

Shin Hye had been very open to Hong Ki about her past. Every time he asks her questions about what happened to her in Japan, she would always answer him truthfully.

“You didn’t tell me that the other Korean who worked in the bar hates you.”

“You didn’t ask.” Shin Hye reasoned. “Besides, that kind of information isn’t really relevant.”

“It must have been tough for you. To work in a bar, I mean.”

“Yeah it was tough. But I learned a lot from working in a place like that.” Shin Hye smiled at Hong Ki as she continued. “Being a hostess isn’t that bad. You feed men's ego with praises, be amiable, fun and subtlely rebuff their advances. People have a negative connotation when they hear you work in a bar. Of course there are some who does more than what it says in the job description. But it was a decent job actually. A lot of the women I worked with are decent people. Most have no choice but to work at a place like that.”

“Well, I’m glad you weren’t into the dirty side of that work.” Hong Ki placed an arm over Shin Hye’s shoulder. “Let’s go back?”

Shin Hye smiled at him and nodded.


“How’s little Mae Ri?” Geun Suk patted the little girl’s head. “Have I told you have a beautiful name?”

“You’ve said that to me many times Dr. Jang.” The little kid smiled.

“Are you ready for the operation?”

The little kid nodded. “Will this be the last operation? I’m tired of going back to the hospital.”

Geun Suk ruffled the child’s hair. “Not yet. You’ll still see me one more time after this.”

After talking with the child’s parents, he made his way out of the room to go back to his office. He looked at his phone as he walked. There were many messages.

It was already late. But he needs to check on his little patient before the operation tomorrow morning.

Geun Suk took his lab coat off as he entered his office. He sighed as he sat on his office chair.  Another day of helping people get better passed by quickly and another promise broken because of it.


The showcase was a success. It was all over the news. Media outlets praised the song, the idol group and of course the composer, Lee Hong Ki.

Hong Ki smiled as he read the news online. Maybe sometimes he feels the music he makes had become monotonous. But when he reads positive comments, he feels proud. It feeds his ego. But the feeling doesn’t last long. Though he has hit songs under his belt, a feeling of emptiness sometimes washes over him.

He stood up from his chair and walked towards the cupboard where the music awards he received were displayed. He picked the lone picture frame amidst the trophies and smiled wistfully as he looked at the picture.

In the picture his 21-year old self was smiling goofily at the camera with the first band he made music for. He still remembers vividly the things that had happened the day the picture was taken. It was the day a song of his first aired on the radio. It was a proud and happy moment for him. He and the indie band hand gone drinking to celebrate that day.

“I wonder where they are now.” Hong Ki mused as he placed the picture back on its place. He had always wondered where that band is now. Are they still playing music together? Have they gone on their separate ways?

Hong Ki sat back on his chair. He flexed his fingers as he readied himself to start working. An email caught his attention and his face darkened as he read it.


“Hey!” Yong Hwa waved at SeoHyun who was getting out of her office building.

“Oppa, sorry to make you wait.” SeoHyun smiled apologetically at her boyfriend.

“I won’t make a big deal out of waiting if you give me a kiss.” With a mischievous smile, Yong Hwa pointed at his cheek.

SeoHyun looked at him like he grew another head. “Oppa, let’s go. We’re going to be late.”

“Aish! It’s just a kiss.” Yong Hwa pouted. “Just a kiss.”

SeoHyun tried to stop herself from smiling. She finds a pouting Yong Hwa adorable, though he never acknowledges that he pouts and acts cute sometimes.

“Keys?” SeoHyun asked as she upturned her hand.

Petulantly, Yong Hwa dropped the car keys on SeoHyun’s hand. She quickly opened the car and sat on the driver’s seat.

Yong Hwa was fastening his seatbelt when he felt soft lips touch his cheek. He was caught off guard and he was speechless for few seconds.

“Still disappointed?” SeoHyun asked with a smile. She quickly planted another kiss on Yong Hwa’s cheek before he could answer.

“There are many people outside. People will stare at us if I’ve kissed you a while ago. It’s embarrassing.” SeoHyun explained.

“You know… This’ll be better.” Yong Hwa cupped his girlfriend’s face and lightly kissed her lips.

SeoHyun’s cheeks turned rosy pink and Yong Hwa affectionately pinched her cheek lightly.

“Let’s go before I do something more.” Yong Hwa naughtily smiled at SeoHyun.

“Aish! Oppa!” SeoHyun shook her head as she turned the car’s ignition on.


The theater’s hall was abuzz with people. Yong Hwa felt a little bit underdressed for the occasion. People were dressed to the nine while he was in his usual office attire. SeoHyun never mentioned they would be attending a formal event. 

He eyed her talking with an important looking person. Though she was given tickets for the event for leisure, she was there for business. She was already starting to interview people and later after the show she has a 30-minute interview with one of the show’s VIP.

After one hour of exchanging pleasantries with strangers, Yong Hwa and SeoHyun were ushered inside the theater for the show.

The show bored Yong Hwa a little. He wouldn’t normally watch something like what they are watching now. But because SeoHyun asked him to go with her, he naturally has to go. Never mind if it’s something he wouldn’t normally go to or watch. Oh the things he do for his girl.

One performance caught his attention though, the ballet dancer. She moved with ease and grace. It was captivating. As he was watching the ballerina dance, his mind suddenly wandered to some years ago.

“I’ll be a ballet dancer. Just like Omma.” Shin Hye said with a smile as she stretches her leg on the bar.

“I’ll anticipate Park Shin Hye the ballerina then.” Yong Hwa watched Shin Hye stretch with a smile. Someday, he’ll watch her fulfill her dream.

The ballerina ended her performance with a bow. Yong Hwa clapped his hands as others did. A familiar head a few rows in front of him caught his attention. It can’t be. But his guts tell him it was Shin Hye.

After the show, before Yong Hwa could confirm if it was really Shin Hye, he and SeoHyun we’re immediately steered to the VIP room by an usherette for the interview.

Yong Hwa yawned the moment he and SeoHyun stepped out of the VIP room after the interview. “I thought you two were going to talk about this event. But your interviewee yapped on and on about himself.

“Sometimes things like that happen in an interview.” SeoHyun said as they walk towards the hall where the attendees of the event were having cocktails.

“You were great in there. Every time he got lost talking about himself, you always steer him back to the topic.” Yong Hwa smiled at her proudly.

“Well, that’s my work.” SeoHyun smiled back at him. “Oppa, isn’t that Shin Hye unnie?”

Yong Hwa looked at SeoHyun’s line of vision. So it was indeed Shin Hye whom he saw earlier.

“Oppa!” SeoHyun pulled Yong Hwa’s sleeve excitedly. “Shin Hye unnie’s talking with Goo Ara!”

For the life of him, Yong Hwa can’t understand why his girlfriend sounded excited. Shin Hye was just talking to someone. But as he stared at the woman whom SeoHyun called Goo Ara, he realized it was the ballerina from the show.

“She’s a famous prima ballerina, Oppa.” SeoHyun was sounding more and more excited. “She’s one of the best in the world.”

“Let’s approach them.” Yong Hwa grabbed SeoHyun’s hand and he pulled her towards Shin Hye and Ara. He knew his girlfriend would be too shy to approach someone like Goo Ara.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” Yong Hwa politely bowed as he greeted the two women.

“Annyeong! What a surprise to see you two here.” Shin Hye’s eyes lit up with delight when she saw her friends. “Unnie,” She turned to Ara and continued, “These are my friends. Jung Yong Hwa and SeoHyun.”

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Ara politely greeted.

For SeoHyun, it was awkward to talk to someone like Ara. She found herself most of the time tongue tied. She was amazed how Yong Hwa could talk easily to Ara. But as they spend time together with her, she found herself getting more at ease. And before Ara had to go, they were already friendly and she was even able to schedule an interview with her.

“Park Shin Hye, friends with a famous prima ballerina.” Yong Hwa said as he gave Shin Hye a glass of champagne.

“We had ballet lessons together.” Shin Hye said as he accepted the glass from Yong Hwa. “Well she had ballet lessons while I watch them on the sides. Ara unnie's a student of my mother. SeoHyun’s still on the phone?”

Yong Hwa nodded. “She got so excited about scoring an interview with Ara-ssi. I think she’s calling everyone in her company, her friends and family.”

Shin Hye chuckled. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been as excited as SeoHyun.”

“The last time I got so excited was just an hour ago. I sat in on the most thrilling interview. Ever!” Of course, Yong Hwa was being sarcastic.

“I’m gonna tell that to your girlfriend.” Shin Hye shook her head while she clucked her tongue.

“Don’t bother. She already knows how thrilled I was earlier.”

The two chuckled before settling into a comfortable silence. Yong Hwa watched the people moved on the dance floor. He looked at Shin Hye who was also looking at the people dancing and his mind started wondering why she didn’t pursue dancing. She was so good at it.

“What is it?” Shin Hye asked with a raised eyebrow.


“You have that look in your face.”

“What look?”

“You know the look you have when you want to ask something. Your brows furrowed as if you're in deep thought?” Shin Hye paused to sip her champagne. “So shoot! I’ll answer whatever you want to know.”

Yong Hwa chuckled as he shook his head. She's still the only one who can tell what he's thinking based on his facial expression. “Why did you end up as a florist? You wanted to be a ballet dancer.”

“Well, you could say I’m a florist. But I’m actually a botanist. And I am a ballet dancer. I just don’t perform in front people.”

“I’ve always thought performing in front of people was part of your dream.”

“It was.” Shin Hye agreed. “It’s just that I’m happier with cultivating plants than trying to maitain a lithe body.”

“What about you? You wanted to be a rock star.”

Yong Hwa laughed. What she said was true. He wanted to be a rock star back then. “People grow up and I need to be responsible for the family business.”

Shin Hye eyed Yong Hwa suspiciously. “You so still want to be a rock star.”

“I still want to be a rock star! Not to mention a dancer!” Yong Hwa joked before laughing. But he knew that a little part of him still wants to make that high school dream of his come true.

“You, dance?” Shin Hye laughed. “You and dancing don’t go well together.”

“Hey, I’ve learn a move or two throughout the years.”

“Really?” Shin Hye raised an eyebrow. “Show me.”

“Don’t dare me. I might just show you my dancing prowess.”

Shin Hye stopped herself from laughing. She looked at him with a serious expression, “Show me.” She challenge.

Yong Hwa handed Shin Hye his glass of champagne before moving his hands in a weird way. Soon his body moved awkwardly. His movements were out of sync with the music. It was embarrassing to watch him dance. If you can call what he was doing dancing.

 Shin Hye noticed people were starting to look at them weirdly. “I don’t know him.” She drank the remaining liquid in her glass in a one big gulp. “Don’t mind him.” She shook her head at the couple staring at them. “The screw in his head finally came loose so…”

“Join me! Dance, Ms. Botanist!” Yong Hwa smiled at Shin Hye as if daring her.

“No.” Shin Hye’s eyes narrowed on him. “You’re on your own.”

“Come on!” Yong Hwa made more awkward movements. “You’re missing all the fun.”

Shin Hye looked at him incredulously. She drank Yong Hwa’s champagne in one swig.

“More drinks, madam?” A passing waiter offered drinks from his tray.

“Thanks!.” Shin Hye quickly put the empty glasses on the waiter’s tray. She took a glass and swallowed the champagne in an instant. “Good champagne.” She nodded at the waiter before putting the glass back on the tray.

“Why are you just standing there? This is fun! I’ve seen these moves on TV.”

“This is crazy.” Shin Hye laughed. She can't believe she going to do what she's about to do. “Don’t be so stiff, Mr. Dancer. Relax and move your body with ease. Like this.” She moved her body in a wave-like-movement.

Yong Hwa imitated what Shin Hye just did. It elicited laughter from her. He looked like a moving stick. But he looked adorkable trying to imitate Shin Hye’s moves.

Since Yong Hwa can’t dance to save his life, Shin Hye just let loose and imitated how he moved. At least there are two of them dancing weirdly. Their crazy dance can be the next big hit dance move for all they know.

Shin Hye can’t tell if people were looking at them because she and Yong Hwa were being weird or because they were laughing their heads off.

The first thing SeoHyun saw when she came back the hall was Yong Hwa and Shin Hye dancing strangely. They look like they were having so much fun.

A smile formed on SeoHyun’s lips. It always nice to see people she cared for looking happy. As she watched the two, she realized, she rarely have moments with Yong Hwa where he was laughing his heart out or where he let himself loose. He would and joke around but he never did any crazy things when she’s around. But with Shin Hye, he seemed at ease at letting himself go. Maybe it was because they’ve known each other since high school.

The smile on SeoHyun’s face slowly vanished as she felt a tinge of jealousy bubble in her heart. Even though she heard how Yong Hwa and Shin Hye would always fight and how bad things turn when they do, it still looks like they pretty much get along well.

It was actually confusing sometimes, Yong and Shin Hye’s relationship. SeoHyun can tell there was tension between the two at first. Well, mostly the tension was coming from Yong Hwa. They were awkward and then suddenly friendly one day.

As much as it confuses SeoHyun, it also amazes her how Shin Hye and Yong hwa can jump from being awkward to being friendly or from fighting to laughing at some silly thing. A part of her wanted something like that with Yong Hwa.

Shin Hye was imitating Yong Hwa’s hand movements in the air when she spotted SeoHyun. She waved at her and SeoHyun waved back

SeoHyun put on a smile as she approached the two.


Hong Ki angrily threw the papers he was holding onto his desk. One moment he was basking in the success of his new song and the next thing he knew a problem as big as Jupiter suddenly appeared.

He furiously looked on the papers strewn on his table. He can’t believe what was happening. But most of all he can’t believe what the company plans to do.

After all his hard work and hit music he made, it all comes down to this? The company just asked him to take a vacation. Was it their nice way of saying, sorry but we’re cutting you off?

Hong Ki looked around his office. He furiously stomped to the music sheets beside the keyboard. He took the sheets and he tear it into many pieces. He laughed bitterly as he stared at the pieces of paper in his hands.

How could he hate something he loved so much?

“This is crap!” Hong Ki angrily threw the pieces of paper on his table.

The music awards to his right caught his attention. One by one Hong Hi dropped the trophies on the floor. His eyes lacked emotion. He was beyond the point of caring. He was beyond mad and he felt betrayed.


Jae Jung eyed the people around him. He feels like everyone was conspiring against him. He looked at everyone suspiciously before putting a card down.

Yong Hwa looked in deep thought as he looked at his cards and to the card thrown by Jae Jung. His brows creased in concentration.  He picked the card and threw a king of hearts.

SeoHyun watched in fascination how serious everyone was playing. It was just a game of cards and yet everyone looked like their lives were on the line.

“They’re really this serious when they play, very competitive.” Uee explained. “You should have seen them play when we were in high school. Hong Ki’s so bad at playing poker. You can always tell by the look on his face if he has good cards.”

“Really?” SeoHyun looked amused by what Uee said. “I wonder where Hong Ki oppa, is? He’s usually early for things like this.” She looked at the grandfather clock near the stairs.

“Yeah.” Uee agreed. “He’s unusually late. Geun Suk oppa even arrived before him. Maybe he’s busy. I haven’t heard from him lately.”


Jae Jung’s scream brought Uee and SeoHyun’s attention back to the people playing cards.

“Yah! Yong Hwa, tell me the truth, you’re a hustler!” Jae Jung threw his cards on the table.

“Your card playing skills hasn’t changed, Yong Hwa-yah” Geun Suk complimented as he gathered the cards to shuffle. “And Shin Hye-yah still has the perfect poker face.”

“We’re playing poker so I have my poker face on.” Shin Hye smiled at Geun Suk. “Besides, Yong Hwa-yah just got lucky this time. I’ll beat you in this round.” She looked at Yong Hwa with a competitive gleam in her eyes.

“Let’s see you do that.” Yong Hwa winked at Shin Hye. He knew it would annoy the hell out of her. “Let’s bet. It’ll make this game more interesting.”

“1000 won per game?” Shin Hye suggested.

“Fine by me.” Geun Suk agreed.

“Oppa,” SeoHyun pulled Yong Hwa’s sleeve. “That’s gambling.”

“Ah yeah. No betting.” Yong Hwa smiled sheepishly at SeoHyunh.

“Whipped.” Geun Suk said under her breath.

Shin Hye snickered at Geun Suk’s comment. Their eyes met and they erupted in laughter. Yong Hwa on the other hand could only look at them disapprovingly.

“Unnie, has Hong Ki called you yet?” Shin Hye asked Uee. “He’s awfully late today and lately it’s hard to contact him.”

“I tried calling him a while ago. But he’s not answering his phone.” Uee frowned as she thought of the times she tried contacting him but to no avail.

“I can’t also get a hold of him.” Geun Suk piped in. “He usually bugs me at night, inviting me to some parties.” He continued before handing out the cards.

“I’m really worried about him. It’s not him to be out of touch with anyone.” Shin Hye voiced her concern. “I even called his office, still, no Hong Ki.”

“Mommy! Mommy!” Hye Yi delightedly called Uee as she run down the stairs.

“Hye Yi, what did I say about running down the stairs?” Jae Jung asked in a stern voice.

“No running down the stairs.” Hye Yi answered as she slowed down.

“Something wrong, dear?” Uee asked as she stood up to approach her daughter.

“Uncle Hong Ki’s in the news.” Hye Yi excitedly announced. “We just saw him! It’s Uncle Hong Ki!”

“Really?” Uee smiled at Hye Yi. “What did the news say? Are you happy you have a famous uncle who appears on TV?”

Hye Yi adorably nodded. “The ahjuma on TV said uncle play… pay… pyayarise!”

“What p-pyayarise?” Uee asked.

“Pyayarise!” Hye Yi repeated.

Uee frowned because she can’t understand what word her daughter was saying.

“Hye Yi-ah,” Yong Hwa called the little girl’s attention. “It’s not plagiarized… Right?”

Hye Yi nodded her head vigorously. “Mommy doesn’t understand me. Uncle Yong Hwa does!”

Shin Hye immediately grabbed her phone and dialed Hong Ki’s number. Her hand was shaking.

“Hye Yi-ah, you might have misheard that on TV.” Jae Jung approached his daughter. He knelt down and gently patted her shoulder. “Tell daddy, did you really heard that on TV?”

Hye Yi nodded again. “I’m not lying.” She pouted.

Jae Jung looked at Uee worriedly before turning his attention back to the little girl in front of him. “Okay. Daddy knows you’re not lying. Now why don’t you go back upstairs huh? Sleep early and turn the TV off.”

“Okay.” Hye Yi agreed before walking back up to her room.

“It could be something else.” SeoHyun commented. “Hong Ki oppa, would never plagiarize.”

“He’s not answering his phone. Why is he not answering his damn phone!?” Shin Hye sounded agitated.

Geun Suk reached for Shin Hye's hand to calm her. “We still don’t know what’s happening. Lets-“

“Hyung, look.” Yong Hwa sounded grim as he handed his phone to Geun Suk.

Geun Suk’s jaw clenched when he saw what was on Yong Hwa’s phone. It was a news naming the composer who plagiarized songs. The news just came out and it’s already creating uproar in the online community.

“This is not right.” Uee looked at everyone. “This is wrong! So wrong!”

“Madam, food’s ready.” One of Uee’s helper announced as she emerged from the dining area, oblivious to the tense atmosphere in the living room.

The food turned cold as it was left uneaten. Everyone sat in the living room quietly. Their thoughts were all about Hong Ki.

Geun Suk gently pulled Shin Hye’s hand away from . She was biting her nails. A mannerism of hers when she gets anxious.

Shin Hye looked at Geun Suk as if searching for an answer. An answer to what was happening to Hong Ki. 

Geun Suk tenderly pulled Shin Hye in a side hug. “Somehow, we’ll get to him.” He her head gently. It was one of the few moments where Geun Suk saw the look of being at a loss on Shin Hye’s eyes.

Shin Hye rested her head on Geun Suk’s shoulder. His warmth made her feel things will turn out just fine. He’s really such a good oppa.

Jae Jung squeezed Uee’s hand. “Hong Ki’s a good man. He’ll rise to this and emerge stronger.”

Uee smiled trying to be strong in the situation.

“I can have people look for him if we still can’t contact him.” Yong Hwa looked solemn. “We can’t let him be alone at a time like this.”

“We won’t let him, oppa.” SeoHyun agreed

“We have to find him. We have to.” Yong Hwa looked at SeoHyun who nodded in agreement.


Geun Suk glanced at Shin Hye who was sitting on the passenger seat. She’s been awfully quiet since they left Uee’s house. They still can’t get a hold of Hong Ki and everyone’s out in the dark on what’s really happening to him.

Geun Suk stopped the car in front of Shin Hye’s apartment. “Are you okay?” He asked when Shin Hye didn’t even move an inch after arriving in front of her apartment.

“Now, I think I know what you guys felt when I suddenly disappeared.” Shin Hye said as she turned to Geun Suk. “It’s awful.” 

“It is indeed awful.” Geun Suk agreed.

“Thank you for giving me a lift.” Shin Hye smiled at Geun Suk before unlatching the seatbelt. “Hong Ki’s gonna be alright, right?”

“Yes. He’s stronger than what most people give him credit for.” Geun Suk tucked Shin Hye’s loose hair behind her ear. “Don’t think too much.” He gently patted her cheek.

Shin Hye reluctantly nodded her head. “Call me if you hear anything from Hong Ki?”

“I would call everyone if I hear anything from that guy.”

“Thanks, oppa.” Shin Hye with a smile before getting out of the car.



AN: And this story is still alive! Sorry guys! It took forever for me to update this story. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Next chapter will be out in about a week, I think. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to update this regularly from now on. Also, be ready for longer chapters ahead.

I hope writer's block won't ever visit me again. =)

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i'm 90% done with updates for SDTR yey!


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Jusmin89 #1
Chapter 19: Why this good story is uncompeleted? please updat the rest of it?
mySamoanfan #2
Chapter 19: Now 2018 and my first time back on Asian fanfics and the first story to check for an update..... Hopefully we get an update soon.... HWAIGHTING AUTHORNIM xoxo
tiffatiffa #3
Chapter 19: 2017 and you still not continue this story? I just hope you live well. And when you have time please finish this story. It is one of the most anticipated story that i ever want.
Reakempis #4
Chapter 19: authonim! pls..... update.....
lsumner91 #5
Chapter 19: Assa!!! Please update!!
mySamoanfan #6
Chapter 19: please authornim update soon....
marinette #7
Chapter 19: Hi dear author..the story is good..read it in one seating. Aren't you going to continue this? Hope you can finish it..
sailormoon87 #8
Still waiting for you authornim ...
Unzoeline #9
Chapter 19: Hope you will update.....
primrose_ #10
This is still one of the best fics I've ever read, and I'm still hoping you can continue this fic