How Things Turned Out

Some Ways Down The Road

There were already empty bottles of alcohol on the table when Yong Hwa arrived in the bar. He patted Jae Jung’s shoulder before sitting beside Geun Suk.

“It seemed like you guys had many already.” Yong Hwa stated referring to the bottles of alcohol.

Geun Suk shook his head and sighed. “Jae Jung hyung drank most of it and some by Hong Ki.”

“Hyung, instead of drinking all night, wouldn’t it be better if you talk things out with noona?” Hong Ki took the bottle of beer Jae Jung was holding and drank it himself.

It’s been two days since Uee threw Jae Jung out of their house. And it has been two days of hell. He tried everything to get a hold of his wife. But Uee was not ready to speak with him or iron out their relationship. He even asked his parents-in-law for help. But they also can’t do anything if their child doesn’t want to do something.

“I shouldn’t have opened my mouth.” Jae Jung weaklysaid while blankly looking at the empty bottles of beer. He had always been able to control himself from speaking harshly especially in heated moments. But that night when they fought, he wasn’t able to control himself from saying something spiteful. And he regretted it every day.

“Give Uee more time.” Geun Suk said while taking a bottle of beer from Hong Ki’s hand. He can’t let his dongsaeng get drunk.

Hong Ki nodded. “Hyung, I’m sure when noona calms down, she’ll talk to you.” He was already tipsy and he slurred some words.

“I almost told her I wouldn’t have married her if she hadn’t gotten pregnant.” Jae Jung gulped down another bottle of beer. “I’m terrible. Those words, I shouldn’t have said those words.”


The scene in Uee’s house was almost the same as with the men in the bar. But instead of beer, Uee was gulping down expensive chardonnay. She made her kids turn in early for the night. She doesn’t want them to see her drinking and crying. And they still have no idea what happened two nights ago between her and their father. All they know is, daddy's out of the country for work.

“Unnie, don’t drown yourself in alcohol.” Shin Hye moved the bottle of alcohol away from Uee.

“Shin Hye-yah, he was going to say he wouldn’t have married me if I hadn’t gotten pregnant.” Uee blinked back the tears that threatened to flow down her cheeks. “I never thought I’d hear those words from him. It really hurts.”

Shin Hye reached for Uee’s hand and held it. “Unnie, I understand… Sometimes words…”


“I shouldn’t have said those words.” Jae Jung said for the nth time that night. He rubbed the palm of his hands on his face.

“Hyung,” Yong Hwa started. “Sometimes words…”


“…are more painful.” Shin Hye looked at her wine glass thoughtfully. “The pain it causes…”


 “…stays longer. Words can cut you like a knife.” Yong Hwa rubbed the back of his neck. “Sometimes you…”


 “…bleed more with words.” Shin Hye looked at Uee and smiled sadly. She knew very well how words can hurt someone. She drank the liquid in her glass and sighed. “But unnie, sometimes in the heat of the moment people say things they don’t mean. Talk to your husband. He clearly loves you very much.”


Yong Hwa looked thoughtful after speaking. His eyes were glazed over and it was as if his mind was in a different time and place.

“Yah! Look at these two!”

Geun Suk’s voice brought Yong Hwa out of his reverie. What he saw made him snort in disbelief. He was talking seriously and Jae Jung passed out on him. And Hong Ki was no different.

“I can’ believe these two.” Yong Hwa shook his head.

Geun Suk chuckled. “Before these two passed out, it seemed like you left us first.”

“Eh?” Yong Hwa laughed. “Let’s just take these two home.”


Shin Hye opened the door to Uee’s room to let Yong Hwa and Geun Suk in. They were carrying a sleeping Jae Jung. Her unnie had already passed out when she received a call from Geun Suk. He knew Shin Hye was at Uee and Jae Jung’s residence.

“These two would be surprised when they wake up." Geun Suk commented while looking at the sleeping Uee and Jae Jung.

“I hope they talk things out when they wake up.” Yong Hwa said as he moved Jae Jung’s foot in a comfortable position.

“I hope unnie wouldn’t get angry at us when she wakes up.” Shin Hye was standing near the door while watching Geun Suk and Yong Hwa settle Jae Jung on the bed. “Where’s Hong Ki?”

 “Sleeping in my car.” Geun Suk answered. “Maybe you could share an ounce of your tolerance for alcohol to that man.”  Both Shin Hye and Yong Hwa chuckled at Geun Suk’s remark. 

“Shin Hye-yah, I’ll take you home.” Geun Suk said while they were going down the stairs.

“No need, oppa. I can take the bus.”

“Aish! Just let me take you home.” Geun Suk insisted. “It’ll put us at ease to know you’re safely home. Right, Yong Hwa?”

“Ah… Yes.” Yong Hwa agreed.

“Well… Okay.” Shin Hye looked hesitant. But she still agreed.

“Thank you for accommodating us.” Shin Hye bowed to one of Uee and Jae Jung’s helper. Geun Suk and Yong Hwa followed her action before going out of the house.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Geun Suk’s phone rung while they were walking to where the cars were parked. He answered it and his expression quickly turned dark.

“Shin Hye-yah, I’m sorry. Something came up.” Geun Suk looked agitated. “I won’t be able to bring you home.”

“Is something wrong, hyung?” Yong Hwa asked.

“It’s Mae Ri.” Geun Suk simply answered. “I’m really sorry, Shin Hye-yah.”

“Don’t worry, oppa. I can go home by myself.” Shin Hye was curious who Mae Ri is. But her curiosity was forgotten with what Geun Suk said after.

“Yong Hwa-yah, can you please take Shin Hye home?”

Yong Hwa was unable to give an audible answer. But he found himself nodding to Geun Suk’s request.

Shin Hye saw Yong Hwa was uncomfortable at Geun Suk’s request. She doesn’t want Yong Hwa to do something he doesn’t want to do. “No need. I can manage on my own.”

“No. No.” Yong Hwa finally found his voice. “I’ll take you home.” He doesn’t mind taking her home. It’s just that he hasn’t driven a car with someone else in it.

“Just let Yong Hwa take you home. I’m really sorry to back out on my offer to take you home." Geun Suk looked apologetic and in a rush. “I really have to go now.” He said before going inside his car.

Shin Hye and Yong Hwa watched as Geun Suk sped off into the distance.

“Oh! We forgot about Hong Ki.” Shin Hye looked at Yong Hwa with wide eyes.  

“Hyung, would take good care of him."
Yong Hwa opened the car’s door for Shin Hye. "Let’s take you home.” 

“Uhm… I can just take a cab.”

“I’ll take you home.” He held the car’s door open until she went inside.

Shin Hye went inside the car and sat on the passenger seat. She fastened her seatbelt and waited for Yong Hwa to get in the car.

Yong Hwa took a deep breath and counted to ten in his mind. Shakily, he put the key into the ignition switch. He started the car and he was suddenly overwhelmed by fear. He felt the world closing on him. Everything went hazy and he felt lightheaded. He griped the car’s wheel to steady himself.

Damn!, Yong Hwa cursed mentally. He still can’t drive with someone else inside the car.

Shin Hye noticed Yong Hwa’s hands were trembling a little when he started the car’s ignition. He suddenly looked pale and unsteady.

“Are you alright?” Shin Hye was about to touch his shoulder when Yong Hwa suddenly grabbed her hand tightly.

Yong Hwa faintly heard Shin Hye’s question. All he can hear was his thundering heart. His breathing was ragged. In his peripheral vison, he saw something moved. He instinctively grabbed it tightly. It was Shin Hye's hand. He looked at her intensely and what he saw was the 17-year old Shin Hye with long wavy hair that was tied in a ponytail. 

“What’s wrong? Don’t you feel alright?” Shin Hye asked in concern. Yong Hwa looked disoriented.

Yong Hwa released Shin Hye’s hand and she was back to her 27-year old self. Maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to drive her home. “I… I’m sorry. I…”

“You don’t look well.” Shin Hye took her phone out of her bag. “I can call a daeri to drive you home.”

“No need.” Yong Hwa tried to look collected. But his heart was still beating wildly with dread and anxiety. When he saw his hands on the wheel, it was with blood. He was suddenly afraid to look at Shin Hye. Afraid of what he might see. He closed his eyes and rested his head on the car’s seat. “I think, I think we’ll need a daeri after all.”

“Do you want to go to the hospital?”

With his eyes still closed, Yong Hwa shook his head. The hospital can’t cure him with the things that haunt him.

That wasn’t the first time something like this happened to him. The first time he tried to drive a car with SeoHyun, he felt short of breath and faint. But with Shin Hye, it was worse.

“No. I just need to rest.” Yong Hwa sighed and covered his closed eyes with his hand.

The two sat quietly inside the car while waiting for the daeri Shin Hye called.


Uee stirred in her sleep and snuggled on what she thought was a pillow. It was warm and sturdy. She snuggled closer and she felt it moved. It took a while for her half-asleep brain to realize that pillows aren’t warm and it doesn’t move. She slowly opened her eyes and she saw her husband smiling at her.

“What the…?” Uee instinctively bolted up. “What are you doing here?”

“Why are you shouting so early in the morning?” Jae Jung pulled her into a tight hug.

Uee struggled to break free from her husband’s embrace. She’s still angry with him. But the longer she stayed in his embrace, the more she felt her anger subsiding.

“I’m sorry.” Jae Jung sincerely said. “I married you because I love you. I was actually glad you got pregnant. If not for that, you might not have stayed by my side.”, he continued as he hugged her tight.

“I… Can’t… Breathe…” Uee protested. Jae Jung loosened his hold on her and she quickly pushed him away from her. “I… I’m sorry. I didn't mean to push you that hard.” She pouted like an apologetic little child before hugging Jae Jung. "I'm sorry for everything too, oppa"

When Uee pushed him, Jae Jung thought it might still take time before she forgives him. But what she said and what she did afterwards made him smile. He felt so relieved and happy.

 “So we just make up like this?” Uee asked while still hugging her husband. “No grand gestures to win my heart?”

“Do you want me to whisk you away somewhere? I’ll prepare a special event for you.”

Uee shook her head. “No need, oppa. I just want to hug you all day.” She tightened her arms around Jae Jung. “I’m sorry for being spoiled and stubborn.” She released him from her hug. “The money I asked from Daddy…”

“No need to tell me.” Jae Jung interrupted his wife. “Just… Please understand why I don’t like it when you ask money from your parents.”

Uee nodded and smiled.

Jae Jung pulled her for a kiss. But Uee resisted. “Why?” He asked looking disappointed.

“Oppa, I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I still have morning breath.”

“I don’t care!” Jae Jung said with a laugh and he showered his wife with kisses.

Their kids woke up hearing laughter from their parents room.


The bottle of champagne made a popping sound when Jae Jung opened it. They just finished a thank you dinner for their friends who helped him and his wife when they were having problems. They were now relaxing with sparkling liquid being poured into each glass.

“Do you know how disoriented I was when I woke up in Geun Suk hyung’s car?” Hong Ki was narrating what happened the night he was forgotten at the back of Geun Suk’s car. “I thought I was kidnapped!”

“Yah! It’s your fault for drinking again.” Geun Suk took the glass of champagne from Hong Ki’s hand. “I don’t want to babysit a drunk you later.”

“Just have tea.” Yong Hwa suggested.

“Tea’s good after eating, Hong Ki oppa.” SeoHyun said.

“Drinking champagne’s more fun. Right, Shin Hye-yah?” Hong Ki turned to Shin Hye who was sipping her champagne.

Shin Hye nodded in agreement. “I’ll be your blackrose, Hong Ki-yah. I’ll drink your share of champagne.”

“Why’s a woman like you have such high tolerance for alcohol?” Hong Ki wondered out loud.

“Oppa,” Uee turned to her husband. “You know Shin Hye-yah can out drink everyone here.”

“Really?” Jae Jung looked amused at the little information his wife told him. He turned to Shin Hye and said, “I should invite you for some drinks then.”

 “She has her father to thank for having such high tolerance for alcohol.” Yong Hwa commented. It was not a snide comment. The tone of his voice was rather teasing actually.

Everyone suddenly turned quiet. Hong Ki looked back and forth from Yong Hwa to Shin Hye. But instead of reacting negatively to Yong Hwa’s comment, Shin Hye just laughed it off.

Geun Suk and Uee sighed in relief. Both thought a fight might rise from Yong Hwa’s comment.

“Yes, I have to thank him.” Shin Hye laughed lightheartedly.

There was an easy atmosphere between Yong Hwa and Shin Hye. Something must have happened between them, espeacially for Yong Hwa to be relaxed. The budding comfortableness of the two was apparent, even to SeoHyun.

Early that night, SeoHyun already noticed a shift between Yong Hwa and Shin Hye’s interaction. Yong Hwa looked finally at ease with Shin Hye. He doesn’t look as awkward as before.

“What happened between you two?” Hong Ki finally voiced what the others were probably thinking.

“What?” Yong Hwa asked. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well it’s just that something’s different.”

Shin Hye laughed. “Yong Hwa must be used to my presence again.”

“Yes, I’m used to her presence now.” Yong Hwa agreed.
They gave each other a friendly smile.

But SeoHyun felt something uncomfortable settling in her heart when she saw how the two smiled at each other. It was not a pleasant feeling.

Their night together waiting for the daeri to arrive made Yong Hwa realized that if he doesn’t stress and think too much of the past, he can be comfortable with Shin Hye. And it helped that she reassured him that she’s come to terms with the past.

“Well then, let’s have a toast.” Hong Ki stood up and raised his glass. “To Uee noona and Jae Jung hyung’s reconciliation.”

“To love and friendship!” Geun Suk added as he stood up. Everyone followed suit and clinked their glasses for a toast.

“You don’t have to drink the champagne if you don’t want to.” Yong Hwa whispered to SeoHyun. “I’ll be your dark knight.”

“Thank you, oppa.” SeoHyun smiled. Yong Hwa had always been considerate of her health conscious quirks. And for that she’s always been thankful.

Yong Hwa discreetly poured the liquid from SeoHyun’s glass into his and he gulped the champagne in one go.

It’s true that time flies by so fast when you’re having fun. The little thank you dinner Uee and Jae Jung hosted went by quickly. It was filled with laughter and friendly teasing.

Everyone was getting ready to leave when they heard Shin Hye and Yong Hwa arguing. They all rushed to the kitchen and they saw the two talking at the same time with their voices gradually rising.

SeoHyun was stunned to see the two fighting. They looked friendly just minutes ago. It was the first time she saw Yong Hwa heatedly arguing with someone. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water before they go. She thought of following him there when he didn’t return immediately. But before she could take one step towards the kitchen, everyone heard Yong Hwa half-shouting from the kitchen.

What stunned SeoHyun more was, even though Yong Ha and Shin Hye were arguing and talking at the same time, they still seemed to understand what the other was saying. And they don't really looked like they were fighting.

“Hyung, look at those two fighting.” Hong Ki elbowed Geun Suk. “Seeing them like that oddly makes me happy.”

“Are you crazy? Seeing those two fight makes me worry. You know how their shouting match always ends.” Geun Suk was about to step in and stop the argument, but Hong Ki held him back.

“But it’s not a serious fight. Seeing them like this only shows that they’re finally truly comfortable with each other.” Hong Ki said thoughtfully.

Uee clapped her hands like she used to, to get her children’s attention when they’re fighting. “That’s enough fighting you two!”

Shin Hye and Yong Hwa stopped and looked at Uee. Shin Hye looked embarrassed while Yong Hwa gave an apologetic smile.

“We’re not fighting. Right, Yong Hwa-yah?”

Yong Hwa nodded. “We’re just talking…” He paused to think of a better term for fighting. “Bickering.”

“Aish! You two!” Hong Ki approached the two and draped each of his arms on Shin Hye and Yong Hwa’s shoulder. “Let’s just go. To lighten the mood between you two, let me treat you guys snacks at the new Mexican restaurant near here.”

Yong Hwa and Shin Hye’s eyes met at the mention of Mexican restaurant. They suddenly burst into laughter which left everyone wondering what’s so funny about what Hong Ki said.

“You two are being weird.” Uee commented with one eyebrow raised. Obviously, the two must have an inside joke about Mexican restaurants.

“It’s… It’s no… Nothing.” Shin Hye was laughing so hard her sides hurt. “Don’t mind us.”

“Treat us anywhere but in a Mexican restaurant.” Mirth from laughing hard was still in Yong Hwa’s eyes.

"Aish! Let's just go." Hong Ki said irritably as he walked away from Shin Hye and Yong Hwa. He thought his friends would be happy with his offer. But they just laughed.

“I’d rather you forget about the Mexican food incident.” Yong Hwa said to Shin Hye without looking at her. He made sure his voice was loud enough just for Shin Hye to hear.

“That’s embarrassing so let’s forget about it.” Shin Hye glanced at Yong Hwa with a smile.

“Aren’t you worried? I’m glad those two look comfortable now. But how long before things catch up on them?” Geun Suk voiced his concern to Uee in a hushed tone. “I know I’m not the only one thinking about that.”

Uee looked at him understandingly before turning her attention back to Yong Hwa and Shin Hye. “I’m also worried that those two might fall back to the way they were before. But things are different now. Those two by now should know better by now.”

With what they just witnessed, SeoHyun finally realized what’s making her uncomfortable with Yong Hwa and Shin Hye’s awkwardness before. And now their newfound friendliness. It’s the undeniable connection the two had. The connection that even their awkwardness can’t hide. She felt a little jealous because Yong Hwa never laughed with her like that and he never argued with her about anything. And she can’t help but feel that there’s more in the past than what everyone let on.


“Do you want water? I think I have one in my bag.” Shin Hye asked. She had been talking non-stop about almost anythin. Just to lessen the awkward atmosphere.

Yong Hwa glanced at Shin Hye who was rumaging the contents of her bag. “You still smoke?” He asked when he saw her bringing out a pack of cigarette from her bag.

“Only when I’m stressed. I keep it handy for stressful situation.” Shin Hye offered the bottled water to Yong Hwa when she finally took a hold of it. “Do you want one? A cigarette I mean.”

“No. I promised never to smoke again.” He took the bottled water from Shin Hye.

 “Oh. That’s good.” 

They were quiet again. Shin Hye had already run out of things to say. Yong Hwa still looked unwell and the daeri was taking too long to arrive.

The thought of going back in Uee’s house had crossed Shin Hye’s mind several times. But it might trouble her unnie’s helper. Besides it was already late. Uee’s helper might have gone to bed.

“You don’t have to act nice or friendly you know.” Yong Hwa said while looking outside the car. "You don't have to be overly friendly with me just to put me at ease."


“Why...? How can you do it?”

“Do what?”

 “Be friendly..." Yong Hwa paused. "Like nothing happened.” He finally looked at Shin Hye.

“It’s not that I’m acting like nothing happened. It’s just that I chose to leave the bad things that had happened in the past, in the past. You should too. We already have our own lives.” Shin Hye smiled at Yong Hwa thoughtfully. “Don’t let our past bother you. I’m okay. You’re okay. Things turned out fine. Besides we're friends, right?”

"We are?" Yong Hwa asked in disbelief. He was never certain where he stood when it comes to her. 

"Of course, yes. We might have been bad together and there were unpleasant memories. But despite all those, we also had our fair share of happy times. I think we tend to focus on the bad when we were young and we don't really see the good that we had."

Yong Hwa mulled over what she said. She's right. Looking back, there were as much good things that had happened as the bad. “We’re... We're really okay?” He wanted to make sure.

 Shin Hye smiled at him reassuringly. And for the first time since she returned, Yong Hwa truly started feeling at ease. It became less less awkward. And as the night got deeper and as they talked more, they found themselves slowly falling back to the way they were before. 

“The daeri’s taking so long.” Shin Hye looked at her watch. They’ve been waiting for almost an hour now. “Let’s pass time. Wanna smoke?” She jokingly asked even though Yong Hwa had already said he stopped smoking.

The daeri arrived after an hour and he found the two talking outside the car while smoking.



AN: Whew! I thought it might take long to publish this chapter heh. 

Shin Hye and Yong Hwa are really bad together or should I say they really don't stop each other from their vices. Enjoy the cancer stick you two lol! Finally! The continuation of Jae Jung and Uee's story. Next is probably Hong Ki or Geun Suk. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this.

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i'm 90% done with updates for SDTR yey!


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Jusmin89 #1
Chapter 19: Why this good story is uncompeleted? please updat the rest of it?
mySamoanfan #2
Chapter 19: Now 2018 and my first time back on Asian fanfics and the first story to check for an update..... Hopefully we get an update soon.... HWAIGHTING AUTHORNIM xoxo
tiffatiffa #3
Chapter 19: 2017 and you still not continue this story? I just hope you live well. And when you have time please finish this story. It is one of the most anticipated story that i ever want.
Reakempis #4
Chapter 19: authonim! pls..... update.....
lsumner91 #5
Chapter 19: Assa!!! Please update!!
mySamoanfan #6
Chapter 19: please authornim update soon....
marinette #7
Chapter 19: Hi dear author..the story is it in one seating. Aren't you going to continue this? Hope you can finish it..
sailormoon87 #8
Still waiting for you authornim ...
Unzoeline #9
Chapter 19: Hope you will update.....
primrose_ #10
This is still one of the best fics I've ever read, and I'm still hoping you can continue this fic