endless bickering

almost perfect
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chapter 1: endless bickering


jungkook, together with yeri were perfectly lounging on one of the comforts of their cafeteria. the two were devouring their favourite food while yeri told jungkook what happened on her class in biology a while ago.


“the wine we made a while ago smells like vitamins ugh,” a flash of disgust passed on yeri’s face as she remembered how their wine smelt as she shove a handful of french fries on . “also that activated yeast! I can’t even describe the smell!”


“you and your strong sense of smell,“ jungkook shook his head while picking up a slice of pizza from his plate. indeed, one of yeri’s mannerism was smelling everything. she smelled everything she see, touch, and eat. also, her annoying sensitive nose makes it even worse. being yeri’s friend means you also need to stay sweet scented whenever you’re with her. there was even an episode that yeri didn’t like the smell of jungkook’s new bought perfume, she had practically demanded to change the brand he bought. 

 jungkook watched yeri smell the donuts she had ordered. he smirked when he saw yeri’s delighted face when she her nose detected the sweet smell.

“did you taste it? how was it?” jungkook asked after taking a bite of his pizza.


“even if we can taste it, I won’t even freakin’ dare!” she picked up a donut and chew it in an obnoxiously manner. “as if my nose can endure the smell.”


“so you’re not allowed to taste it?”yeri nodded while sipping her soda.  “how would you know if it’s okay or not? won’t your teacher evaluate it ?”


“of course she would evaluate it dummy! how are we supposed to be graded if she won’t? and besides it’s still on its fermenting stage.” yeri rolled her eyes, she wondered how such man could be her friend, or worse, her bestfriend. “we’re still fermenting it though and it’s a freaking wine idiot, what do you think?”


“isn’t it the longer it sits the better it would taste?” jungkook asked while scratching his head (he doesn’t know much when it comes to enology, sorry about that).


“exactly!” yeri clasped her hands. she beamed at jungkook, finally happy that he knew such an obvious fact (she always thought that all jungkook knew was how to drink milk and play computer games). “it’s called aging of wine.”

“so how long do you intend to let it sit?” he asked with a quizzical look on his face. he just finished eating his pizza and now he’s consuming his soda. he knew some wines were aged for like a hundreds of years.


“for one and a half month,” yeri answered as she took the last bite for her donut.


“that’s too short,” jungkook placed his arm on the flat surface of the table.


“we can’t let it aged for a year idiot,” yeri stated as a matter of factly. “if that would be the case then we might have graduated first after tasting it.”


“but it would taste better if you let it age for like 2 or 3 months—“


“why don’t you go and tell that to our teacher then?” yeri cut him with a glare. “or even better, apply to be our biology teacher so that it can go to whatever way you want.”


“why are you getting angry then?” jungkook’s forehead creased. “I am only stating my opinion.”


“wow,” yeri’s mouth formed an ‘o’. “you’re being annoying, jeon jungkook.” yeri shot him a death glare but the latter paid him no mind and still continued to unknowingly annoy her.

“do you want me to announce to the whole school that you peed—“ jungkook’s eyes widened at the sudden confession but thankfully, jaehyun’s loud voice interrupted them.


“yeri! jungkook!” jaehyun approached them with a tray full of foods in his arms. his signature dimpled smile was plastered on his face. he hurried over to where the two was sitting. “can I?” he asked while looking for a seat.


“yeah sure.” jungkook moved closer to yeri but since they had a bit of argument, yeri also moved, a few inches apart. when jungkook had noticed her move, he smirked.


“lucky enough,” yeri stuck her tongue out and then smiled at the man beside jungkook.  “hi jaehyun!”


“oh hi yeri!” jaehyun smiled while he shove half of the slice of pizza on to his mouth. yeri’s eyes widened and wondered how can he still stay in figure even when he eats a lot of foods every day. she thought that athletes should maintain their diet plan in order for them to stay physically fit, but the man in front of her who’s devouring all of his foods in just a span of one minute tells the otherwise.


“is jungkook annoying you again?” he asked even though it came out inaudible due to his munching. but since yeri is yeri, she was still able to get a gist from it.


“he always do,” yeri rolled her eye sat her best friend who’s secretly stealing sticks of french fries on jaehyun’s tray. she reached out and slapped jungkook’s hand from the table. “that’s his food .”


“what—hey!” jaehyun moved his tray away from jungkook when he noticed what he’s been doing. jungkook laughed his out. yeri glared at him and kick his knee under the table.


“ouch!” jungkook groaned in pain and massage his knee while he shot a death glare at yeri. “what is it again?”


“you’re stealing someone’s food idiot, and that is considered as a bad act.” yeri mumbled while rolling her eyeballs. orienting jungkook on what’s good and (mostly)bad became yeri’s habit, and she didn’t even knew why.  “like how many times will I tell you that it’s bad to steal jeon jungkook?”


“yeah right mom,” jungkook  murmured and instantly moved closer to jaehyun when yeri grabbed the empty plate on the table and gestured it to throw at him.


“oh hold it right there folks,” jaehyun uttered, his fork with a spaghetti on it was stuck in mid-air. obviously annoyed by the two because he can’t properly eat.“someone’s eating, could you please calm down.”


yeri and jungkook settled on their seats. jungkook moved an inch away from jaehyun to make his eating session fine. he looked at yeri who’s eyes where now on her phone. he moved closer to yeri and decided to take a peek on what she’s doing.


“wow, you’re now playing that game?” jungkook mumbled. he saw the familiar settings of the game and the characters with huge guns on their arms. one glance and he can tell what game you are playing.


“what the—“yeri squeaked  when jungkook spoke close to her ear. her phone almost fell to the ground, but gladly, she caught it with perfect ease.  she faced jungkook with of course, a glare on her eyes. “didn’t I tell you not to startle me?!”


“didn’t I tell you to stop drinking so much coffee every day?” he backfired.


“well—“ yeri was taken aback. yes, jungkook always reminded her that too much caffeine can increase one’s heart rate. but since yeri, enjoyed the delicious coffee beans at their home (who was given by jungkook’s family, yeeeep! they own a big farm in their hometown and some of their crops are coffee, fruits and vegetables and all!) she’s quiet unstoppable whenever she the coffee maker, and she love

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ngaw well this sounds super cute! v excited to read this :-)
Yerinator #2
Chapter 4: The little bridge? They have a bridge to each other's houses? It's so cute to think of a makeshift bridge ekkkkkk <3
Chapter 3: Ok yeri what do u have in mind ?
Yerinator #4
Chapter 2: Aww this was too cute