Chapter 18: Confession

Footprints in the Snow

                Nichkhun excused himself from the two girls when he felt a strong recurring vibration in his back pocket coming from his cell phone. He pardoned himself and took a few steps away as he stared at the caller ID.

                “Onew? What’s up?” Since their unexpected meeting in KFC, Onew had been calling him a lot lately.

                “Ah, hyung, it’s so loud. Where are you?” The loud clapping from the crowd who just witnessed the cutting of the cake was drowning out Onew’s voice a bit. Nichkhun walked closer to the door to hear clearer.

                “I’m at the wedding.” He answered straightforwardly.

                “Oh, then am I bothering you?” His voice became quieter.

                “Not really; what’s up?”

                “It’s just that…” Onew was stuttering, “Remember the last time we bumped into each other?” On the other line, Onew’s face was as red as a tomato.

                “In KFC?”

                “Yes,” Nichkhun knew why Onew was calling the instant he mentioned that day. Onew was as easy to read as a book. He liked Bom the moment he saw her, no, he was infatuated with her presence. Nichkhun chuckled to himself quietly and played along, letting Onew confess everything to him embarrassingly. This is what a hyung is for!

                “You know, um…” Onew’s brain was at a loss for words but the thought of Bom’s smiling face had completely taken over his mind.

                “What is it, Onew?” Nichkhun was pushing for a response after ten seconds of complete silence on Onew’s side. There was a deep and long sigh before Onew’s voice appeared again.

                “You know I’ve never liked many girls before, right hyung?” Onew’s voice was unconfident.

                “Yes; you were quite antisocial around the ladies in high school. Why?” Nichkhun’s tone was teasing.

                “I wonder why that is,” Onew’s voice turned serious as he thought back to their high school days. They were both admirable students aiming for the same career. The only thing that made Nichkhun better was his charisma, which attracted countless girls to him. Onew on the other hand had never appealed to girls, nor dated in high school. Whenever he took interest in a girl, in less than three days of confirming it he would catch Nichkhun holding hands with her in the hallway. Even so, Onew never blamed Nichkhun. Their friendship was like that.

                “If you were more out there you could’ve gotten any girl you want.” Nichkhun’s chuckles grew louder at the thought of Onew alongside any girl. It wasn’t because it was impossible; it was because his lack of confidence repelled him from others.

                “Hey, at least I wasn’t a player.” Onew felt offended and wanted to defend himself. A sarcastic gasp escaped Nichkhun’s breath as he retorted,

                “I may have been a huge flirt, but I was not a player.” He knew very well that back then, his immature self was probably the biggest player in the school. For the sake of his pride, he was not going to admit it.

                “You’re kidding right, hyung? You switched girls as often as you switched hair styles.”  Back in high school, Nichkhun’s auntie owned a hair salon close to their school so every week he would switch hair styles. His hair was probably dyed every possible colour at least three times in his life. After high school, his auntie resided to being a house wife and the hair salon closed. Since then, his hairstyles have been consistent.

                “You called me to taunt me about my embarrassing high school days?” Nichkhun’s chuckles ceased as he remembered how off topic their conversation had gotten.

                “No, actually, I wanted to ask you about…” Onew hesitated at the thought of saying Bom’s name out loud.

                “About who?” Nichkhun was extremely amused with Onew’s shyness.

                “You know, from that day…” He was certain Nichkhun knew who he meant.

                “Ah, the cashier at KFC? I remember reading her name tag. Did you want to order another bucket of chicken for delivery?”

                “No, seriously, it’s not about chicken this time!” Onew’s tone became desperate. Nichkhun couldn’t stand the suspense any longer and decided to help him out.

                “You’re asking about Park Bom, right?”

                “How did you know?” Onew was more shocked than he should have been. Nichkhun laughed at how oblivious he still was.

                “Not much has changed since high school; I can still read you like an open book.”  Nichkhun was making his way back into the wedding hall with his phone still held against his ear. Dara waved politely at him back at their designated table and took a sip of red wine.

                “Do you miss her?” Nichkhun’s cheesy question caught Onew off guard.

                “Huh? Yes?” He was stuttering with his response; his brain was still all mixed up.

                “I’ll take that as a yes. Would you like to talk to her?” Nichkhun was now almost at the table where Bom and Dara sat, conversing quietly.

                “Talk to her? What? You’re with her?”


                “Where did you say you were again?” Onew asked confusedly.

                “The wedding,”

                “You’re both at the wedding.” Onew stated more than asked.

                “Yes,” Nichkhun took a seat and raised one eyebrow as he answered. Bom poured him some red wine and he whispered a thank you, receiving a ‘you’re welcome’ from her. Onew hear her faint but angelic voice through the phone and gasped,

                “In high school you dated every girl I ever liked and now you’re marrying her?” His mind forced him to jump to conclusions, but he tried to suppress his anger in order for Nichkhun to speak.

              “What the hell, bro,” Nichkhun’s voice grew serious and loud causing both Bom and Dara to flinch, “I’m not that low! We’re at someone else’s wedding, idiot.” He was shocked by Onew’s sudden conclusion, but remembered that his dongsaeng was never smart when it came to love and girls. Both Bom and Dara were giving Nichkhun a weird stare, creating an awkward atmosphere around the table.

                “Here, talk to her.” Nichkhun smiled, ing the phone towards Bom who stared at it hesitantly. Nichkhun nodded for her to pick up, so she grabbed the phone slowly out of his hands and placed it against her right ear.

               “Yeoboseyo?” Bom answered with a soft voice, curious as to who was on the other line. From neighborhoods away, Onew melted in his seat. After several days he was able to hear her voice again.

                “Nichkhun, is there even anyone on the other line?” Bom asked confusedly, unable to hear a sound from Onew’s side. Nichkhun did a quick face palm and nodded. Why was no one answering?

                “Hello?” Bom breathed again, covering her free ear for better hearing. She heard a loud thump as if something big fell onto the ground. Onew was caught off guard by Bom’s voice again and accidently slipped off his chair while leaning on two chair legs against the wall. His teachers back in high school scolded him multiple times for sitting like that, but it was a habit that was difficult to grow out of. Even after falling multiple times, he still never learned his lesson.

                “Kwaenchanah?” Bom asked, worried and confused at the same time. Onew quickly regained his composure and sat on his bed, adjacent to where he had been sitting before.

                “Uh, Hello,” Onew answered nervously after coughing to clear his throat. Bom smiled at the response she had been waiting for and immediately recognized his voice.

                “Onew oppa, annyeong!” Bom beamed, remembering how cute Onew was back at the KFC restaurant. She never noticed how nervous he was, but shy boys always fascinated her. Onew felt flattered that Bom was able to recognize him with just one response, but he ahd no idea what he wanted to say to her. Why couldn’t Nichkhun, the natural smooth talker had given him some advice before abruptly passing the phone to Bom? He ruffled his hair nervously while keeping the phone glued to his ear and gulped,

                “Are you free any day this week?”

A/N: I noticed this chapter had more dialogue than others xD Do my excessive descriptions and few dialogue bore you guys? Haha. I have a strange writing style. Anyways, yay for some comic relief from the depressing and complicated lives of Dara and Wooyoung? :D Onew may seem like just a random extra right now but he'll become important later on. ^^

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Shawndelan #1
Love it
seungrene #2
Good story
Infinite_8 #4
Infinite_7 #5
congrats :DDDDDDD
NadoSarang #6
congratulations ^^
TeenFiniteL_joe #7
congrats C:
Congrats on the feature!