Chapter 16: Objection

Footprints in the Snow

            Dara took a big gulp as she walked through the front doors leading into the wedding hall. A weak but gentle smile was adorned on her face as she walked beside Bom and Nichkhun to their designated table on the left. Wooyoung and Victoria were nowhere to be found, but they did come half an hour earlier and the bride does not appear until the ceremony starts. A few guests have arrived and were crowded around the entrance and several tables, but no one paid attention to them. Dara placed her purse on her chair and was about to take a seat when a tall woman wearing an elegant baby blue dress approached her, the same shade as her own. She quickly bowed ninety degrees and brushed her hair out of her face after doing so. Dara’s bouncy curls did not stay behind her ear, but rubbed against the side of her cheeks as she smiled at the lady in front of her.

            “It’s been a while hasn’t it, Dara?” The lady smiled earnestly and held her arms open for a hug. Dara embraced her happily.

            “How have you been?” Dara asked out of politeness.

            “Never better; I’m so glad I could live up to the day that my baby boy gets married!” Wooyoung’s mother gushed happily, holding onto Dara’s hands. Wooyoung’s mother had always loved Dara and cared for her as her own child.

            “How could you worry about that? You’re so young and healthy!” Dara giggled and smiled in response.

            “Young? You’re too kind!” Wooyoung’s mom nudged Dara playfully on the arm and laughed. Her smiling face suddenly grew into shock as she placed both her hands on Dara’s shoulder, staring straight into her eyes.

            “Omo. What are you doing out here?” She asked with a gasp. Dara lifted an eyebrow and asked,

            “What do you mean?” If she wasn’t supposed to be here, then where was she supposed to be?

            “The beautiful bride shouldn’t make her appearance so casually at her own wedding! Quick, go back before Wooyoung sees you!” His mother gave Dara and gentle push towards the room where Victoria was getting ready, but Dara did not move further.

            “I think there’s a misunderstanding,” Dara nervously explained, “I’m not the bride.” Wooyoung’s mom quickly covered with both her hands as she stared at Dara, and then moved her gaze to Bom who wore practically the same outfit.

            “Omo,” Wooyoung’s mom gasped, “You’re not the bride you said?” She couldn’t believe her ears.

            “No,” Dara shook her head slightly, “Victoria Song is the bride.”

            “Victoria Song?!” Wooyoung’s mom screamed in disbelief. Her lips quickly curved into a deep frown worrying Dara. After a few seconds, she turned back into her sweet self and smiled,

            “Mianhe, Dara. I’ll talk to you again later,” His mom winked playfully and then headed back to the crowd of people she had been previously conversing with. Dara stood beside her chair thinking. Had Wooyoung not told his own mother who his bride was? The engagement was arranged by his father who never shared information with his wife, so it was quite possible she didn’t know.


            One month ago after regretfully proposing to Victoria, he pulled out his cell phone and lay on his bed dialing his mom’s number.

            “Wooyoung? Is something wrong?” His mother asked in a worried voice. Wooyoung never called her unless something big happened.

            “I’m getting married.” He sighed, clenching the phone against his ear as he stared out his open window. There was still winter wind outside but it felt refreshing to him.

            “Omo!” She beamed with excitement, “I’ll get the details on the date from your father.” She had assumed that he was marrying Dara, incapable of imagining him with any other girl and cheered with happiness. Her son was finally going to be married. She had no idea this day would come so soon.


            “Why did she think you were the bride?” Bom asked after Dara took a seat at the table.

            “I’m not sure,” Dara replied in a soft voice. A million thoughts were running through her head. A tall man who Dara identified to be Wooyoung’s uncle was playing wedding music on the piano while more guests poured into the wedding hall. Once every single seat was accounted for, Wooyoung appeared into the wedding hall wearing a white suit that contrasted nicely with his baby blue tie. His hair was done exceptionally well today, and he made his way to the stage in less than ten seconds where he would wait for his future wife to accompany him. Dara had never seen Wooyoung look so handsome before. In her eyes, he was always handsome no matter how bad his bed head was, or if he had sauce covered on his face but today of all days, he looked extraordinary.

            “Make your way to the stage,” whispered Nichkhun as he got up from his seat and held the camcorder in his hands. Dara and Bom stealthily slipped to the back of the stage and took a hold of two microphones. The entire crowd smiled at how beautiful the two looked on stage but once the bride was here, they wouldn’t even stand out from the sparkling snowflake décor. As the piano music grew faster, all eyes moved to the back of the wedding hall where Victoria accompanied by her father made their enchanting appearance. Dara’s prediction was true. Once Victoria appeared no one in the room, including her could take her eyes off how pretty Victoria was. Victoria smiled sweetly as she slowly made her way to Wooyoung, clutching her father’s arm happily. Her hair was done up so perfectly that no strand was out of place. This was her spotlight. A loud roar of applauding boomed through the wedding hall once she faced Wooyoung, holding tightly to her bouquet of lavender roses. Music began playing right when the piano music ceased, signaling for Bom and Dara to begin their first song of the night. They began singing Super Junior’s Marry U.

My bride, my present from the heavens above
Are you happy? There's tears flowing from your eyes

Until the day your black hair turns grey
I promise to love you forever

I want to tell you every single day that "I love you"
Would you marry me?
I want to live loving you and cherishing you


As they sang their duet, Dara scanned the crowd, smiling in response to everyone who swayed their heads gently back and forth to the melody. Her eyes were locked on the only face in the crowd who wasn’t smiling, but frowning. They made eye contact for a brief moment, and then Dara moved her stare to the back of the room. It was an old trick performers would use to reduce anxiety of stage. By staring at the back, you give the illusion that you’re looking at the crowd when you’re really not.

I want to put you to sleep in my arms every night
Would you marry me?
Will you give my heart this permission?

I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life (I do)
I love you (I do)

Through rain and snow I'll cherish you (I do)
I'll take care of you (My love)


The song was cut short due to time, and they ended their lines with an elegant harmony from Bom. The crowd stopped swaying their heads when the music stopped and began clapping and cheering excitedly. It was now time to say their vows. The priest took his place in between the couple which silenced the crowd.

“Groom, please repeat after me,” The priest began and Wooyoung repeated in almost mono tone.

“I, Jang Wooyoung take you, Victoria Song, to be my lawfully wedded wife…” Dara’s eyes watched every move that Wooyoung made as he spoke. His lips moved spilling words but Dara refused to hear any. After finishing his vow he smiled angelically and Victoria began.

“I, Victoria Song take you, Jang Wooyoung to be my lawfully wedded husband…” Even during Victoria’s vow, Dara’s eyes were locked on Wooyoung. As she spoke slowly, finding difficulty in remembering the lines to repeat, Wooyoung stole a quick glance at Dara but quickly diverted his attention back to Victoria before anyone noticed. Bom stood beside Dara and noticed Wooyoung’s mom whose frown never faded, but grew deeper as Victoria finished her speech.

“If there are any objections,” The priest was now eying the immense crowd, “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”Dara’s heart stopped for a moment after the last line. She wanted to scream and call out to Wooyoung, but she couldn’t bring herself to. The priest waited a minute for any response, moving his stare along the tables. Bom noticed Dara’s hands clenched into a tight fist and put her arm on her shoulder to calm her down. Wooyoung’s mom was clenching her dress anxiously. She needed to do something; this didn’t feel right. After finishing his stares, he assumed that everyone was in agreement to this pairing. He took a deep breath and began,

“I now announce you—“

“I object!” Wooyoung quickly turned to the familiar voice responsible for the abrupt objection. Dara’s hands covered as the eyes moved to stare surprised at the one who objected. Bom and Nichkhun gasped in disbelief.

A/N: Whee for super junior song! :D I hope my fanfic isnt getting more boring. I'm still having fun writing this (:!

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Shawndelan #1
Love it
seungrene #2
Good story
Infinite_8 #4
Infinite_7 #5
congrats :DDDDDDD
NadoSarang #6
congratulations ^^
TeenFiniteL_joe #7
congrats C:
Congrats on the feature!