f i v e

Give Me Love

Baekhyun didn't know what to do when he found his brother laying on the ground beside a horse, groaning in pain with his right arm in a crudely made sling whilst the king's personal guard was beside him, bare chested. 

"What the hell happened?" Yixing demanded.

"I apologize, Your Highnesses," Jongin said immediately. "I-"

"It was an accident," Kyungsoo ground out. "I fell from the horse is all." 

Baekhyun's eyes widened. Kyungsoo on a horse? How the hell did that happen? 


Kyungsoo had never disobeyed his hyung. He was smarter than that. He knew that Baekhyun's orders and decisions were always in the best interest of Exodus. He knew that Baekhyun had sacrificed more than he ever did in order to spare some heartache for him and Sehun. There wasn't anything that Kyungsoo wouldn't do for Baekhyun. 

That's why when Baekhyun told him to show King Yixing's personal guard to the stables, he did so without complaint, even though everything in his gut told him to say no. 

Kim Jongin stood tall beside him, hovering over like a tower. His face was kept stoic, though his eyes showed a threatening glare. He was seemingly alert of everything in the area, as if he expected an ambush at any moment. It never left Kyungsoo's mind that on Jongin's hip was a sword that had probably taken more lives than Kyungsoo had ever seen. 

It wasn't the first time that they had met. The first and last time they saw each other was at King Yixing's coronation. It was a decade ago, but Kyungsoo remembered that day all too well. 

"Sehun, stop fidgetting," Baekhyun snapped as he fixed his tie. 

The ten year old whined quietly, mumbling about how uncomfortable his attire was. "When is this thing going to be over?" he asked in a low voice. 

"Soon," Baekhyun said in an annoyed tone. "Mother and Father made their instructions clear, Sehun. All you have to do is sit still until the end." He rose from his seat, as did the person beside him. 

Chanyeol stood, looking just as much as royalty as the prince he was in love with. His dark brown hair was styled to the side, unlike it's usual disheveled appearance, and rather than his usual dirty uniform, he wore a black suit. He looked immaculate, and people were quick to notice him. Chanyeol drew many eyes with his smile alone, capturing the hearts of the young daughters of noblemen in the room. 

"I must talk to Prince Seungri before the start of the coronation. Try not to cause any problems," Baekhyun said. 

He and Chanyeol left, leaving Kyungsoo and Sehun on their own. Sehun continued to quietly complain, grumbling about how unfair it was that Baekhyun was allowed to roam around while he was told to simply sit and look pretty. Kyungsoo wanted to roll his eyes. 

"Hyung, it's so crowded here. Can't we step outside until the coronation starts?" Sehun asked. 

Kyungsoo was about to tell Sehun to stop complaining, but for once agreed with the ten year old. "Just for a moment," he said, standing up and straightening out his suit. "Come, before Hyung catches us." 

They both made their way out of the hall, letting out breaths of relief when they made it outside to the fresh crisp air. Kyungsoo attempted to walk down the steps, but slipped for a moment, latching onto Sehun's arm to keep himself balanced. Sehun straightened him out and helped him walk down.

"Are you okay? Is it your eyes again?" Sehun asked. 

Kyungsoo nodded. He was ashamed to say that his vision was distorted at times. It wasn't something that could be helped, but it often brought trouble for himself or others. He rested his head in his hands, wishing he could find a way to fix his eyes. 

Sehun and Kyungsoo stood outside for a few moments longer. There was still a few minutes left before the start of the coronation, and Kyungsoo wanted to cherish every moment he had to himself before entering the crowded hall. 

There was a sound of approaching footsteps, and Kyungsoo looked at the top of the stairs to see who it was, but the figure was distorted.  Whoever it was, the person was walking towards them. Kyungsoo angled his head down, trying to adjust himself to see better. 

"Hyung, stop that," Sehun hissed. 

"Who is it?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Does Exodus not teach their princes not to glare?"

"Prince Kibum," Sehun said through gritted teeth. "How have you been?" 

Kyungsoo inwardly groaned, feeling a ball form in his stomach. Leave it to be his luck to accidentally glare at Prince Kibum. The annoying brat was never going to let him live this down. 

"I was fine until your brother treated me so rudely. Not even going to apologize?" Kibum looked at Kyungsoo challengingly. "I guess it's true- Those from Exodus have no manners." 

Kyungsoo clenched his hands into tight fists. He subconsciously took a step forward, putting himself between Kibum and Sehun. "Aish," he huffed. "Still spewing nonsense? Who do you think you are?"

Kibum glared down at the fourteen year old. "That's no way to treat your hyung, Kyungsoo. You should learn some respect," he spat out. He shoved Kyungsoo's shoulder. "Look at you, trying to act tough." Kibum laughed. "You and your brothers are jokes."

Kyungsoo shoved Kibum back. Despite his smaller stature, he was stronger than he looked. Kibum stumbled in shock and let out a breathy dark chuckle. 

"You'll pay for that," he said, reaching out to grab the collar of Kyungsoo's shirt. "You dirty piece of-"

"What are you doing?" demanded a deep voice. 

At the doors of the hall stood a tall dark figure. All that Kyungsoo could make out was the sword attached to the person's hip. 

"The coronation will begin soon. I advise you all to return to your seats."

Kyungsoo tilted his head, and looked up, seeing a guy clad in a soldier's uniform. Kibum visibly relaxed and plastered a smile on his face. 

"Jongin! It's been awhile since we last saw each other. How have you been?" Kibum walked up the steps, as if nothing had happened. 

Jongin... Kyungsoo recognized it as the name of the soon to be king's personal guard. Jongin had a reputation, even at a young age, for being a strong swordsman. He was beyond skilled, so much so he had received offers from nobles to work for them as a guard, or to even marry their daughters. However, Jongin's loyalty to Yixing was unwavering. 

"Hyung, you're doing it again," Sehun hissed, nudging Kyungsoo's arm. "Stop it."

Kyungsoo tore his eyes away from Jongin, feeling his cheeks redden. "Sorry," he murmured. "Let's go, Sehun, before Baekhyun hears of what happened and kills us both."

"Here are the stables. Your horses are being cared for at the moment by our staff," Kyungsoo said as they emerged to the back of the castle. 

Around them, servants were either grooming the horses or training them. Many servants paused their actions to bow in respect before continuing their duties. Kyungsoo smiled kindly at them, giving small bows back. Jongin seemed to watch his movement with scrutinizing eyes. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling that Jongin wasn't exactly his number one fan.

"I can care for my own horse, if it is quite alright with you, Prince Kyungsoo," Jongin said. His voice was curt and cold. 

Kyungsoo gritted his teeth together but nodded nonetheless. What is his problem? Kyungsoo wondered. Besides the incident ten years ago, the prince had never interacted with Jongin. What issue could he possibly have with him?

The pair made their way to the stalls containing the horses from Exact. Servants were already grooming the horses, murmuring in soft crooning voices to the animals. Jongin arrived in front of a pure black horse, his hand reaching out to rest between the animal's eyes. 

"Thank you, but I can take it from here," Jongin said to the servants. They all left quietly, eyes lowered as they tried to refrain from much interaction with the guard from Exact. It was clear that they had heard the rumors of King Yixing's most trusted soldier- Kim Jongin. He was deadly in their minds. Though if Jongin was bothered by their behavior, he didn't show it. He led the dark horse out of the stall, looking at the creature with kindness that Kyungsoo had not seen before. "Monggu," he said softly, "did you miss appa?" 

Kyungsoo wanted to snort at that. 

"I can handle this on my own," Jongin said. The statement was directed at Kyungsoo, despite his eyes never leaving the horse. It was a clear dismissal.

Kyungsoo clenched his jaw. "Do you have a problem with me?" Kyungsoo blurted out. 

There was a moment of silence before a small sigh filled the air. 

"Not necessarily you, just people like you."

"People like me?" Kyungsoo scoffed. 

"Born with a silver spoon in your mouth...Born with everything one could hope for- Yet nothing to give in return." Jongin looked down at the prince. "People who are ignorant to the greater issues in life."

"You speak as if you know me," Kyungsoo snapped, "but it's quite clear you know anything but."

"No? You've been pampered so much so your whole life. I'm willing to bet my sword that you have never even ridden on horseback. You've just used horses to pull your carriages without any care for how they are treated." Jongin took a step towards the prince, crossing his arms. He leaned down slightly, the corner of his lips pulled up into a sneer. "At the end of the day, you and the rest of Exodusians are all gluttons-"

Kyungsoo found himself grabbing the collar of Jongin's uniform. He pulled the soldier down to eye level and narrowed his stormy eyes at the man. "Say what you will of me, but leave the name of my people out of your mouth," he growled out. 

Their eyes locked, both looking at each other with unwavering glares. Kyungsoo was surprised at his own actions. He was usually calm and collected. Fighting and arguing were more of Sehun's scene. Yet there he was, holding King Yixing's personal guard by the collar and glaring daggars into his eyes. Had it not been for how angry he felt, he would have blushed from how close they were. Their faces were merely inches apart. Never had he been so close to anyone before. 

"Whoa! Whoa there boy! Aish!"

The pair turned to see a servant struggling to tame one of the royal horses. Kyungsoo recognized it as Sehun's favorite horse, Vivi. The unruly creature took off, knocking the man over as it ran away from the stables- from the palace. 

Kyungsoo moved to chase after the horse, but a warm hand wrapped around his arm, holding him back. He turned in bewilderment, looking at Jongin with annoyance. "What are you doing? Release me!"

"With all due respect, Prince Kyungsoo, it'd be impossible for you to run after a horse," Jongin drawled. He let go of the prince's arm, then led his horse out of the stable. In one swift movement, he mounted the beast. He clicked his tongue and the horse took off, leaving Kyungsoo standing alone in the stables.


To Jongin's surprise, Kyungsoo was still in the stables when he returned. The prince wasted no time in approaching the horse, giving the creature a gentle pat whilst he murmured soft words. 

"You stupid horse," he said with a face of endearment. "Impulsive like your father."

Had Vivi gone missing, there was no doubt that Sehun would lose his mind. And of course, Sehun would no doubt blame Kyungsoo in some way shape or form. That brat was too spoiled for his own good.

"Thank you." Kyungsoo sighed. "He was startled by a garden snake." The prince clicked his tongue against his teeth. "Stupid horse," he repeated under his breath. 

"Is he yours?" Jongin asked.

Kyungsoo shook his head. His face reddened slightly. "No. He's Sehun's." He never had a horse. As a child, he had found more interests in books than stuff like horse riding. Baekhyun had once told him to learn, which he attempted to do, but after an accident when he was ten, he never tried ever again.

Kyungsoo led Vivi back into his stall, paying little attention to Jongin. "Thank you, again." He sighed slightly. "I am very confused as to why you have so many prejudices against me and my people. Perhaps they are justified in some way, but if the week commences smoothly, I can assure you that you'll be around Exodusians more than you're comfortable with." 

Jongin remained quiet. He hated to admit it, but the prince was right, though just partially so. His hatred for Exodusians ran deeper than some stupid prejudices. He hadn't meant to lash out on the prince, but his anger had been festering for far too long. Ever since King Yixing had informed him of the marriage proposal he had been tense, but now, he was on enemy territory.

"I intend to go for a short ride around the property," Jongin said. 

Kyungsoo frowned slightly. "The land is rather large and dangerous for you to go alone without any knowledge of the area." 

Jongin inwardly snorted. "Then you may join me and show me the land."

No, Kyungsoo thought. He couldn't do that. That meant going on a horse- something he had never done.

"Perhaps we should return and prepare for supper," Kyungsoo suggested. 

"I can find my way back to the palace, Prince Kyungsoo. Feel free to leave."

For some reason, his words sounded like a challenge. Kyungsoo gritted his teeth together and looked at the guard in the eyes. 

He knew, Kyungsoo realized. Jongin knew that he did not know how to ride a horse. He saw it in the way Jongin's dark eyes glimmered with a taunting stare. 

"I will join you," Kyungsoo said stubbornly. His pride wouldn't allow him to leave. 

Kyungsoo silently prayed that Vivi would cooperate. As he led the horse back out of the stables, following Jongin who was looking back at him in amusement, Kyungsoo took deep breaths to calm his racing heart. 

He had seen Sehun go on journeys with Vivi before. The youngest prince made it seem effortless. Surely, he could do the same. 

All he had to do was get on Vivi first. 

Kyungsoo inhaled deeply, placing his left foot into the stirrup and pushing his body up with his right leg. His hands reached out to balance himself as he successfully mounted Vivi. A sigh of relief left his lips. 

Though before he could even make another move, Vivi began to neigh and move uneasily. Vaguely, a small part of his brain reminded him,

"Vivi has a problem with other riders. He only likes me."

In a split second, Vivi had Kyungsoo falling off. There was no time to react as Kyungsoo's right shoulder took the impact. He felt white hot blinding pain at his collarbone that soon spread across his body. A loud shout left his lips as he squeezed his eyes shut. 

"Prince Kyungsoo!"

Kyungsoo groaned and writhed on the ground, unable to express the about of agony he was in. He vaguely felt the presence of a body beside him, and managed to process a voice telling him to stop moving. 

Jongin stripped himself of his shirt, inwardly cursing at himself for allowing the prince to be harmed. Yixing would have his head by the end of the night for sure. There was no way he would escape punishment for being so negligent. 

"I need to put your arm in a sling, Your Highness," Jongin said, gingerly reaching out to touch the prince. He gritted his teeth together as Kyungsoo continued to groan, but the prince did his best not to move. 

Jongin assessed the injury as a fractured collarbone. He closed his eyes briefly. Yes, he thought. Yixing was going to kill him. 

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prettymincock #1
Chapter 5: PLEASE UPDATE ??
Chapter 5: Nice plot still waiting for chanyeol's reaction
Helena1 #3
Chapter 5: Ahhhh lo amo!!!! Espero ver más updates! Me gustan largos pero seguidos Hahhaha los capítulos cortos se me van como agua xC
Chapter 5: Oooh, I'm intruiged :) I look forward to seeing what happens next and to see the progression between Yixing and Baekhyun :D
KeepBeef #5
Chapter 4: Omg im blushing all the way reading baekxing moment in this like wow its so beautiful pls i need more baakxinggg

wanda22 #6
Chapter 4: Hellooooo.. Welcome baaaccckkk
cdch05 #7
Pleaseeee update it, this fic it soooo good
wanda22 #8
Chapter 3: Quick updates please.. But only if you are comfortable with it.. It soooooo gooooooood
Rijat1 #9
Chapter 3: I think i would prefer quick updates! Thank you for sharing this with us <3
Chapter 3: awww this seems like it’s gonna be amazing!!!!