
Hitler's Iron Cross

Chapter 9 – Abundance


May 21, 1946



Wilhelm was pretty sure that his uncle had been talking non-stop for hours. At least that’s what it felt like. He had come pretty close to drifting off a couple of times. The scenery outside had not changed for miles and his backend was getting sore from sitting. Wilhelm had no idea what his uncle was talking about anymore. No doubt it was something he didn’t care to know. Wilhelm had no idea how he could even find things to talk about.

The car bounced over some potholes, causing Wilhelm to hit his forehead on the passenger window he had been leaning against. Rubbing his forehead, he glared at the glass, resisting the temptation to put his fist through it. He was tired of sitting in the stuffy car. He hadn’t eaten or drank in forever and he was tired. All of this was not helping his short temper.

“Don’t worry Wilhelm, we’re almost there. Then you can get up and stretch your legs.”

His uncle must have finally run out of things to say.

“I’m know my wife will have a something on the table for you. I’m sure you’re starving by now.”

Wilhelm didn’t respond. He wanted to get out of the car, but he didn’t want to be at his uncle’s house. He couldn’t decide if he wanted them to be close to the town or not.


For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the interior of the car was silent, save for occasional odd noises from the car.

“You know Wilhelm, one of the greatest regrets I have is leaving your father and never plucking up the courage to go back and forgive him. However, had I never left, our stories would be completely different. But I do wish that I could’ve seen your father again. Maybe he would have been able to forgive me. I finally forgave him years ago…”

His uncle’s voice drifted off, lost in memory.


The car continued its jolting ride down the dirt road. Nothing seemed to change in the surroundings except for the elongating shadows as the day drew to an end. Wilhelm saw that up ahead the road curved around a bend. As they rounded it there, not too far away, was a small town. It was surrounded by green field and farm houses. His uncle smiled and said, “Welcome to Abundance, Wilhelm. Welcome home.”


As the truck rattled its way into town, Wilhelm couldn’t bring himself to accept that this was going to be his new home. He couldn’t imagine himself having to live in this town, it just didn’t seem right. Everything was so different, he could have never imagined that this would be how his life would turn out.

Wilhelm guessed they were driving down the main street, but is was hard to tell because the dirt road looked the same as it had for the whole trip. And it looked to be about as interesting as the fields that surrounded it. The people that Wilhelm saw walking on the streets seemed to be all in good spirits, though he had no idea why. What could they possible be happy about?

Wilhelm closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the dusty glass of the window. He desperately wished that he would open his eyes and this would all just be a dream.

There was a crunch of gravel under the tires as the car slow down. Reluctantly Wilhelm opened his eyes as the engine gave one more sputter before going silent. They had stopped in front of a pale blue clapboard house with the numbers 12 painted by the door. It was small, but had a decent sized front yard. At the side of the house was a fenced garden and flower bed. But what caught Wilhelm’s attention first was the dark haired woman who was standing by the front door of the house, smiling. Wilhelm’s uncle chuckled as he opened his door.

“Well, it looks like your aunt is anxious to meet you. Best not keep her waiting.”

He shut his door and went to the back of the car to open the trunk. Wilhelm didn’t move. He didn’t know if he could. Startled, he looked up to see his door thrown open. His uncle stood holding his nephew’s suitcase in one hand and the passenger door open in the other.

“Come on, let’s go meet them,” his uncle said smiling.

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Chapter 6: oooo i like this! it sheds some light on the past!
Chapter 5: He's so cynical in his thinking right now..i like it!
i loved the describing words you used for the car, i could really picture it!
great jobbbbb <3333333
Chapter 4: wilhelm is going to go into fight or flight mode!!!
Chapter 3: wow
and this is why we don't live in Germany, kids
or brainwash people
Chapter 2: Man, that line about how much his uncle will hate him...this kid is so cynical.
I like him <3 great job!!!
Chapter 1: i am so hyped