The First

The Universe We Looked Upon

"Haneul, I'm sorry for the other day. Got some free time to spare for me?" Haneul received a new message from someone.


She stepped out to the balcony of her room, watching the universe, feeling the summer night wind ruffling every crook of her hair, the sky seemed a little too dark tonight, there is not even a star. With the phone in her hand, she called her new friend. 

"Hey Jae," the other line picked up almost immediately. "Hey.. Haneul?" The male on the other line sounded tired, his voice was more hoarse than usual. "Did I wake you up?" She asked, concerned. "No. Yes," He jabbered. "I accidentally fell asleep. It's fine. Go on." There was a long silence before Haneul continues, "I feel bad for waking you up. So I'll make it super quick." Jaehyun smiled on the other line, I was waiting for your call, after all. "I can't work with you," His heart sunk a bit for no reason, he probably did get his hopes too high. "Yeah, sure, it's okay, understandable." He shrugged it off. "Wait, I wasn't finished. I can't come to work on Sunday." Jaehyun was hearing intently. "I have to go somewhere." Her voice was not excited, it was supposed to make her happy, but it is the opposite case now. "Fine by me. So, we got a deal now, Ms. Lee?" He's in delight, knowing he won't be alone at the shop, he didn't hate to be alone, but it gets too lonely sometimes. "We do. Now when will I get my sunflower, Mr. Jung?" He scoffed. "You haven't even started your first day." She gasped on the other side, "Accepting the job itself deserves a reward, mister!" "Well then, come quicker." What did I just said? Come quicker? How desperate does that sound? "I- I will! Uh... that's about it, I guess. Goodnight, Jaehyun!" She ended the call before he could reply, before he could figure that the girl's cheeks were rose in color. Jaehyun? Suddenly going by full name sounded better.


Sunday is today, a new week has come to the flower shop, the week to gain new worker. The sky is blue, the weather is just right, not too hot not too cold. It's summer, after all, where cute and sappy love story happens. Also, where it ends. 


Jaehyun was awake from all of his cloudy thoughts when the shop's bell rang, the first customer for today entered. "Welcome to Jung's flower shop." sweetly, he greeted the customer. The customer was about the same age as Jaehyun, no, younger, looking from his demeanor, his bright eyes looking all over the place, his lips slightly pouted.  "What kind of flowers do girls usually like?" The customer blurted. Oh, he is going for a date. "Rose, it's evergreen. It's always a go-to flower." Jaehyun answered suggestively. "But-" He was going to add more, "Then, I would like a small bouquet of roses, please." The older nodded in agreement, picking the prettiest roses, neatly packing it in pink wrapping paper, before handing it to his customer. "But sunflower is a breath of fresh air, too." The shop once again echoed with the sound of the bell as the younger boy left the shop. 


She was awake from the soft natural light that penetrates from the window of her bedroom, the birds chirping noisily, and her father every weekend activity of binge-watching the trendy historical drama. Half asleep, she heavily removes the duvet that provides warmth and comfort to her, puts on her bunny slippers and heads out of the room to greet her father. 

"Morning, dad." Her father who had his eyes glued to the television, turns around, to reply to his daughter, "Morning, sleepyhead." She rubs her eyes, finger-brush her hair, trying to wake up fully. "What time is it?" She asked, whilst looking at the wooden clock in the middle of the house, "10, on the dot." She's fully wide awake now. "Oh, already?" Mr. Lee looked at her daughter, "Going somewhere, are you?" "Yeah... gonna meet some friend." She answered, unfazed. "Is it the from the hospital?" Haneul swears she saw her father grinned, his eyes bright, upon questioning. "Hospital guy....?" Her brows scrunched, identifying the person. "OH, oh, no, not him, dad. I've got other friends too." She said before starting to walk back to her room, "and oh, I almost forgot about this! I met Johnny, he said he missed watching dramas with you." Her father hummed in delight, "tell him to come over then! It's been so long." 

Going back into her room, she picked out the outfit for today, white pants and baby blue off shoulder blouse, because she's feeling blue. Not sure if it is sad, dull sate blues like how the sea is not actually blue, and that it's just optical illusion or the kind of blue that she loves, the calming soft blue sky embraced by the golden wings of the sun in the morning, like the air she breathes in January. 

The clock strikes 11.30 when Haneul grabs her favorite wine-colored bucket bag from the hanging rack and throws it across her body, "I'm going, dad. See you later." Her father replied something along be careful, ignore the weird strangers, as always so she also replied to her father the same.

 Her friend insisted on picking her up straight at the house but Haneul said it's too much of a work, it is, since her house is a bit more secluded and it's Sunday, everyone goes out at this hour, it's going to be too busy in the neighborhood. "I'll wait at the bus stop." 

By the time she arrived at the bus stop, it's 11.45, another 15 minutes before he arrives, she thought. Apparently, he was already waiting for her. She stops on her movement, maybe she did miss him, it's been so long after all. His hair is no longer pitch black, it's reddish brown, compliments his naturally sunkissed skin, it is no longer bowl cut, it was styled. His baby fat is all gone, he grew taller as well, his outfit also fit against his body like it was only made for him. A lot of things changed, except for the constellation at his cheeks, it's the only part of him that she recognizes. 

"Hey," He rose from the bench, hands in both of his pockets as he greets Haneul. "Long time no see." He smiled, cheekily. "It's been quite some time, Hyuck." She smiled back at him. They both were shy to look at each other in the eyes, before bursting into laughter, breaking the silence. The moment their eyes made, her chest felt heavy, her heart swells, doubles in size. His beautiful brown eyes, glisten as the sun came across it.  

"For you," She received a small bouquet of roses from him. "W-what, isn't this too much?." Her cheeks were almost the same color as the rose, both because of the unexpected gift and her allergy. "It's nothing at all, just a gift." He rubs his nape as well, slightly embarrassed. 

Loving him was easy, like breathing, like making mistakes.





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not sure if i actually want to continue this shsjsjsjsk but its purely self satisfation i guess


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uwu thank you for subscribing i'll be updating soon
soooyeon #2
hello! aaaaa i'm one of your readers! this story is very interesting! i'm loving it already! i hope you continue! uwu