Runway (Part 2)

I've found you!!

"What the " Yoona shrieked in a loud pitchy voice which made Seohyun and Sunny come over to her.

"Yoona whats---" Seohyun saw her gown on the floor, cutted into pieces.

"Oh no" Sunny walked over to the damaged item and touched it.

"Who could've done this?" Seohyun asked. Her eyes were watery. She felt like a moment ago, she could win over Krystal and make Hyun Joong proud of her but then this happens, her whole world came crushing down.

"I bet it would be Krystal" Sunny said while she balled her fists.

"We don't have proof" Yoona said. Then Hyun Joong and Kai came in laughing. Their smiling faces turned into a frown when they saw Seohyun's gown.

"What happened?" Hyun Joong asked. His face was with worry and anger

"Someone tore Seohyun's gown" Sunny said.

"Sh*t" Kai murmured "I bet Krystal did this"

"What are we going to do?" Seohyun said. Her voice cracked.

"What happened here?" They turned to the door and saw Lee Hyori standing there with a curious face.

" Lee Hyori-ssi"

"Somebody came into Seohyun's dressing room and tore her gown" Hyun Joong said. He voice sounded rough and scary.

"What?!" Her eyes were shocked  "Is there anything you can do? Yoona can you fix her gown?"

"It recquires days to fix this and we got less than 20 minutes. I'm sorry, I can't" Yoona replied, her head down.

Seohyun broke into tears.

"I'm so sorry" Seohyun said. She covered her face.

Hyun Joong came over to her and lifted her chin, wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Look at me Seohyun. It's not your fault" He comforted her.

"I'm sorry guys, but if this is your casethen you should forfiet to Krystal" Lee Hyori turned away.

"Wait" Yoona said "We never back down from a fight"

"What do you mean Yoona?" Kai looked at her.

"I've got another gown, but its in the hotel. Can you make it there in 15 minutes?" Yoona replied

" I could do it in 10 if I want to" Kai said

"Good" Yoona replied and turned to Seohyun

"Seo, I want you to go with Kai. The gown is in my room, the silver tube one." Yoona instructed.


"Trust me Seo, I'm not going to let you loose" Yoona ssaid and gave her a thumbs-up

"But what are you guys gonna do?" Seohyun asked.

"We're going to buy you and Kai some time." Hyun Joong smiled at her. "Kai, here"

Hyun Joong tossed him the keys of his car.

"Let's go Seohyun!" Kai said and dragged Seohyun out of the room.

When they were gone.

"So? How are we going to distract the crowd?" Sunny asked

" Easy, Kwangmin and Youngmin is here" Hyun Joong said

" Remember the dance number they gave on your birthday?" Yoona asked Hyun Joong with a grin on her face.

" I've got an idea" Hyun Joong said


Meanwhile, while Kai is driving back to the hotel.

"Seems like Hyun Joong is worried about you" Kaid said while not taking his eyes off the road.

"Of course he does, it's for his company" Seohyun answered while looking at Kai's concentrated face.

"What are you looking at?" Kai teased

"You" Seohyun replied with a smile "You're really the best Kai! I didn't know what I did to deserve a friend like you"

Kai blushed and looked away.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry or my intrusion but these lovely models need a little break." Yoona said with a huge grin on her face as she announced on the stage. " Meanwhile, we'll be entertained by Kim Hyun Joong and his 2 brothers, Jo Kwangmin and Jo Youngmin"

Yoona you're soo dead! Hyun Joong thought as he got on the stage and saw Yoona grinning at him like crazy. His brothers behind him chuckled.

The girls that saw him squeled, Lee Hyori and Choi Sooyoung's eyes widened with shock and excitement? If it wasn't for Seohyun, he would never have done this.

The music played and they danced on the stage like they were born to dance. The girls screamed and the boys chuckled in amusement. Kwangmin and Youngmin seemed to be enjoying the attention and then Hyun Joong started to sing. It was like a concert.

Kai, Seohyun, hurry!


"Kai! I found it!" Seohyun called as she found the gown.

"Wear it already, so that if ever we are late, you could just run to the stage" Kai replied.

"Okay" Seohyun then went to the bathroom and changed.


Darn it! Hyun Joong thought. This is the 2nd dance they're performing and Kai and Seohyun haven't shown up yet. Just keep it up!


"Kai! Can't you go any faster?" Seohyun said

"It's kinda traffic" Kai said, pushing the horn, getting impatient.

" Oh no!" Seohyun whispered


"They aren't here yet" Yoona sighed

Hyun Joong sighed. Their 2nd dance ended and they needed to stop. The crowd was getting impatient already so they needed to stop. The models resumed walking on the runway in their beautiful gowns.


"I'm running" Seohyun got out of the car. It was still stuck up in the traffic.

"What?!" Kai was shocked.

"Don't worry! I'm a fast runner!" Seohyun then ran through the streets

"Be careful" Kai murmured. As much as he wanted to go with her, but he needed to take care of Hyun Joong's car.


"Still not here" Yoona said

"We musn't loose hope" Hyun Joong said

"Don't worry hyung, they'll be here. We just need to be patient" Kwangmin said


Breathe Seo. You need to breathe. Seohyun ran through the streets as fast as her feet could carry her. She was already holding her high heeled stilletoes. Hyun Joong is waiting for you. As she passed by, people were staring at her. Some thought she was crazy, other's thought she was beautiful.


It was almost Krystal's turn and Seohyun wasn't there yet. Krystal saw Hyun Joong's worried face, walking back and forth. She smiled, she know she will win.


Run Joo-hyun!


Krystal was now walking on the stage, pleased with herself with what she has done. She didn't notice her facial expression because she was busy thinking of winning. She was so careless.


"Where's your model now Hyun Joong? Is she too scared to loose?" Soo Young grinned evilly at Hyun Joong.

"She's more than what you think" Hyun Joong replied and left. She went to Yoona and asked Yoona where was Seohyun.

"She hasn't arrived. I called Kai, he said he was stuck on traffic and Seohyun got out and she was running"

"Sh*t" That was all he could say.

Krystal's walked finished and the crowd cheered.It was Seohyun's turn already but she still wasn't there. Suddenly, when HyunJoong thought all hope was lost.











The door opened, the sunlight came in, there was a beautiful figure standing there, panting.

"I( breathes in) I'm sorry I'm late" Seohyun bowed and apologized. For the first time in Hyun Joong's life, he never felt so relieved.

"Go go go. It's your turn now Seo!" Sunny pushed Seohyun who was still putting on her shoes and wiping her face.. The crowd cheered as Seohyun got out. Krystal was furious to see Seohyun. She stomped like a brat and threw her bag on the floor.

Seohyun was really beautiful that she almost reached the point of perfect. Her walk was natural and her movements were with grace. She was beautiful, graceful and natural. She was perfect!


"I'm happy to announce that the winner of this model competition is no other than Ms. Seo Joo Hyun. She showed that she was picture perfect and beautiful and flawless. I'm so happy for you Ms. Seo Joo Hyun!" Lee Hyori announced and gave Seohyun a big hug. The crowd cheered and stood up and gave Seohyun a big round of applause. Krystal was sulking by the corner. Thinking of her mistakes. Seohyun, who really had a kind heart, went to her.

"It's not about winning or loosing Krystal, it's how you play the game" Seohyun gave Krystal a hug.

"Why are you still kind to me even if you know I don't like you" Krystal asked.

"Because, you showed me how to have fun in this contest. You gave me a little challenge. Thank you" Seohyun smiled at Krystal.

"I'm really sorry" Krystal apologized.

"No problem"

"Seohyun!" Kai called. Seohyun then gave one last hug to Krystal and left.

"Kai!" Seohyun hugged Kai.

"Congratulations!" He hugged back " I'm sorry I didn't get to see you walk"

"It's fine! Thank you Kai!"


"So, about our deal" Sooyoung came to Hyun Joong with an embarrassed face.

"Forget about the deal. Live your life and put this as a lesson for you." Hyun Joong said with a cold voice.

"Thanks Hyun Joong and I'm sorry, to you and to Seohyun" With that, Sooyoung left and went to Krystal to tell her the good news.

"Hyung, don't forget our deal" Hyun Joong jumped in surprise as he saw Kwangmin and Youngmin beside him smiling evilly.

"I didn't forget!" He sneered angrily.


"You want our help?" The twins asked in unison.

"Yes! We need to give Kai and Seohyun a little time" Hyun Joong was really annoyed.

"Okay, with one condition though" The twins smiled at him


"You need to ask Seohyun noona on a date and tell her how you feel!"

"What?!" His eyes widened with shock

"Take it or leave it!" The twins gave him a cheesy look



"How could I forget" Hyun Joong sighed. He looked at Seohyun who was laughing with Kai.


stay in tune with the next chapter! hyun joong asked seohyun on a date....






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Chapter 25: Just finished rereading this story and I loved it again!!!!!!
Please make another SEOHYUN-HYUNJOONG ficcc..... :))
Eycha_sk11 #3
Chapter 25: Awwww, the sweeet confession ! >,<
Chapter 24: wooooo nice one Yoona!
i wonder how Nickhun will react to this?
Eycha_sk11 #5
Chapter 24: awww it sooo sweeeeet >,<
patito1977 #6
chingu hope bothering you but I really like your story and it looks as you put a lot of effort into writing it so I ask you not leave would be a waste as it looks to have a lot of talent writing novels I hope you can continue up chapters I have confidence in you
I've found you!! FIGHTING CHINGU
did kai just hear that?! i wonder if hyun joon heard that from afar?
i hope hyun joon heared the part when she said she loves him >__<
by the way happy u decided to countinue ur story =D