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"I want you to come with me tomorrow."

"To where?"

"I've arranged a meeting with-"

"Mommy please not again."

"Why? You're 27 this year Jessica. You're not getting younger and I'm not getting younger either. Also, did you forget the promise you made to me,to Appa before you finished your fashion studies 3 years ago?"

"B-but mommy..."

"I don't want to hear your excuse for now. I want you to follow me to meet Kim family tomorrow. Don't ever try to humiliate me Jung Sooyeon. Jung mother firmly warn.

"This is not fair and for what reason I should meet them tomorrow."

"This is not fair? You made the deal Sooyeon. If you can't find a partner by 26, you leave all of that matter to me. And now you're 27 almost 28 and still found no one, I have the right to choose it for you." The flat tone used by her mother means one thing which is business. And it sends chill down to her spine.

"But I still can't forget her." She mumbled under her breath which fortunately unheard by her mother.

"You know I was busy with my business and everything. How can I have the time to think about this thing." She reasoned out.

"I don't care. I want you to meet their daughter, Kim- "

"Mommy, I told you. I'm not interested. Stop bothering me with this thing.what if the one you find for me doesn't matches with me, with my taste. You don't want your daughter to marry someone who cannot take good care of your daughter well and make her happy right?" She was hoping that her mother would take a sense and consider it cancel because heck no would she marry someone she doesnt know. What if she emotionally suffers after the marriage. What if she will be left unhappy with the tied commitments of msrriage life. Hence, she doesnt want that.

"You don't have to worry about that. She's known for her kindness and good manners. She is also a very respected and a very successful businesswoman. About the look,you don't have to worry; she is one of the prettiest girl I've ever seen. And you think I'd find random person to marry my daughter? I've chose the best and this is the final. You don't have to worry." Jung mother assured her daughter.


"But I have someone already." She lied for the sake of her mother will believe her. But it is not a lie when she said she still cannot forget someone who she had a massive crush ever since in the university. Someone who caught her attention with her cute and pretty face also calm demeanor. Someone who she admired from afar whenever she had a chance to see that someone.

"Who? Why'd you never bring her to meet me? Where is she now?" As her mother, she was aware of her daughter preference since high school as Jessica few times told her about her massive crush on a girl but she didn't know who; and because of that she agree to marry her daughter with the Kim's only daughter.

"I...I don't know."

"That's just your exvuse. Enough,I don't wanna hear anything more now. You will come with me to meet them by tomorrow." Her mother fixed her focus on the phone she holding, refused to accept any sort of protest from her older daughter causing the girl to let out a stressful groan and stomped her feet before walk away, leave her mother alone.





"Taetae haven't you ready yet- oh? Baby why you still on the bed and in your bathrobe?" The sight of her wife when she opened the door to their bedroom invited a Small frown on Tiffany's perfectly make up face.


"Hmmm" taeyeon hummed. Laying on her stomach on the bed, with white bathrobe hugging her body as eyes fixed on the video game she playing.


"Tae we have 30 minutes left. Come on or omma will nagging at me for being late." Tiffany walked and sit beside her wife before patting the butts to get the latter attention but get none in return because her short wife was so concentrate on her video games that she ignores her.


"Aww!" Taeyeon yelp when her being pinched by none other than her gorgeous wife who looks extra fabulous since an hour ago. Pink dress that hugged her body perfectly and show her smooth white thighs that Taeyeon loves so much. Not to say her wife look so alluring with the exposed collarbones that made her want to print some red dots there using her lips.

Turned around with a cute frown upon her face, she rubs the place that sting. She flashed an adorable pout to her wife as a sign of protest.

"Ignore me again and I'll pinch your harder." Tiffany warn the shorter woman.

"Dictator." Taeyeon muttered under her breath as she slowly sitting up to face the wife.


"Nothing. I said 'Dangerous'." She flashed toothy grin when Tiffany threw 'i don't believe you' glare at her. Leaning in, she gave a peck on the sweet lips of her wife that she loves so much. "I'm sorry."

"I'll accept your sorry if you get up and get ready now."

"Do I have to?"

"You promised me Kim Taeyeon."

"Ara~" Taeyeon quickl

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Oh i missed this story.


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Wishing this story to be update :(
NekoLS #2
Chapter 5: Duhh the mother in law pressure surely annoying
Well both taeny are healthy its just they font have blessing to have kids yet
Although my taeny heart will heart if taengsic happen, i will put my trust on u authornim coz u always be one of my favourite authornimmm
Chapter 5: klo pihak ketiganya jess aku setuju wkwkwk
Chapter 5: I love drama although it hurt…
Chapter 5: Someone jealous
Chapter 5: Ya aku suka dramanya author
Bellove #7
Chapter 5: the drama is comingggg....goshh!!
TaeNysmith22 #8
Chapter 5: Welcome back, author! What a complicated couple we have here. I'm not used to Kim family being the mean ones keke.

Thank you for this update! ^^
Movie91 #9
Chapter 5: The pressure from the mother-in-law sounds really draining.
Chapter 3: oh here comes the holy Trinity, taenysic haha