Chapter 8 :)


Making her way into Rose's room Jennie smiled upon seeing pink coloured walls full of Disney posters and probably the most comfortable looking bed that Jennie has ever seen that is full with plushies and teddies and Jennie believes this room is the epitome of Rose: Innocent and Pure. 

What stood out to Jennie though is the the keyboard and guitar that took refuge in the corner of the room "Maybe I should ask her if she can teach me how to play" Jennie thought. 

Then Jennie's mind remembers how Wendy called her chipmunk so she decided to ask Rose how she got the nickname. "People call me chipmunk because of my plump cheeks and how like chipmunks they stick out when I eat something" Rose replied. 

Jennie smiled then says "Your contact name in my phone is Chipmunk Chae because I always thought you resembled one" Rose laughed and then replied "I'll change your contact name in my phone too Kitten Jennie because your facial features remind me of a cat" Jennie giggled and said "Everybody that I know say I resemble a cat too". 

"Can I ask a question?" Jennie asked Rose nodded so Jennie proceeded to say her question "What's your favourite Disney movie?" Rose took a moment to think "The Little Mermaid definitely my mum used to read it to me when I was younger and I've always loved it" Jennie nodded and then proceeded to look at the range of plushies on Rose's bed ranging from Pokemon's to Disney characters and she finds herself grinning because of how precious Rose is. 

​​​​​​​Rose then said "I should probably check my school email to see what the teacher wants us to do" so then she continued to get her laptop and when she went back on her bed she patted the space next to her to indicate to Jennie that she can sit next to her. So Jennie sat down next to Rose and whilst Rose was looking at the laptop screen waiting for it to load Jennie just stared at Rose admiring her side view and smiling at Rose's beauty. 

She got taken out of her staring by Rose announcing that she has the email and took a few seconds to read it and then she summarized the information within it "So basically he wants us to write a song about science so that he can mark it and grade us and he says that it's fun to mix two subjects together in this case music and science". 

"Well that's very convenient considering your a musical genius" Jennie said and she was unprepared because Rose turned to look at her with a big smiled whilst she thanked her for the compliment. To say Jennie's heart raced would be an understatement more like it exploded when she saw how radiant Rose's smile is and their close proximity wasn't really helping either. 

Rose then turned back to her laptop screen and said "We can start writing it tomorrow in lesson and at lunch too and maybe we could get together at the weekend so we can finish it as soon as possible" Jennie smiled and said "I'm down to do that". 

Rose then shut her laptop down and put it back on her nightstand and proceeded to ask "So what do you wanna do?" Jennie then took this as a opportunity to hear Rose's singing that she fell in love with when she heard her singing for the first time at school "Can you play something on your guitar?" Jennie hoped the hopeful look in her eyes would convince Rose to agree to her proposition. Rose hesitated for a few seconds but eventually she said "Okay I'll play some Jason Mraz you can pick the song" Jennie smiled and replied "Please can you play I'm Yours?" Rose nodded and then went to get her guitar and then she sat on the bed with her guitar on her lap strumming it so it was in the right key and then proceeded to sing a few lines of I'm Yours whilst Jennie smiled so wide at the sound of Rose's voice and how her ideal type of heaven is just having Rose serenade her everyday. 

When Rose finished she asked Jennie "So did you like it?" Jennie nodded with lots of enthusiasm "It was amazing" Rose giggled and then asked another question "I can teach you how to play if you want to learn it" Jennie smiled and responded with "That would be awesome I've always wanted to know how to play the guitar". 

Rose smiled and proceeded to place the guitar to back where it was before and then layer her back against the headboard of her bed to be more comfortable. As Rose was moving on her bed her uniform shirt lifted up a bit exposing to Jennie the purple bruises that she gained from when Jackson hit her and Jennie's smile immediately came of her face when she sees how much damage happened to Rose because of Jackson and she remembered how Rose came up with an excuse when Wendy asked about the bruise on her face which worried Jennie because Rose shouldn't keep this bottled within herself so she proceeds to tell Rose "By the way Chae if you ever need someone to talk to just call me or text me or just try and find me at school I'll always be there for you no matter what". 

Rose smiled and Jennie could see the pain in her eyes as Rose says "I will I trust you" and when Jennie heard those words she felt relief a little knowing that Rose will come to her when she has problems. 

Rose then asked "Do you want to see my notebook that I told you about earlier at lunch at school today? Jennie nodded and said "Yes it intrigues me" Rose giggled at Jennie's words and took the notebook out of her school bag and handed it to Jennie​​​. 

As Jennie flipped page after page she was smiling as she saw really good drawings of various things that ranged from flowers to of course Disney characters and even real life celebrities and Jennie made a joke "If music doesn't work out for you just become an artist because these are fantastic. Rose smiled at Jennie's compliment and then Jennie asked "If I text you a selfie of me can you draw me?" Rose nodded and said "Yep it may take a few days though" Jennie grinned and replied "I'm sure it'll be worth the wait" Rose giggled and took her notebook back from Jennie and put it on her nightstand. 

Wendy then shouted from downstairs "Chae bring yourself and your friend downstairs I need to ask you something?" Jennie giggled a bit when Chae jumped from the sudden voice and then Chae said "Okay mother we'll come down". Then Rose got up off the bed and smiled at Jennie who proceeded to follow Rose downstairs back into the kitchen to see what Wendy wants to ask Rose. 

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 finished sorry it took long been busy lately hope you enjoyed reading it I'll try and get the next chapter done by this week you'll also be introduced to Irene next chapter. :)




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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hello
Chapter 8: I hope you could update soon, fighting author :P
Chapter 8: irene wawwww estoy emocionada :D
Dianaparker #4
Chapter 8: Omg does Wendy knows?
Chapter 8: What is she gonna ask her about? I hope Wendy realized her daughter's condition at school..
chadchad #6
Chapter 8: mama irene is gonna be mad if she see chaeng's cheek
Chapter 8: Poor Chae </3
Chaennie is cute :)
Thanks autor.
Dianaparker #8
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next chap!
Chapter 7: Hmm Her parents still are oblivious to her condition.. That jackson guy should be punished..