Chapter 5 :)


Before making her way to her lesson before lunch Rose decided to go to the bathroom to check on her condition of her body after Jackson's assault from her first lesson this morning. 

She went inside the toilets and checked every stall to see if anyone was in there because she doesn't want to deal with someone pestering her over her situation. When she knows that nobody is going to interrupt her she untucked her shirt from her skirt and lifted it. Her eyes widen when she sees 3 massive dark purple bruises on her skin realizing that she underestimated how much damage Jackson had actually done. 

After her initial shock Rose tucks her shirt into her skirt again thinking "I can't let my mothers find out" remembering that Jackson once said to her "If you tell anybody about what I do to you I'll make sure not only you but the people around you suffer too". 

The ferociousness in Jackson's eyes scared Rose so she made sure to never let anybody find out what Jackson does to her. Taking a deep breath to help cope with her current situation Rose starts making her way over to her next lesson. 

Jennie is ecstatic when she realises that the lesson is nearly over and that lunch is soon getting giddy and excited over seeing her crush Rose again. As soon as the bell rings she grabs her stuff making her way over to her friend Nayeon's lesson to tell her that their lunch has had a change of plans. 

As she waited for Nayeon to finish putting away her stuff she made a gesture to make sure she hurries up. Nayeon sees this and is slightly confused because she has never seen Jennie so erratic before. 

Nayeon reaches Jennie and raises an eyebrow and says "Why are you in such a rush and why are you smiling so much?", Jennie smiles even wider responding "Because I talked to Rose and I got her phone number and we are eating our lunch with her and her friend so come on let's go get our lunch quickly". 

Nayeon didn't really have time to process this information before being pulled by Jennie so they can get in the lunch queue quickly. 

When they arrived at the queue and were waiting for their food Nayeon finally had a chance to speak "Wow Jennie you aren't a wimp for once when it comes to Rose", Jennie just rolls her eyes and grabs a tray receiving her food with Nayeon right beside her. 

"So where are we meeting them?" Nayeon asks, Jennie just says "Follow me" so Nayeon follows her. 

They eventually arrived at the room that Rose said to go to. Standing outside the door Jennie was starting to feel nerves because she'll have to be in close proximity with her chipmunk again. Nayeon looked at Jennie confused and says "Oi lovesick fool are we actually going to go inside the room and or just stay outside?, Jennie composes herself and knocks on the door to be polite. 

​​​​​​​When the door opens Jennie and Nayeon aren't introduced to Rose but Yeri Rose's friend. Yeri smiles and says "Hi you must be Jennie and you must be Jennie's friend Rose told me you would be joining us come in", Jennie smiles before making her way inside the room Nayeon following behind. 

Jennie sees Rose immediately her heart doing skips when she sees her with a guitar on her lap and a notepad and pen beside her. Rose smiles when she sees Jennie putting her guitar down and making her way over to you. "Hi again" Rose says and Jennie responds "Hey I hope you don't mind I brought my friend along her name is Nayeon. Nayeon smiles and Rose says "It's fine this is Yeri my friend", Yeri smiles before making her way over to where she sat before Jennie and Nayeon knocked on the door. When Yeri sits down she says "Come here Nayeon I want to know more about you", Nayeon nods making her way over to Yeri and they both do small talk with each other. 

Rose smiles knowing how friendly Yeri is to other people. She looks at Jennie and says "Yeri is a social butterfly unlike me who can't even speak to a class publicly", Jennie chuckles slightly relieved that Nayeon and Yeri are getting along well because then she can talk to Rose without being interrupted and responds to Rose saying "Nayeon's the same as Yeri however people don't come near me because they find me too intimidating", Rose chuckles because she knows about Jennie's reputation and replies "I don't know why people think that because I find you very sweet and nice" before making her way over to her guitar. 

Jennie blushes at the compliment Rose gave her smiling and makes her way over to sit next to Rose. Noticing Rose's guitar she asks Rose a question to start a conversation with her "How long have you been playing the guitar?", Rose smiles at her guitar and responds "For a couple of years my mum helped me to learn how to play it", Jennie acknowledges Rose's answer before following up with another question "Do you write songs?", Rose nods indicating yes before pointing to her notebook beside her "That's what that is for I come to this room at lunch and write songs because the quiet helps me think of ideas", Jennie smiles and thinks "A talented chipmunk", Rose continues "I also draw things in there when I am bored or am inspired by something". 

"Wow your quite talented" Jennie voices and Rose smiles and replies "Thank you" and voices a question of her own "What are your interests?", Jennie smiles and replies "I can rap well and I write my own sometimes about various topics", Rose smiles and replies "Your quite talented too", Jennie laughs and responds "Thank you". 

They talk about more things until there was about 5 minutes till the end of lunch. Jennie pouted when she realises her conversation with Rose is going to have to end. Yeri interrupts them by saying "Me and Nayeon thinks it is a good idea to walk home together do you guys want to?", Jennie nods enthusiastically when she realises that it means more time with Rose and she would never pass up that opportunity. 

Nayeon laughs at Jennie's enthusiasm and Yeri responds "Okay we'll wait by the school gates for each other". 

Nayeon and Yeri make their way to exit the room together waving Jennie and Rose goodbye. Jennie and Rose respond with a wave of their own. "Looks like we'll have to go", Jennie says sadly. Rose responds with "Yep unfortunately but it was nice talking to you", Jennie smiles  and replies "It was nice chatting to you too". 

They both made their way over to the exit and Rose departed first going to the left while waving Jennie goodbye. Jennie responds with a wave of her own smiling widely making her way over to her own lesson. 

When the final lesson was about to end Rose was smiling because of walking home with Jennie. Putting her things away she makes her way over to the classroom exit and makes her way towards the school gates. 

Whilst she was making her way over she was suddenly pulled hardly by someone into a room by her wrist. 

She widened her eyes when she sees Jackson making his way to the room's door and locking it turning around with his eyes dark and threatening and says menacingly "We meet again". 

Authors Note:

Another chapter yay. Hope you enjoyed reading no updates recently because of my busy life lol. 

P. S. 

Sorry for the sorta cliffhanger at the end. :)






































































































































































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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hello
Chapter 8: I hope you could update soon, fighting author :P
Chapter 8: irene wawwww estoy emocionada :D
Dianaparker #4
Chapter 8: Omg does Wendy knows?
Chapter 8: What is she gonna ask her about? I hope Wendy realized her daughter's condition at school..
chadchad #6
Chapter 8: mama irene is gonna be mad if she see chaeng's cheek
Chapter 8: Poor Chae </3
Chaennie is cute :)
Thanks autor.
Dianaparker #8
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next chap!
Chapter 7: Hmm Her parents still are oblivious to her condition.. That jackson guy should be punished..