Chapter 2 :)


As soon as Rose arrived at the school gates she instantly wanted to turn back and go back home because she was already exhausted. The school of nightmares was Rose's nickname for her school which she believed is a perfect name for it. The school was quite plain and boring just like any other school and the people who went there were awful except Yeri her best friend. 

Rose's face formed a smile when she saw Yeri waiting for her by the school entrance. Making her way towards her Rose made sure she kept her head low and avoided eye contact with people especially a certain group of people who had a sole purpose to make Rose's life hell whilst she was at school. The leader of said group who's name was Jackson smirked when he saw Rose avoiding his eyes he was about to shout a derogatory term at her when his friend Mark took his attention away to focus on him instead of Rose. 

When she eventually made her way to Yeri Rose thought "At least he didn't say anything to me" but Rose's relief was short-lived when she remembered she has a lesson with him. Trying to get rid of her thoughts of Jackson she initiated a conversation with Yeri who still had no idea that Rose was behind her. 

Rose tapped Yeri's shoulder gently to make sure she didn't scare her "Hi" Rose said whilst smiling. Yeri reciprocated with a hug wrapping her arms around Rose "Yay my favourite person is here" Yeri responded, Rose just chuckled and she also felt less tense than she was before. "I posted our pic on Facebook is that okay?" Yeri questioned, Yeri knew Rose doesn't like to have pics of them posted so she was slightly anxious Rose's response would be. Surprising Yeri,  Rose just smiled replying "It's fine it's only one pic". Yeri then turned quite serious knowing that Rose wasn't quite cheerfull and she knew full well the reason why so she makes sure Rose feels safe by saying "If that and his minions give you any today just tell me okay", at these words Rose smiles happy knowing that Yeri will always be there for her but Rose doesn't want Yeri getting involved because she doesn't want any harm to come to Yeri so Rose replies "Don't worry I'm fine maybe we should go inside classes are going to start in a couple of minutes", Yeri wants to protest saying that she is being very sincere and wants Rose to know she's not alone but decides against it knowing Rose won't accept any help because she always puts other people's health before hers so she nods and links arms with Rose the two going inside the school building to their classes. 

​​​​​​​Unknown to Rose a certain woman called Jennie Kim has had her eyes on Rose as soon as she arrived at the school gates admiring Rose's gorgeous view from afar as to not appear as some sort of stalker. Jennie then sees her with Yeri and she smile knowing that Rose has good people around her. 

But her face immediately hardens when she spots Jackson's group her fists clenching "Bastards" Jennie thinks. From Jennie's observations of Rose she knows full well of how horrid that group treats Rose like she is some sort of creature. Jennie has wanted to interrupt them so many times an impulse that she just wants to punch every single one of them but she has to hold back because she doesn't want her mother to have more stress. ​​​​​​​

It pains Jennie to see her precious Rose getting unfairly treated and she always ends up feeling guilty when she does nothing to stop them. Being startled out of her thoughts Jennie jumps when her friend Nayeon scares her. "Jesus Nayeon don't do that" Jennie says after she recovers from being scared, Nayeon just laughs very loudly becuase it's a rare occurrence that Jennie is scared it's normally Jennie scaring other people with her intimidating aura. Nayeon's eyes then trail to where Jennie's eyesight was earlier feeling not surprised when she ends up looking at Rose so she says "Are you being a secret admirer again?", Jennie stays silent so Nayeon takes that as a yes letting out a small chuckle she iterates "Just talk to her so she at least knows of your existence", Jennie just sighs when she hears knowing how nervous she gets when she gets close to Rose so she replies "I would but everytime I'm close to her I turn into a stuttering mess", when Nayeon hears this she teases Jennie saying "Oh my god the badass Jennie Kim turning into a stuttering mess I never would've thought that would happen", Jennie just rolls her eyes but she knows that what Nayeon says is true to other people Jennie acts nonchalant and quite savage but when it comes to Rose she becomes gentler and more softer because of how innocent Rose is and will do anything to make Rose happier but she still hasn't even talked to Rose yet. 

"You know what today I'll not be a wimp and will talk to her" Jennie declares out loud, Nayeon is shocked and says "Wow finally only took years for you to actually do it", Jennie shoots a glare to Nayeon which Nayeon laughs at. When Jennie's corner of her eye spots Rose moving she turns and looks to see her and Yeri going inside the school building Jennie looks Rose up and down admiring Rose's back view "She's so perfect definitely my ideal type" Jennie thinks. Nayeon clears to make sure that Jennie knows she is till there with her but Jennie is too preoccupied with her usual routine of checking Rose out every school morning. Nayeon teases Jennie again "Maybe she needs to put a restraining order on you", Jennie just nods absentmindedly still looking at Rose and starts heading towards the school's entrance also with Nayeon following behind both of them making their way to their classes. 

Authors Note:

Second chapter done yay hope you enjoyed reading it, slightly longer than the first chapter haha next chapter will have more Chaennie interactions and will most likely be a longer chapter because it's Friday tomorrow I might even do two chapters haha btw I don't hate Got7, Jackson was the first male idol I could think off and we are also introduced to Yeri and Nayeon yay so see you guys tomorrow with maybe two chapters :)

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Favebolous #1
Chapter 8: Hello
Chapter 8: I hope you could update soon, fighting author :P
Chapter 8: irene wawwww estoy emocionada :D
Dianaparker #4
Chapter 8: Omg does Wendy knows?
Chapter 8: What is she gonna ask her about? I hope Wendy realized her daughter's condition at school..
chadchad #6
Chapter 8: mama irene is gonna be mad if she see chaeng's cheek
Chapter 8: Poor Chae </3
Chaennie is cute :)
Thanks autor.
Dianaparker #8
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next chap!
Chapter 7: Hmm Her parents still are oblivious to her condition.. That jackson guy should be punished..