Burn baby burn

A er for Happy Endings
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Jennie wished she had just gone out with Jisoo.


Honestly, Jennie didn’t know why she declined in the first place. Although if she were to think about it again, she supposed it was because Jisoo had mentioned inviting the members of Red Velvet to a girls’ night out as well. It wasn’t like Jennie hated them— of course she wouldn’t— it’s just that she wasn’t like her unnie who thrived being around a ton of people. Despite her fierce and confident appearance on stage, Jennie was an introvert at heart. Luckily, her best friend understood this as well and promised that she’d come back sober and with food. Seulgi, through the phone, promised to take care of Jisoo while they were out as well. Knowing Seulgi and her kind personality, Jennie wasn’t worried.


What she did care about now, however, was the disturbing sounds coming from the room beside hers. Was this why Lisa and Chaeyoung had announced that they were together? So they could do this without having to filter their noise? Jennie breathed in, trying her best to not let the fact that they were practically going at it in their room get to her already broken heart.


She’d already accepted the fact that they’re together, but that doesn’t change the fact that it still hurt. A lot.


Her wound was still fresh, and try as she might, Jennie knew she couldn’t speed up the healing process no matter how hard she tried. For the past few days, she’d been out and about after she had taken Kuma and Dalgom out of the daycare center she and Jisoo had left them in for a few days due to their hectic schedules. Jennie had given them walks, trained them, played with them, and had done anything that could distract herself from her current reality. She hadn’t hung out with her close friends outside of blackpink for a while, however, for Jennie knew that she wasn’t ready to face them. They’d be able to read her immediately. And when that happens, they’re going to ask questions.


Jennie knew she wasn’t ready to handle that just yet.


She didn’t know how Jisoo did it. Even though Jisoo had been crying more than herself in the earlier stages of their shared heartbreak— if she could even call it that— Jisoo had also been the one to comfort her more often than not despite her own tears. Jisoo had also been the one courageous enough to just go out, move on, and live her life. Hell, she was out with her other friends right now, probably having the time of her life. Jennie wouldn’t be surprised if she had truly moved on and had gotten herself a girlfriend tonight. Jisoo was always the stronger one out of the two of them, after all.


Jennie had been so caught up with her thoughts that she didn’t notice her phone vibrate with multiple notifications popping up on the screen, the dogs barking, and heavy footsteps approaching her room. When the door slammed open, Jennie’s body jumped out of shock. Leaning on the doorway was Jisoo, with red puffy eyes and her once perfectly smoothed out hair was now all over the place. Immediately, Jennie rushed towards Jisoo who seemed to be too weak to stand on her own two feet at the moment.

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Yay that's the end of that! Thanks for reading my sad attempt at trying to smash fluff and angst together :')


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 9: Jensoo and Chaelisa fo the win. And red velvet!
Chapter 9: 😍😍😍😍 i miss jensoo 🥺
rainbowseulgi #3
Chapter 1: oh my god im crying
Chapter 5: If you really really love me, tell me
hangryeats #6
Chapter 9: uno game had me smiling like an idiot
578 streak #7
Chapter 9: My jensoo ♥️
dkdldb #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh this was so good
KittenThief #9
This went from painful, to okish, to heart breakings and ended up beautifully!
Loved the last chapter! Black velvet mess in your area!