
In The Galaxy [OPEN]
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Something Suspicious 

There was something suspicious in this place. Yujin was smart; that was how she got this job. So, she could smell that something was being hidden under her nose. No one else had said anything to her though; no one, in particular, had been problematic. But there was something; Yujin just knew there was something about the company self-labelled as 'The Red Force', and Yujin wanted an answer to her worries.

"Yujin, run and tell Mr Han!"

"What about Changkyun?" Changkyun's head was resting on Yuri's knees, and his eyes were closed, the ambulance was on its way.

"I've grabbed a cushion off the sofa," Answered Jooheon, dropping down to his knees next to Yujin.

"So you go, you've been here a few months, so you know the place better than me", Jooheon explained, and Yujin resisted the urge to eye her superiors, that had been here for years longer than she had.

"Alright." Yujin gave up with a nod and scampered on her way, pulling out her phone to dial Mr Han's number to locate him quicker, only if Mr Han would answer the phone, that is. Yujin used her head. She figured that Mr Han hadn't picked up his phone because he had left it in his office, he walked away from it a lot, and he was sometimes a bit of an empty-headed man. The next, and only other place Yujin could think of, was downstairs in the underground labs. That was where Mr Han did all his work, so when she got to the doorway to the stairs, she wiped her card without hesitance. Mr Han needed to know what was going on.

"Mr Han!" Yujin was yelling from the moment she got to the bottom of the stairs, her black shoes clacking and contrasting against the white tails of the floor. Yujin also preferred to dress in all black to match the dark shade of her hair. She stuck out like a sore thumb against the white halls.

"Mr Han!" Yujin continued until her fist was repeatedly smacking against the door to Mr Han's lab.

"Yujin?" Through her stress, Yujin managed to hear the confused, if not kind of irritated, voice of Mr Han.

"Mr Han, we need your help upstairs-" Yujin began to rush out through the closed door.

"This better be urgent, Yujin. We're in the middle of a project here", Mr Han warned, she hadn't heard a tone like that from Mr Han before.

"It is! The new guy Changkyun inhaled some of the chemicals he was spraying in his lab and now he's unconscious. The ambulance is on the way!" 

"He what?" 

"He was having hallucinations while we tried to assess what happened to call the ambulance and by the time we had given them the address he was fainting" Yujin reiterated until the door was swung open and Mr Han greeted her as he yanked a pair of gloves off his hands. Yujin caught something pink from behind Mr Han, but it was quickly covered by his assistant, Mrs Yoo who came to stand behind him, looking as exasperated as Mr Han did.

"These rookies, were you not being supervised for this experimentation?"

"Yes, by several of our seniors." Yujin confirmed. Her answer only further disgusted Mrs Yoo. 

"Let's not worry about the minor details for now," Mr Han cleared his throat and fixed his position, it became clear to Yujin quickly that something was being hidden in that room. Mr Han was known for his secrets, but he seemed to be more on guard about the door this time around than he was any other time, he hadn't even invited her in like he normally would.

"The most important thing is getting upstairs to Changkyun and getting him to the hospital, Mrs Yoo. The rest of you can finish up here, we probably won't be back for some time" Mr Han warned as Yujin stepped out of the way to watch Mr Han and Mrs Yoo ran out the door, followed by several more of Yujin's seniors.

"Where are they?" The final one out the door asked, and again, Yujin saw a fluff of pink behind them. Hair?

"In the labs on the third floor" She explained and then her senior was rushing away, letting the door fall closed. That was until it didn't click shut. Yujin watched the door in hesitation. Her hunch from earlier came back to plague her and she almost didn't let it win until it was like she lost control of her foot, watching it shoot out to stop the door just before it could click shut. Yujin stared at her foot in bewilderment, unable to believe what she had done.

Was this the right thing to do?

What? Of course not! Top secret or not there would be consequences to invading another person's work space. This room is kept confidential, most likely for a good reason.

"The doors not closing" One voice pointed out, waking Yujin up and stirring panic within her.

"There's a foot poking through the door" Another voice pointed out, they sounded monotonous, like they had to point something out for another brainless idiot that was wasting their time. 

"Who goes there?" A third voice demanded to know and Yujin in a breath, pulling her foot back but putting a hand up so the door wouldn't shut.

"I said who's there? Speak your name!" Yujin figured out pretty fast that trying to avoid confrontation would only anger the people on the other side of the door and prolong the situation. With a deep breath in and out, Yujin pushed the door open and revealed herself. She looked up from her feet when there were only sounds of frustration at her presence, stunned by the reaction.

Two big and burly men were what greeted her, dressed in all black like she was to show that they meant business. But i

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