Basically Brothers

7 Years of Love

Your POV

I ring the doorbell and shiver. I never expected it to be this cold in the middle of spring, and I had put on a dress with no jacket because Kyuhyun told me that I was meeting some friends of his. I wanted to look nice. Jumping up and down to keep warm, I wonder who these "friends" of his are. In a few seconds, I am facing a smiling Kyuhyun, who wraps me in a tight hug. 

"Kyu," I pout, "it's freezing out here and I've been waiting forever."

"Sorry," he kisses my pout, then wraps me in a tighter hug. "Is this better?"

Although I enjoy the hug, I have to admit that it doesn't help much to keep me warm. "A little, but let's go inside!"

As I try to break free from his embrace, he pulls me back again and covers my eyes with his hands. "You have to promise not to peek, okay?"

"Yes oppa. Can we please go inside now?"

He leads me through the front door and I sigh in relief at the warm. "So, why do I have to have my eyes covered?" 

"Okay," he finally speaks. "In three, two, one!"

When Kyu counts down to one, he uncovers my eyes and 14 other guys appear. I'm surprised at how all of them could manage to stay quiet and most importantly, fit in one room. Then I realize who they are. "Wait, is this...Super Junior?" I gasp out loud as Kyuhyun releases me from his grip. "Zhou Mi and Henry, too? Anyong haseyo! My name is ________. It's great to finally meet you." I manage an awkward bow.

One of them steps out, smiling, with an adorable dimple under his eye. "Anyong. My name is Leeteuk," he says, shaking my hand.

"I know," I squeal, automatically covering my mouth and blushing. I mentally slap myself for acting fan-girly in front of my Kyu's friends.

He chuckles and pinches my boyfriend's cheeks. "Well, she's a cutie," he says, making me blush harder.

Each of them introduces themselves to me, although I already know their names. They also each perform a quirky gesture to make themselves stand out. 

"Ugh I'm sorry," Kyuhyun mumbles. "I told them to tone down their hyperness."

"It's totally okay," I laugh. "I find it charming."

The rest of the day is filled with silly games, food, and movies. I get to know each of their personalities a bit better, and I love to see Kyu fooling around with his fellow members. As we watch yet another movie, I find myself getting sleepy and rest my head on Kyu's lap. He gently wraps an arm around my waist. When I drift off to sleep, I find it hard to believe how perfect today has been.


Whew! I finally updated :D Thanks for waiting!

masked-emotions: Thank you! It took me forever to put my thoughts into words XD I'm glad you liked it.

Lucinda1990: Wow, I never knew my writing had so much emotion in it :D Thank you so much!


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Chapter 3: Chapter 8: Such a coincidence...the name of the character in this story is the same name I used for my username...anyways, love this story though! Can't wait for you to update!
Chapter 8: This is a great story~ Keep up the good work! ^^
hellojazzii #3
Chapter 8: i absolutely LOVE the bit about kangin torturing eunhyuk, yesung talking to his turtle, ryeowook singing and cooking, heechul talking to himself in the mirror and leeteuk trying to calm everyone down, bahaha. true suju moment there. and siwon's adorable religious self. but awuh, this is such a cute story! i love kyuhyun, and hope you update soon!
99618894 #4
nooo :(
poor Kyuhyun...
ewitsmaryy #5
OMG. from the first chapter I actually wanted to cry ;___;
Bro. this is AMAZING!!!
I wanted to bang my head against a wall, but it was awesome!
I would've banged my head on the nearest wall, but there are pictures on the other side and the walls really thin so they would've fallen dow -.-" So, instead I face palmed! :3
I love the story, it almost made me cry it was so sad TT^TT
Don't feel offended or like you did a bad job, I'm an emotional hardass :P
Tihlee #7
i had to stop myself from cheering because my grandma was right behind me. LOL! it was amazing. XD
omg! im a first time reader :) its so sweet i cried :) awesome job!
How sweet the way you described her feelings, the kiss, him ... Very nice and well done!! ^^
Happy birthday Kyu-baby!!!
They saw each other again how thrilling!!!
It's her!! It's him!!
How wonderful!! <3