remembering the last taste of freedom

Dance for your life


“… Mi-chan? MI-CHAN?!?!”

“uh huh.. sorry.”  I continued looking out the window. “Is something bothering you dear?”  I looked away, I don’t like having to hide things from her she’s like a mother to me.  

She gave me that knowing look and walked out of the room.  

“The folder on  your desk is from your father, it’s some work concerning the business.” 

“Yes thank you.  I’ll get started on it now.”  Flipping through the pages , skimming here and there… signature, done.   Grabbing my coat I headed to the front door. “I’m going for a walk, call me if you need anything.”  

 The cool wind blew harshly, throwing litter around the street.  Pulling my collar up I walk to the park, and sit on the swings.




“Now Mi-chan you aren’t going to live with mommy and daddy anymore. Instead you’ll live in a new house, and you’ll do all your schooling there.”  Mrs.-----  looked her child in the eyes as she told her they would not live together. 

“NOOO! I wanna stay with you! I’ll be good I promise!  Mommy don’t leave meeeee!”  tears streamed down the tiny child’s face as she cried.  Mrs.---- signaled to the women by the door to come and take the child away. 

   The women wrapped the child in her arms and took her out the car waiting for them.  She hushed and cooed to the distraught child who cried herself to sleep.


“Mi-chan I made you some breakfast.”  The women smiled happily at the child.

“Who are you? ”  

“My name is Galinda, I’m your nanny.”

“Where is my mom? Can I see her?”

A sad look crossed Galinda’s face as she spoke “No, Do you remember what happened yesterday?”



For the next 3 months the 4 year old Mi-chan cried for her mother every night, and every morning she would wait by the phone for a phone call… none ever came.

  One morning turning to her nanny the child spoke “ She’s not going to call me or visit is she?”

“ I’m sorry Mi-chan.”  The poor womens heart ached as the sad, longing look left the child eyes  and a distant, closed look entered them instead.   She watched as the child that she thought as her own got up and left. 


*****Mi-chans pov( still flash back)*****


“stupid tears…stupid parents…stupid life”  without thinking she ran out the front door and just kept running until she couldn’t run anymore.  Collapsing on the ground covering her face she cried.

“Hey. You! What’s wrong?”  Mi-chan looked up to look at the older boy, she told him everything.

“I’ll help you get home.”  Grabbing her hand  he helped her find her way home.  

“Thank you…. One day I’ll pay you back.” MI-chan whispered and gave the boy a kiss on the cheek. 


**** End of Flaashback*******


“the clouds in the sky are so free, able to move and do what ever they like. The first time I came to this park and met that boy was the same day I lost all my freedom.”  I wonder if I will ever taste that freedom and individuality again? 

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